`majka svih APU-a` `nema garancija da ce se EHP pojaviti i u varijantama za obicne, krajnje korisnike` `napravljen je da se skalira neograniceno., da bi bio mocan rival Intelovim Xeon Phi koprocesorima i za GPGPU trziste`
Labudova pesma AMD-a? Ili mozda neko konacno osvescivanje i povratak u konkurentnost...
Interesantan isecak iz clanka, tice se preterane i nepotrebne teselacije otkrivene u Crysis-u 2, a koja je primenjena na nebitnim objektima u igri, i za koju se sumnja, ponavljam, sumnja, da je ubacena da bi favorizovala Nvidiju (nije moja `teorija zavere`, nego se to pominje kao mogucnost u tekstu ispod): `over-tessellation that was discovered by TechReport.com in Crysis 2 a few years ago. Where invisible bodies of water and blocks of concrete were needlessly subjected to huge amounts of tessellation that did not contribute to the visual quality of the game but negatively impacted performance. The question is: Why? Why did Crytek decide to tessellate the heck out of this object that has no apparent need for it? As a very high-profile title, Crysis 2 has gotten lots of support from Nvidia in various forms. In and of itself, such support is generally a good thing for PC gaming. In fact, we doubt the DX11 patch for this game would even exist without Nvidia’s urging. We know for a fact that folks at Nvidia were disappointed about how the initial Crysis 2 release played out, just as many PC gamers were. The trouble comes when, as sometimes happens, the game developer and GPU maker conspire to add a little special sauce to a game in a way that doesn’t benefit the larger PC gaming community. There is precedent for this sort of thing in the DX11 era. Both the Unigine Heaven demo and Tom Clancy’s HAWX 2 cranked up the polygon counts in questionable ways that seemed to inflate the geometry processing load without providing a proportionate increase in visual quality.”
`Sumnjamo da bi DX11 patch za Crysis 2 uopste postojao, da Nvidija nije urgirala da se izbaci`
(U Witcheru 3 AMD karte znaju da `shtucaju` isto zbog preterane teselacije, 64x, koju koristi GameWorks, pa je AMD bio ponudio fix da se u Catalystu ogranici maximalna teselacija na 8x, i onda igra radi lepo, bila je tema o tome)
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