If the global crisis continues, by the end of the year, only two Banks will be operational: the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank, the most liquid banks at the moment. Logically....Those 2 banks will merge and will be called `The Bloody Fucking Bank`.
Omašio sam temu na forumu, ali će se bar neko od Vas nasmejati kada pročita... lol
Mlađan Dinkić i Chuk Norris će da sačuvaju građane Srbije od uticaja globalne finansijke krize... Naročito ekstra bogate penzionere koji ne plaćaju porez!
:: If the global crisis continues, by the end of the year, only two Banks will be operational: the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank, the most liquid banks at the moment. Logically....Those 2 banks will merge and will be called `The Bloody Fucking Bank` :: :: :: :: Omašio sam temu na forumu, ali će se bar neko od Vas nasmejati kada pročita... lol
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