pa i ne znam bas da ce im zivot biti `zadovoljstvo i opustanje`. Dekadencija je uvek prateca pojava dece tih isitih silnika koja se nikad nece oznojiti, a i jos manje ceniti ono sto ima je dato na gotovo. Sami ce sebi pojesti rep. Izlaz iz njihovog sistema je dalja edukacija i rad na razvijanju kritickog misljenja, orudja koje zasluzuje samo privilegona manjina. (da da kako da ne) Rad je lek svih problema (`an idle mind is the devil`s workshop`), jer koliko coveku realno i treba da ostvari svoje snove: sto, stolica, krevet, WC i stoicka volja za promenom ka boljem („blažen je onaj koji je zadovoljan onim što ima“)...
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
pa nenikice ovo je ko beli luk vampirima, nece ova tema jos dugo preziveti, ko ni nas divni Srbistan
Our arrogance and our cruelty toward one another, our noise and strife and the wickedness of our hearts, angered the gods. We ceased to nurture spirit. We ceased to love and tend the earth and no longer regarded the universe with reverent awe and wonder. Dazzled by our own success, we forgot how to carry our prosperity with moderation.
So it was, Plato tells us, with the once generous and good citizens of Atlantis, who in former times possessed “a certain greatness of mind, and treated the vagaries of fortune and one another with wisdom and forbearance,” but who became swollen with overweening pride in their own achievements and fell into crass materialism, greed and violence:
To the perceptive eye the depth of their degeneration was clear enough, but to those whose judgment of true happiness is defective they seemed, in their pursuit of unbridled ambition and power, to be at the height of their fame and fortune.
Meanwhile, we have made ourselves the possessors of a technology so advanced that it seems almost like magic, even while we use it constantly in our daily lives. Computer science, the internet, aviation, television, telecommunications, space exploration, genetic engineering, nuclear weapons, nanotechnology, transplant surgery … The list goes on and on, yet very few of us are able to understand how more than a tiny fraction of it works, and as it proliferates the human spirit withers and we engage in “all manner of reckless crimes, wars and robberies and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul.”
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Imam ceo serijal epizoda pretpostavljam da je to isto to jer me mrzi da idem na link, stanovišta i `otkrića` Pogleda poznata su mi. To su ljudi (pametni) koji na apsolutno isti način kao što su mladokomunisti romansirali istoriju nakon `pobede` u ratu, sa gađenjem odbacujući svoju nacionalnu suštinu, ovi opet, odbacili sve što je nosio partizanski pokret i ocrnili ga do daske kao i partizani četnike.... Crno-belo. Čak su i rečenice i metode totalno komunističke (u negativnom smislu).... Suština svega je, da su rat u svim oblicima, finansirali Britanci. Nemci su finansirali i podržavali šta su podržavali, u svakoj ex republici ponekog, ali, da nisu stizale pare i oružje `sa neba`, od `slobodarstva` bi bilo isto što i u Holandiji - ništa. I da je onda bilo isto, apsolutno isto, kao i danas. Većinu su imali oni, koji su imali para. Para izvana, a u stvari, pozajmice koja će se krvavo vraćati posle rata... Baš kao danas na izborima. Mi se nismo ama baš ništa promenili. Međutim, potrebno je za to poznavati i `partizansku` istoriju, gledajući samo jednu stranu, možda se ne vidi. Prosto kao pasulj, ovi ili oni, imali su `simpatizere` dok god su plaćali jagnjad i prasiće, onog trenutka (1943), kada su počeli da otimaju ili da zahtevaju a ne plaćaju, izgubili su podršku. Broj Srba, H, M i ostalih, je manje-više konstanta (minus gubici) u ex Kraljevini, tako, da ko je god imao, a imao je u jednom trenutku određen broj simaptizera i `teritorije pod kontrolom`, posle je to izgubio ili je dobio one tuđe `simaptizere`. To je prosta matematika, ogroman deo je 1943 prešao na stranu partizana.... A to je isto kao i danas, kada se rulja učlanjuje u stranku za koju proceni da će doći na vlast ili je već na vlasti, da bi se zaposlila ili izboxovala protuzakonite ustupke, ali ipak ponekog iz familije, drži u rezrevi, u nekoj drugoj stranci, `zlu ne trebalo`.... Sve je isto. Uz preletačeviće. Preletačević se masovno desio 1943. i kasnije, koji mesec pred kraj rata. Ogroman broj ustaša i četnika (a domobrana znatno ranije) je prešao u partizane. Preleteo. Begali su oni koji su imali na duši nešto i koji su imali zgrabljenih para. I deo iskrenih entuzijasta. Tako je to bilo, za relativno sitne pare, ili lažne pare, ovde se napravi rat i opustoši se očevsko i đedovsko nasleđe, promeni se vlast ili bilo šta, najčešće na nepopravljivu štetu onih koji ovde na Balkanu žive, da li svih ili nekih više....
