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PDA i SmartPhone
225 000 Apple account kredencijala pokradeno sa jailbreakovanih uredjaja
Milos1975 225 000 Apple account kredencijala pokradeno sa jailbreakovanih uredjaja 01.09.2015. 09:20 T61982

status: user
broj poruka: 417

More than 225,000 Apple accounts have been stolen from users of jailbroken Apple devices in a huge malware attack.

Researchers for Weiptech and Palo Alto Networks revealed the account credentials were stolen through malware distributed via Cydia, a popular jailbreaking tool.

Jailbreaking is the practice of bypassing the software restrictions on devices, which is there for security reasons or to purposely limit the software.

For example, Apple only allows you to install apps on its devices from their official App Store, allowing them to screen and control how users can use their devices. By jailbreaking your device, you can run a range of different applications on it that may not have been officially approved by Apple.
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lakiwot Re: 225 000 Apple account kredencijala pokradeno sa jailbreakovanih uredjaja 01.09.2015. 10:14 #601958

status: user
broj poruka: 1118
Vrh, trula jabuka.

:: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/225000-apple-account-credentials-stolen-from-jailbroken-devices-10480294.htm
:: More than 225,000 Apple accounts have been stolen from users of jailbroken Apple devices in a huge malware attack
:: Researchers for Weiptech and Palo Alto Networks revealed the account credentials were stolen through malware distributed via Cydia, a popular jailbreaking tool
:: Jailbreaking is the practice of bypassing the software restrictions on devices, which is there for security reasons or to purposely limit the software
:: For example, Apple only allows you to install apps on its devices from their official App Store, allowing them to screen and control how users can use their devices. By jailbreaking your device, you can run a range of different applications on it that may not have been officially approved by Apple
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MaliAbner Kakve veze ima jabuka sa neadekvatnim koriscenjem uredjaja ? 01.09.2015. 13:32 #601965

status: user
broj poruka: 7769

`Молимо паметне да престану са попуштањем, ситуација је постала неподношљива!`

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SaskaTelek LOL 01.09.2015. 13:36 #601966

status: user
broj poruka: 101
Pa ko ih tera da rade JB ?


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acayo re 01.09.2015. 15:16 #601970

status: user
broj poruka: 851
Moguće da je ovo potez Apple-a da uplaši korisnike, da ne bi JB uređaj :D

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Igor88 Re: re 02.09.2015. 11:45 #602005

status: user
broj poruka: 509
Na prvu loptu i ja sam pomislio da je to... i postoji sansa da je tako...

Intel i5 3570k
Intel DZ77BH-55K
16GB Hyperx @1600

:: Moguće da je ovo potez Apple-a da uplaši korisnike, da ne bi JB uređaj :
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