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Laptop i Tablet PC
Blaupunkt ENDEAVOUR 1000 HD
djape7777 Blaupunkt ENDEAVOUR 1000 HD 24.11.2015. 16:31 T62473

status: user
broj poruka: 927
prso rom gde mogu naci da skinem za isti i ubacim sa sd kartice?
`Samo vrti android`
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neXus2000 ... 25.11.2015. 13:46 #608154

status: user
broj poruka: 3351
ATTENTION! This software update will reset the device to factory
settings. Be sure to save your personal data (videos, pictures, music,
etc.) on an SD card, or your PC before you begin. Your apps (free and feebased)
can you download again free after the upgrade by logging on again
with the original Google account, in the Google Play Store.

To perform this upgrade you need to use a standard micro SD card
with at least 500 MB free space. It may remain other files on the card.
This will not be deleted or changed.

Make sure that the device is still at least 50% battery remaining
capacity and has completely shut off. Not only in standby mode!

First Download the file Endeavour 1000HD_V20130805.zip
and unzip the file.
Copy the 5 files in the root directory of the SD card.

1. insert the SD card into the device.
2. Press Volume - key and hold it down. Then press additionally the off
switching button until the Blaupunkt logo appears.
3. When the display shows the Blaupunkt logo, leave the
Off switching button, but hold down the volume - yet
pressed for a further 3 seconds. Then you can also release.
4. In this way you begin the upgrade. This is shown by the
Android robot and generates an automatic restart when the upgrade is
Remark: If the device switch while the update to stand-by mode (black
screen), please follow the following steps:
5. Please press the power button for 1-2 seconds, after which the display
will be somewhat brighter, and after about 30-40 seconds the display will
begin the update (Android robot).
6. After the upgrade, the unit will start automatically by itself.
Remark: The display of the black screen (standby) while the update
takes place, because of the new driver installation. Please take a little
patience during the upgrade process, and please don´t plug out the SD
card before the automatic restart of the device.

Ovo ti je uputstvo, a zatrazi firmware na ovaj mail:


P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO

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djape7777 .... 25.11.2015. 16:41 #608166

status: user
broj poruka: 927

Ma sve sam ja to nasao i trenutno se prepucavam sa njima da mi posalju fajl ali oni uporno traze da saljem u Nemacku....
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neXus2000 ... 25.11.2015. 22:19 #608196

status: user
broj poruka: 3351
Ti im lepo napisi, koja je svrha pisanja dela u uputstvu kako se restartuje na fabricka i vrsi upgrade i to za korisnika, a ovamo ti traze da saljes u Nemacku?

Kazi da ces razgovarati sa nadredjenim zbog zablude potrosaca korisnickim uputstvom.
Samo ih iscimaj na taj nacin. Ti ce pre da se useru, nego ovi nasi.

P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO

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djape7777 .... 26.11.2015. 14:38 #608270

status: user
broj poruka: 927

Pazi odgovora:
Dear Sir,

im sorry to tell you that its impossible to send you a link to this software. we cant send any software to our customers, cause its not allowed.

Poslao sam ima mail da cu se obratiti Nadleznim sluzbama za zastitu potrosaca kao da cu objaviti na svim meni dostupnim forumima i drustvenim mrezama da ih treba zaobilaziti prilikom kupovine zbog lose Podrske ,
Sada cekamo odgovor....
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Srdjanc ... 26.11.2015. 14:51 #608277

status: user
broj poruka: 3106
Cek, zasno nije dozvoljeno da ti posalju deo (software) od aparata koji si kupio?

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djape7777 ... 26.11.2015. 21:30 #608307

status: user
broj poruka: 927

Pojma nemam ali sam za kojekakve goclever i ostale znj marke uredno sa sajta preuzimao Firmwere, sta ovi tvrde pazar pojma nemam...
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neXus2000 ... 26.11.2015. 23:30 #608310

status: user
broj poruka: 3351
Jesi li registrovao uredjaj na njihovom sajtu?

Imas ovde da napravis account, pa da registrujes uredjaj.
Verovatno ovde postoji firmware.


P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO

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neXus2000 ... 26.11.2015. 23:38 #608311

status: user
broj poruka: 3351
Evo, nasao sam nesto.

Vidi da stavis cist android:



Stavi zip fajl na SD i digni ga u recovery mod, pa instaliraj zip sa kartice.

Ne znam da li ce nesto smetati ili napraviti nesto, ali to radi u krajnjem slucaju, ako i pored registracije uredjaja, ne nadjes firmware.

P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO

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djape7777 Re: ... 27.11.2015. 01:04 #608318

status: user
broj poruka: 927

ma probao sam da se registrujem ali SN ide na nalepnici koja je odlepljena :(

:: Jesi li registrovao uredjaj na njihovom sajtu
:: Imas ovde da napravis account, pa da registrujes uredjaj
:: Verovatno ovde postoji firmware
:: http://goo.gl/CdvMI
:: ____________________________
:: P8P67 Pro v.3.1/i7 2600K/16GB RAM/MSI Lightning 770/SSD HyperX 120 3K/ 1TB/3TB SATA/X-Fi xtremeGamer Fatality Pro/CM 690 II Advanced/Toughpower 775W/LG 32LD750/X360 WiFi gamepad/Zalman MFC1 Plus/CM TX3 EVO
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