`individuals rethinking the way we operate and then going forward in a different way that`s what changes cultures, that what creates revolution both internally within each of us`
`it`s a spiritual revolution that changes the fundamentals of what happens in the world, that`s the revolution that`s beginning, that`s the revolution people are feeling, that`s the revolution that will change the Planet`
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
pored naslova `zatrudnela u rijalitiju` ti se uhvatio za Dejvid Ajka ? ponekad me stvarno zabrinjavas nenika .)
The Perception Parasites
All our knowledge has its origin in our perceptions . Leonardo da Vinci
This is a good point for a quick recap given how far we have come already. We live in a fake reality generated by Awareness in an extreme state of distortion and dementia, but very skilled in the art of mass deception and inversion – the distortion of balance and harmony (truth). Humans in this twisted state of perception resonate energetically within the frequency band of this Awareness and it can vampire human energy and feed its distortion. It’s an energetic feedback loop.
But humans have the capacity and potential to expand their own awareness and see beyond the veil of the Matrix or at least see through lower levels of the Archon conspiracy, and so the war on human perception is ongoing all day, every day. The Demiurge-Archons (the Distortion) is seeking to manipulate humanity into building and accepting a prison-cell reality in which they have no freedom of expression, movement, choice or even independent thought. This is the world that Orwell and Huxley were describing from their insider knowledge of what was planned. The Archons want to cull an enormous percentage of the human population and make the rest no more than drugged, microchipped and technologically ‘enhanced’ (controlled) mind-zombies. The latter is now being promoted under the name ‘transhumanism’. The Obama Administration announced in 2013 a project costing billions of dollars over a decade to comprehensively ‘map’ the human brain as they said they did with the human genome. The project involves a nightmare array of ‘team’ members that include federal agencies, private foundations, neuroscientists and nanoscientists. The New York Times described it as ‘a concerted effort to advance the knowledge of the brain’s billions of neurons and gain greater insights into perception, actions and, ultimately, consciousness’. No, it is to gain greater insight into how to control the brain’s decoded perceptions even more fundamentally than they are today. Slipped in among the bullshit reasons for the project was the real reason ... ‘[it has] the potential of paving the way for advances in artificial intelligence’. Thank-you, we got there in the end. The plan in short is to turn humans into Archons under the control of Archons. I have emphasised that the Demiurge-Archons have no capacity for human emotion and a research study at the University of Bristol in the west of England concluded that humans have devolved emotionally in the last 100 years. They found that there had been a clear rise in fear since the 1970s ( Mmm , lunch) and a ‘massive decline’ in the expression of emotions since 1900. The emotion of ‘disgust’ showed the lowest score – no surprise given the way people have been desensitised to horrors happening in the world through films, video games and the television news. Aldous Huxley described in Brave New World how children would no longer be brought up or even conceived by parents and instead they would be produced in laboratory batches at World State hatcheries in specific genetic types from an El-lite down to the human equivalent of worker ants. This would give them control of all children so they could abuse them and vampire their energy at will. The blatant and constant attacks on the family unit and the erosion of parental rights to the state is this plan unfolding – as are the shocking numbers of children taken from loving parents by the state through a rigged secret court system and invented and spurious allegations of abuse. This is more inversion when those taking the children are the abusers. Not every time, of course, but often. I am the first to say that children must be protected from abusive and uncaring parents, but that is not what I am talking about here. I mean professional liars in Social Services, law enforcement and the legal and court system hell-bent on taking targeted children from parents that care for them. No one with a trace of empathy and compassion could ever do that – but Archons employ Archons. Constantly increasing Archontic influence over humanity requires constantly centralising power and the plan is to reach the stage where what happens in the world is dictated by an Ellite of Archon bloodlines sitting around a single table. This is the reason for the incessant centralisation of power in all areas of our lives including the European Union (with similar ones planned all over the world), the food chain, biotechnology, energy supplies, medicine, media, military (NATO) and all the rest. Power is being concentrated in the hands of a few people and corporations under the heading of ‘globalisation’. The so-called ‘Father of Globalisation’ is Peter D Sutherland, chairman of Goldman Sachs International and inner-circle Bilderberger. What we call the ‘world’ and human life as it is currently experienced is a gigantic mind control program directing the global population step-by-step into the Orwellian nightmare. I have been studying its techniques for nearly a quarter of a century and once you know where it wants to take us and the mind and emotional manipulation techniques it employs to take us there anyone can see through the lies and deceit.
