Meni je bila crka ploča pa sam uzeo drugu ploču biostar soket 775 pa sam mislio da uzmem taj kvad pošto sad imam dual kor intel E6550 usput mi je crkla grafička pa sam uzeo GTS 450 pa sam mislio da uzmem taj kvad da bih imao bolje performanse.Da li će biti razlike u performansama?
pa do sad si mogao da kupis neku AM3 plocu, ili 1155 i neki i3 procesor, mnogo bolje bi prosao, ovako se samo dublje zakopavas.. ja ne bih menjao taj 6550 da sam na tvom mestu, nista ne bih dirao dalje do nove platforme
Процесор је бабарога али као што рече колега горе треба ићи напред, додаш још неку кинту па узмеш неки атлон х4 651 @3.0 гхз... То ти је већ фм1 платформа...доста велики скок у односу на 775...
Ma uzmi brate ako ti to fali i kompletiraj se,taj ce quad da gura jos godinama samo tako! Uz mali Clock kasnije zna vrlo dobro da opravda paru. Sta ima veze sto je 775 nekim ljudima je i to sasvim dovoljno a i uz dobru grafiku moze da gura svaku igru i dalje! Pozdrav!
Procesor fakticki nema rok trajanja. Pre cemo svi mi riknuti nego on.Ako ne verujes onda procitaj ovo:
Voyager Spacecraft uses Intel 4004. It still operating after 40 years. There are no external chemicals that can affect the electronics. My HP200LX bought in 1991 still working in perfect condition and there is no sign that it will die. Considering that we had engineering improvements in the new microprocessor and that you can keeping the electronic parts in a cold environment or vacuum environment, perhaps it can lasts half a centuye to many hundred or thousand of years. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Indefinitely. CPUs `die` due to the effects of electromigration. This is basically when the atoms in the circuits of a chips start to stretch apart and grow outward. Eventually, they will either break or come in contact with other circuits and short out. Depending on numerous factors, such as the manufacturing process (older and larger processes will tend to last longer), heat (less is better) and voltage (less is better), a processor could theoretically last hundreds of years, or short out in a couple minutes. Virtually all processors you will ever encounter will last far longer than the useful life of the product, so it isn`t anything you`ll have to worry about.
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