Kolegin klinac vise puta pogresio sifru na tabletu i sada mu trazi eMail, password i jos neke zajebancije a posto nije konektovan na internet, prakticno ne moze nista da uradi da bi mogao da ga koristi. Tako mi je bar on rekao. Posto ja ne mogu da mu pomognem odlucio sam da pomoc potrazim ovde.
mozda pomogne nisam siguran, kaze da ce ga vratiti na fabricka podesenja
Yes.U can reset your pattern password by using factory reset.But it will delete all ur new applications and programs which u download after purchase tablet.The preloaded applications by Tablet Manufacturer which was initially installed by tablet company will be as it it. In short ur tablet will be exactly same as when u purchased it from store.This is factory reset procedure. How: 1. Make sure the tablet is fully charged. 2. Turn off the tablet. Make sure the HOLD latch is on the left. 3. Hold down Volume Up (+) button , 4. And then Hold down Power button for a few seconds (When u press this power button the volume up button keep pressed). 5. Release Power button first, then release Volume Down (-) button. Then you`ll see the screen: -Android system recovery -Reboot system now - Apply update from external storage -Wipe data/factory reset -Wipe cache partition Push Volume Up (+) or Down (-) to navigate to `Wipe data/factory reset`, select `Wipe data/factory reset`, 6. Confirm wipe of all user data? Push Volume Up (+) or Down (-) to navigate to `Yes - delete all user data`, select `Yes - delete all user data`, 7. Then the screen shows: “Wiping data .. Formatting /data Formatting /cache Data wipe complete” 8. Then select “Reboot system now”, And then it will reboot ur tablet in next 5 minutes.During that dont press any button.
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