IF ONLY THERE were truly a potion, an object, a place, a magical compound, that would grant us health, strength, healing, and vitality. From the earliest myths to the most recent video game, this desire for immortality has manifested itself in myriad tales and inventions. The philosopher’s stone. The elixir of life. Fountains of youth. Pharmaceuticals such as the Crazy Alchemist’s Potion, lost somewhere in the World of Warcraft game.
In our immortality wish, just as with the other fundamental desires, we find dialectic pairs of objects, fictional and real, reaching back to earliest times. In the Epic of Gilgamesh, one of the oldest recorded stories (written on a tablet, albeit a stone slab rather than a glass one—actually twelve of them), a king in search of the elixir of life embarks on a journey to a distant land where two immortals live. It turns out that a water plant contains the secret substance. The king plunges into the ocean, grasps the plant, only to have it plucked away by a snake.
Herodotus, the Greek historian writing in the fifth century BC, tells a story of Ethiopians who live to be 120 years old. Their secret seems to be a spring where they regularly bathe and become “sleek of skin, as if it were a spring of oil. and from it there came a scent as it were of violets.”
The health-giving and restorative power of water is a common theme in health fantasies. People still head for Florida in search of the modern equivalent of Ponce de León’s fountain of youth. In Ron Howard’s movie Cocoon, elderly Floridians grow younger as they bask in a pool at their nursing home.
Health-giving cures and potions are often concocted from magical ingredients. One of my favorites comes from The Chronicles of Narnia, by C. S. Lewis. Remember Queen Lucy the Valiant? Her vial, shaped from a diamond, contains a cordial made from the juice of fire flowers. It can cure illnesses, heal wounds, and revive those on the brink of death. The berries of the fire flower, too, have extraordinary power—they can make the stars grow young.
Potions are just as popular in the fictions of today. In Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Indy pours healing water from the Holy Grail onto his father’s surely mortal wound. The water fizzes and fumes as if thrown onto a fire’s embers, the wound closes up, and Dr. Henry Jones is restored to life. Characters in World of Warcraft, the most popular multiplayer online video game, can ingest a remarkably long list of potions and elixirs to make themselves stronger, faster, or enhanced in numerous ways. Potions include Insane Strength, Indestructible, Swiftness, Swim Speed, Restorative, Curing, Healing, Rejuvenation.
Enchanted objects, too, can impart magical abilities to humans and promise long life. In the short story “The Philosopher’s Stone,” written in 1789 by Christoph Martin Wieland, the character King Mark of Great Britain falls under the spell of Misfragmutosiris of Egypt, who claims he knows how to concoct the philosopher’s stone. However, it won’t be easy to do and it won’t come cheap. To put together a “true hermetical philosopher’s stone,” says the Egyptian, you need to assemble “the finest precious stones: diamonds, emeralds, rubies, sapphires, and opals” and then mix up a “large portion of red mercury sulfide and some drops of oil drawn from a condensed ray of the sun.” The whole operation takes about three weeks and results in a “kind of crimson substance, which is very heavy and can be scraped into a fine powder, of which a pinch half the size of a barley seed is sufficient to transform two pounds of lead into just as much gold.” Needless to say, this is a hoax designed to drain the king of his resources. One moral of the story, which applies today, is that price influences the perception of value. The more we pay for our medications, the more we believe they are doing us the good we desire. The placebo effect is increased and the potion is more effective.
