Ljudi, interesuje me cemu sluzi (sta napaja) strujni konektor 4/8 na ploci? Obicno stoji negde oko CPU-a. Iz starog napajanja je izlazio samo jedan konektor sa 4 pina, pa je on bio ukljucen. Novo napajanje ima kablic sa 8 pinova, pa sam prikacio oba. Nema razlike u radu racunara. Cemu sluzi (a uz to jos i ne radi) 4pinski konektor koji nije bio prikljucen sa starim napajanjem?
Ako je bitno, ploca je P5Q Pro Turbo.
Unapred hvala.
- Just look at us.Everything is backwards. everything is upside down.Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality
- Just look at us.Everything is backwards. everything is upside down.Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality
Za ona prva 4 sam pretpostavljao (zbog blizine CPUa). A za ova druga 4 nisam bio siguran, posto je moj cpu i ovako radio kako treba. A u manualu nema nista na tu temu. A sta ces, ti si rodjo talenat sa 213 postova i svim znanjem ovog sveta.
Pozdrav. - Just look at us.Everything is backwards. everything is upside down.Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality
A za one koje interesuje detaljnije objasnjenje na stranskom:
`It depends on how it`s wired and what your needs are. I don`t think most of today`s CPU`s need the 8pin, seeing as most P4`s and PD`s ran just fine with the 4pin connector and they used much more power than Core2`s.
But in reality, if it`s wired as 8 independent wires from the PSU, those wires will have more current carrying capacity than 4 wires between the PSU and the motherboard. It`s all about increasing current carrying capacity.
For example, there are specifications for how much current can be carried across certain gauge wire. See a chart like this one I just randomly googled for. http://www.powerstream.com/Wire_Size.htm
The 4 pin connectors have 2 supply wires and 2 return wires, so you really only have 2 conductors for the path. I don`t know what gauge they are, but for example purposes lets say they are 20AWG. According to the previous chart, 11 amps capacity without overloading the wires..
With the 4 pin connector, you can deliver upto 22amps on the 12V rail to the motherboard and CPU and still remain in spec.
With the 8 pin connector, you can double that to 44amps.
Being be combined inside the power supply doesn`t matter, the power supply traces *should* be of a size to properly support the maximum current capacity of the power supply. The same thing for the motherboard, even if the traces are combined there, the motherboard`s design engineers should have made those traces large enough, heavy enough to handle whatever the max current will be. Those details are irrelevant and users have no control. The different connectors are to ensure the path between these two systems are sufficient.`
- Just look at us.Everything is backwards. everything is upside down.Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality
Pozdrav. - Just look at us.Everything is backwards. everything is upside down.Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality
Pozdrav. - Just look at us.Everything is backwards. everything is upside down.Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality
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