Cafes ban Google glasses to protect customers` privacy: Fears users of futuristic eyewear can record without permission
Cafe owners ban Google Glass over secret filming fears It could be banned from American cinemas, casinos and even parks
By Daniel Bates In New York
PUBLISHED: 00:20 GMT, 13 May 2013 | updateD: 08:33 GMT, 13 May 2013
Google is facing a growing backlash over its ‘Glass’ eyewear, with cafe owners in the US banning the technology from their premises.
Dave Meinert, who runs the 5 Point Cafe in Seattle, said those wearing the spectacles will have to remove them if they want to come in.
He has put up a sign on the wall which reads: ‘Respect our customers’ privacy as we’d expect them to respect yours.’
The move comes after it emerged people wearing Google Glass could be banned from American cinemas, casinos and even parks because owners don’t want filming there.
The glasses, which cost ,500 a pair (£980), are currently on limited release to 2,000 customers but will be more widely available later this year.
A camera next to the wearer’s eye, which can take photos or record video without a red light or a shutter sound to tell others that it is working, has caused concerns for privacy.
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
Tamo negde 2000 i neke, kad su poceli da se prodaju prvi telefoni sa kamerom , arapske drzave su ih zabranile iz istog razloga (najverovatnije ne zeleci da im neko snima zene krisom). U danasnje vreme sumnjam da mogu da sprece nekog da nosi tel sa kamerom :) Znaci ako google glasses postane trend to sa snimanjem pada u vodu...
Pored svega sto imaju oni ce da korste Google glass... hmmm...
Citat: `Rodbinsko-partijsko-naslednicki odnosi su nam stvorili tragicnu i intelektualno slabo razvijenu klasu ljudi koji vode drzavu, zato smo...` Tomato Republic Of Serbia, BRE !!!
:: :: Tamo negde 2000 i neke, kad su poceli da se prodaju prvi telefoni sa kamerom , :: arapske drzave su ih zabranile iz istog razloga (najverovatnije ne zeleci da im neko snima zene krisom) :: U danasnje vreme sumnjam da mogu da sprece nekog da nosi tel sa kamerom : :: Znaci ako google glasses postane trend to sa snimanjem pada u vodu... :: :: ::
Ja stvarno ne mogu da zamislim inteligentno bice da stavi to na glavu i kaze `google google kako da se vratim kuci - navigation engagaged!`. Sasvim je dovoljno sto vec telefonima sheruju svoje kafe i prdezhe.
Meni to nista nije cudno s obzirom da je svaka generacija sve debilnija i debilnija. br>
:: Ja stvarno ne mogu da zamislim inteligentno bice da stavi to na glavu i kaze `google google kako da se vratim kuci - navigation engagaged!`. Sasvim je dovoljno sto vec telefonima sheruju svoje kafe i prdezhe. :: :: :: i5 750 : ga-p55-usb3 : 2x2gb geil black dragon : gainward gts250 512mb :: samsung f3 500gb : creative audigy : corsair tx650 : xigmatek asgard : benq g2750 :: ::
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