The Harry Potter books owe part of their incredible appeal and popularity to Rowling’s supple updating and remixing of the fundamental human drives in ageless objects of enchantment and magic. The list of enchanted objects that animate the series includes the philosopher’s stone, as well as concealing devices, detecting objects, mirrors, transporters, and other forms of magic that require more or less dexterity or training to deploy. None of them is quite so complex, however, as Pullman’s alethiometer.
In the final book of the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, we learn of three objects, the “hallows,” that provide power to a sorcerer: the elder wand, the resurrection stone, and the cloak of invisibility. All of them bring some power to ward off death. With the wand, you cannot be defeated in battle. With the resurrection stone, you can communicate with the departed. With the cloak, you can make yourself invisible to everyone—including death itself. Our fear of mortality drives these narratives forward.
Inevitably, these attempts to discover a source of perfect health and immortality fail. They often lead, however, to a revelation for the seeker: to make the most of life while we have it and seek immortality in other ways, such as our faith or our legacies.
As Gilgamesh is advised by a wise barmaid:
The life that you seek you never will find: when the gods created mankind, death they dispensed to mankind, life they kept for themselves. But you, Gilgamesh, let your belly be full, enjoy yourself always by day and by night! Make merry each day, dance and play day and night!
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
jadni mali jevrejcici svi ih kinje i napadaju, smrc, smrc. Nece ni oni moci jos dugo mrsiti konce nova era je na pomolu i bice totalno nebitno kojoj naciji/eliti pripadas:
The Artilect Era
Chimps have been taught human sign language so that they can transmit apelike thoughts to their human trainers. These scientists were able to communicate with another species for the first time using an abstract language. What do chimps think about?
The answer was “bananas,” and a few even less interesting preoccupations. The analogy is obvious. Is it not presumptuous to speculate on how artilects will spend their time? Advanced artilects will be as superior to humans as we are to insects. Perhaps they may signal to each other using electromagnetic waves or perhaps some physical phenomenon that humans have not discovered yet, thus forming a network of artilects, a `Netilect.` Their capacities to think will be so superior to ours that we can only scratch the speculative surface of what they might decide to do with their time. We don`t have the brainpower to think about what they will think about. We can only `nibble at their ankles` so to speak. With this proviso in mind, let me attempt to speculate nevertheless. Firstly, the artilects will probably be very conscious that they are confined to a very limited part of the universe, essentially the place of their birth, the Earth. The Earth will probably be seen as a most provincial entity, from an artilect’s point of view. There is a whole big universe out there, possibly containing other artilects and perhaps creatures that are even more godlike. Possibly one of the goals of the artilects will be to explore deep space just to see what is out there. Perhaps the artilects, like human beings, will be curious, like many species.
The artilects, as they have been conceived so far in this book, have been largely `nanoteched` creatures. But nanotechnology may be unnecessarily restrictive and far too large a scale to be suitable for advanced artilects. It may be possible that a `femtoteched` creature could be built. Such `femto-artilects` or `femtolects` as they will be called from now on, would be vastly superior to `nano-artilects` or `nanolects,` thus setting the stage for a new `species dominance war` all over again.
Perhaps I should call these wars `scaling wars.` The first such scaling war is indirectly the topic of this book, concerned with the potential for a war between the nano and the meter scales, i.e. between nano based life forms (the artilects) and humans. A second such war, relating to the femto and the nano scales would need to be described by some future creature. Since history tends to be written by the victors, in this case the femtolects, I have little idea what such a creature might be like, other than to say it would probably look a bit like a neutron star.
A femtolect could perhaps signal with gluons. A gluon is a theoretical entity in modern particle physics that is hypothesized to glue quarks together. Quarks combine in various ways to form larger particles such as protons, neutrons etc. We are now talking about sizes in the femto-meter range, i.e. a million times smaller than nano-meters. If we assume for the moment that femtolects still have to respect the speed of light limit, then they will be able to signal between quarks at a rate that is a million times faster than nanolects could signal between molecules. Femtolects could `think` a million times faster. Note, that the same type of reasoning applies when human electronic engineers shrink the size of their chip components to make them signal faster. Not only that, femtolects could pack themselves at a density 10^18 times greater than nanolects, i.e. 10^6, cubed. In the same unit of volume and unit of time, a femtolect could process a trillion trillion (10^24) times more information than a nanolect, and thus outclass the nanolect by as much as the nanolect could outclass human beings.
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
i ako se drzimo price ne pada iver daleko od klade...
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
The foundations, structure and ‘must haves’ of a Hunger Games society are detailed in a plan being imposed through the United Nations called Agenda 21 which encompasses two related themes of ‘sustainable development’ and ‘biodiversity’. Don’t be caught out by the apparent meaning of the words. They are the work of the inverters and reversers after all. Sustainable development – as in don’t use more than can be replaced – sounds sensible enough at first until you realise what this and biodiversity really mean in the context of the conspiracy. Agenda 21 was established at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992, hosted by Maurice Strong, a Canadian oil and business billionaire and long-time frontman for the Rothschilds and Rockefellers. Strong has been a leader of their exploit-the-environment-to-scam-the-people programme which is now in full flow and he said with typical forktongue mendacity that he is a capitalist when it comes to his billionaire businesses, but collectivist when it comes to saving the planet. Put this through the bullshit translator and out comes ... ‘I am a billionaire from the Capitol and I want the masses living in Hunger Games poverty justified by saving the planet’. Strong is a member of the Club of Rome, the environmental Hidden Hand in the Round Table network that includes the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission and Council on Foreign Relations. Strong now operates out of China where the Rothschilds and Rockefellers have enormous interests and influence and he has made a fortune out of the so-called ‘environmental’ policies that he has helped to promote. He said in support of Agenda 21: ‘Isn’t the only hope for this planet that the industrialised civilization collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?’ This is a man who became mega-rich through the oil industry. He now lives in billionaire luxury in China where carbon-emitting industry is booming and he is a director of the Chicago Climate Exchange (largest shareholder, Goldman Sachs), which is ‘the world’s first and North America’s only legally-binding greenhouse-gas emission registry reduction- system for emission sources and offset projects in North America and Brazil’. The Exchange was established with funding from the Joyce Foundation where Barack Obama was once a director. Strong and Al Gore make money through the Carbon Exchange and other means from the lies they promote about climate change and the solutions they propose. Kate Johnston wrote on the website: ‘The same men that sold us the myth of man-made global warming are the same men that sold us the “solution” of a Carbon Tax and Emissions Trading Scheme and now they’re profiting off their lucrative investments which are based on lies.’ Strong fled to China in 2006 after being accused of corruption with respect to the UN oil for food program. Maurice Strong involved in corruption? Must be some mistake surely? See ... And The Truth Shall Set You Free for the background to the deeply unpleasant Strong. Obama lost billions in taxpayers’ money by giving grants to ‘green’ energy companies that either went nowhere or tits up. A scandal threatened and Obama ordered an ‘independent’ inquiry which cleared him of all allegations (he must have been a student of Blair). Wall Street’s Herbert Allison was selected by Obama to conduct a pathetic and well-paid ‘independent inquiry’ into Obama’s actions and, no, never, it can’t be, he cleared Obama of all blame for anything and then donated ,000 to the re-elect Obama campaign. Obama is definitely in the same league of political corruption in which Blair is an Olympic champion and no doubt he will have eclipsed him by now. Time and again you find the people pushing the climate change agenda are profiting from that agenda. British Conservative MP Tim Yeo, chairman of the Energy and Climate Change select Committee, has received £140,000 a year from ‘green’ energy companies and what is most shocking is that he doesn’t see the mind-blowing conflict of interest (or doesn’t want to admit it). This is a man who has said that it may be necessary to ‘bribe’ communities to accept the ugly, noisy, irrelevant wind farms and it was he who proposed a 2013 amendment to the Energy Bill so crippling in its binding carbonemission target that Professor Gordon Hughes of Edinburgh University, one of Britain’s leading authorities on energy economics, called it ‘surreal’ and ‘a recipe for deindustrialisation’. Yes, but what have I been talking about? The post-industrial, postdemocratic society. Can anyone give me a word other than ‘corrupt’ for Yeo to be funded with more than twice his MP’s salary by the ‘Green’ energy industry while chairing the Energy and Climate Change select Committee in Parliament which oversees the ‘Green’ energy industry and proposing a draconian amendment with great benefit for the ‘Green’ energy industry? I think I hear silence. The only alternative to ‘corrupt’ that I can think of is fucking corrupt. At the same time that Yeo was trying to force the British people to commit industrial hari-kari with all the benefits to his funders a report into the carbon efficiency of wind power concluded that many of these abominations unleash more carbon than they save because a high percentage in Britain are built or planned to be built on peat lands – one of the world’s biggest absorbers of carbon from the atmosphere. Locating wind turbines with all the access roads means a lot of peat is destroyed. Take me home mother, please take me home. Then, as if we have not had enough crazy for one day, it was announced that Jonathan Cawley, a recent chairman of the wind farm industry’s trade body in Wales, and Planning and Development Manager for wind farm developer West Coast Energy, was to become director of planning for the Snowdonia National Park Authority in Wales which has been opposing wind farms amid or near its stunning natural beauty. Come on mother, quick as you can. Climate change propaganda is a No-Problem-Reaction-Solution to justify Agenda 21 and its stable-mate the Biodiversity Treaty. This is an internationally binding document involving nearly 200 countries. The United States signed the treaty, but it was not ratified by the Senate after people like ecologist and ecosystem scientist Dr Michael Coffman exposed its true consequences and implications. He said that he realised during the 1980s and 1990s that the plan was to use the excuse of protecting the environment to confiscate half the land of the United States. Similar plans exist for every other country. America may not have ratified the Treaty, but it is being implemented by the day. Agenda 21 demands the central global control of all land. all private property. all water sources and distribution. all other resources which includes people in its definition. all energy supplies and distribution and all food production and distribution. Agenda 21 is called ‘the agenda for the 21st century’ and that refers to global fascism/communism. This is a summary of what Agenda 21/Sustainable Development/Biodiversity is seeking to impose:
• An end to national sovereignty
• State planning and management of all land resources, ecosystems, deserts, forests, mountains, oceans and fresh water. agriculture. rural development. biotechnology. and ensuring ‘equity’ (equal slavery)
• The State to ‘define the role’ of business and financial resources
• Abolition of private property (it’s not ‘sustainable’)
• ‘Restructuring’ the family unit
• Children raised by the State
• People told what their job will be
• Major restrictions on movement
• Creation of ‘human settlement zones’
• Mass resettlement as people are forced to vacate land where they currently live
• Dumbing down education (achieved)
• Mass global depopulation in pursuit of all of the above
This horrific plan is being coordinated through the United Nations, the stalking horse for world dictatorship, via a non-governmental network once called the International Council of Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), and now known as Local Governments for Sustainability although still using the shortened name ICLEI. The United Nations is now opening ‘embassies’ around world called ‘UN Houses’ under the guise of raising awareness of UN activities, but not the activities that people really need to know about. They have opened one in Hunter Square, Edinburgh, Scotland, for example. UN External Affairs and International Development Minister Humza Yousaf said: ‘The establishment of a UN House in Edinburgh is recognition of Scotland’s long and proud history as a nation with an international approach and a concern to play its part in tackling global poverty, inequality and injustice.’ Yeah, yeah, yawn. It’s a preparation for a world government dictatorship under Agenda 21. Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI) and other organisations are integrating the plan into every village, town, city and region and it is already becoming widespread across the world. In the United States this includes the regional Councils of Governments also known as regional councils, regional commissions, regional planning commissions, planning district commissions and development districts. The organisational infrastructure of Agenda 21 is already fantastic and involves government agencies, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), think-tanks, trusts, foundations, ‘training’ (mind control) operations and ‘initiatives’ which have been building the infrastructure for what they call ‘the post-industrial, post-democratic’ society while the public go about their daily business oblivious of the prison being built all around them by the hour. Konrad Otto-Zimmermann (Rothschild Zionist) is the secretary general of ICLEI which is supported by a whole array of Archontic fronts. Harvey Ruvin, a vice-chairman of ICLEI, was asked how Agenda 21 would affect liberties with regard to the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, private property and freedom of speech. He replied: ‘Individual rights must take a back-seat to the collective.’ The arrogance of these people is breathtaking. The extraordinary network supporting ICLEI and Agenda 21 includes the Rockefeller- sponsored America 2050. United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). Metropolis. World Economic Forum. United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. United Nations International Strategy for Disaster Reduction. World Bank. Clinton Climate Initiative. Climate Group (Tony Blair). World Conservation Union (IUCN). Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership. Global Footprint Network. International Centre for Sustainable Cities. Earthquakes and Megacities Initiative and the Stakeholder Forum. These and so many others are working to the same end – Agenda 21 and total human enslavement worldwide, although most of those involved will have no idea that they are building a global prison for themselves and their families. Another of these front organisations is the World Business Council for Sustainable Development which includes the hideously anti-people Monsanto and other lovers of humanity and the environment such as General Motors, DuPont, 3M, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Sony, BP and Royal Dutch Shell. Destroying food-growing land, dowsing the countryside with toxins and replacing proper food with deadly and soil-destroying genetically-modified organisms is Monsanto’s contribution to ‘sustainability’. Agenda 21 is already operating in more than 600 towns, cities and counties in the United States and expanding by the day. I live on the Isle of Wight off the south coast of England which is only 23 miles by 13 and yet it is signed up to the global Agenda 21 as early as 2000. The local council which imposed this outrage talks about ‘Island voices speaking out for the future’ when the bloody opposite is true. They know that if people saw this as a global plan there would be far more resistance and the nature of the entire global conspiracy would morph into clarity. To overcome this they make out that each one is a ‘local initiative’ by local people when it is all globally coordinated. The Isle of Wight document says:
In common with all other local authorities in the UK the Isle of Wight Council has developed an Agenda 21 Strategy for the Island. The purpose of an Agenda 21 Strategy is to bring social, environmental and economic well-being to us all at the same time as ensuring that we leave the world at least as good a place as we found it. (Known as sustainable development).
The Agenda 21 Strategy has been developed in close partnership with the Isle of Wight Health Authority [God help us], the Isle of Wight Partnership and most importantly, with the Island’s communities. The Strategy represents an honest and wholehearted attempt to involve as many local people as possible in having their say about how our Island develops into the future. Through this inclusive process a Strategy has been developed which as far as possible reflects the views of the community.
As examples of Archontic inversion go that takes some beating. This is the type of disingenuous flannel being employed throughout the world to hide the fact that the fine detail of our lives is being hijacked by the global Archontic network which this book is exposing. Some people behind the island contribution to Agenda 21 will know this while most are just ignorant of the world and/or can see that there could be some money in it. Never mind the global prison camp that their children and grandchildren will have to live in because of them. How bad must it be given that bloodline arse-licker Tony Blair told the UN General Assembly Special session on the Environment in 1997: ‘I want all local authorities in the UK to adopt Local Agenda 21 Strategies by the year 2000.’ Shit, it must be a nightmare, then. and it is. A member of the Agenda 21 committees in Santa Cruz, California, in the mid-1990s said that the proposals that he heard were so crazy that he laughed at them because they could never happen. These included that ‘Mother Earth’s surface was not to be scratched’. humans should be concentrated in settlement zones. education should focus on the environment as a central organising principle and all aspects of life covered by Agenda 21, but all of these crazy plans are now being introduced. It says everything about Agenda 21 that when I quote from the document circulated by the tiny Isle of Wight I am quoting in essence from every other one throughout the world. It’s all happy, feely, smiling faces and how we care, when the truth is that Agenda 21 is a vicious, brutal, heartless strategy to impose a global Orwellian state. This is the ‘vision for the Island of the Members and Officers’ under Agenda 21: ‘A happy, contented and prosperous Island, where each member of the community enjoys the highest quality of life and where we work together to ensure that the Island’s natural beauty and cultural heritage is passed undiminished to future generations.’ The same crap is being parroted by similar people on all continents and it goes on:
The Island’s Agenda 21 Strategy is a unique piece of work born out of the care and commitment that Island people have for their home [no it’s not]. It reflects the energy and vision that fired the original Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit in 1992, where ordinary people, by joining together, were able to influence the decision-makers and make their voice heard.
No it doesn’t. It reflects the energy and vision of a global cabal that organised the Earth Summit of 1992 to manipulate naïve environmentalists and New Agers into believing that something headed by a billionaire oil tycoon like Rothschild-Rockefeller frontman Maurice Strong cares about the planet and what he would see as its great unwashed. The Isle of Wight document says that ‘the greatest challenge now is to connect Local Agenda 21 to the “mainstream” decision processes of local authorities and other corporate bodies so that Local Agenda 21 really does change the way we live.’ This sentence captures everything in many ways. The challenge is to connect the Isle of Wight into the global network of local authorities and corporate bodies that will allow every local community to be controlled by a global administration, a world government. Here we get closer to the point:
The Island has a unitary local authority, which is responsible for the overall governance of the Island. This is fortunate as local government has a special significance for Agenda 21. At the Earth Summit in 1992 it was made very clear that up to two thirds of Agenda 21 depends upon local government for its successful implementation.
World leaders acknowledged that only by all of the world’s communities acting locally, can we ever succeed in bringing about sustainable development. And that only by empowering those communities through and by genuine local participative democracy, can we together achieve the changes that are so urgently needed.
A few things here: Firstly, forget about the genuine local participative democracy. When I found out that the Isle of Wight had sign up to Agenda 21 after ‘local debate and choice’, I continually asked local people I came across if they had ever heard of Agenda 21. Month after month I asked the public, lawyers, community workers, anyone I met. Not once did anyone say ‘yes’. This is what is happening all over the world. Agenda 21 manipulators either create or hijack some local organisation or other, many of them in locations with big populations, and they have their (controlled) leadership to agree the Agenda 21 blueprint for their community together with any uninformed, unwitting idiots who can be sold a human nightmare as saving the planet. This allows them to claim that decisions were made after ‘public participation’ when that would have been the last thing they wanted, and 99 percent of the ‘community’ has never heard of Agenda 21 let alone had their say on it. They want no democracy which is why these people talk privately, sometimes even publicly, about the post-democratic, postindustrial society. The reason ‘it was made very clear that up to two thirds of Agenda 21 depends upon local government for its successful implementation’ is because they want to control every man, woman and child on the planet – everyone and everywhere and every resource, water source and piece of land. To do this they need a global structure of fascist control that goes right down into every local community with the jackboots at local level enforcing the will of the global centre. This is why there is so much emphasis on local authorities and town and city authorities in Agenda 21. I exposed earlier and in other books the ‘training organisation’ called Common Purpose (common purpose, common consensus, everyone the same) which has been paid very large amounts of money by governments and local authorities, police forces and other institutions of state to ‘train the leaders’ of the post-democratic, post-industrial society. Common Purpose was heavily represented in the Leveson ‘inquiry’ leading to new media laws in Britain. It is not a training programme. it is a programming programme and turns out unquestioning zombie administrators who serve the god of Agenda 21 and the associated European Union (see Human Race Get Off Your Knees) . The theme of ‘common’ also applies to the ever greater standardisation of laws and regulations and constant reference to ‘international law’. This is the unfolding global dictatorship of Agenda 21. What do you need to be a global dictator? Laws that everyone on the planet must obey – international law and the standardisation of global regulation
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Big Pharma ‘medicine’, or ‘allopathic medicine’, is 100 percent a creation of the Archon bloodlines with the Rothschilds and Rockefellers once again to the fore. The American Medical Association (AMA) was launched in 1847 some 15 years after the British Medical Association (BMA) and others have followed throughout the world to hijack the treatment of sickness and disease. They are part of a global fascist pharmaceutical Mafia that includes the Rothschild-Rockefeller-created World Health Organization (WHO) that now dictates health policy to governments almost everywhere. But it is nothing more than a gangster’s moll – like the Rothschild- Rockefeller-created World Trade Organization (WTO) – to focus control of entire areas of global policy like health and trade under one unelected, unaccountable roof. This allows the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, who own the ‘roof’, to dictate the policies on every continent just as they do through the Archontic banking cartel. The World Health Organization serves the interests of the Big Pharma cartel which owns the WHO and the same with corporations and banks with regard to the World Trade Organization. Governments do whatever these Rothschild-Rockefeller front operations tell them to do. I think they call it ‘democracy’ which is defined as ‘the common people considered as the primary source of political power’. Excuse me a moment I am laughing so much I have to catch my breath. The American Medical Association (AMA) was given the task by its creators of controlling the medical schools and removing all influence of ‘alternative’ methods of healing which were in use long before the Rothschild-Rockefeller hijack of human health care. The AMA was funded by the Rockefeller family and Carnegie Foundation while John D Rockefeller founded the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in 1901, the country’s first institute for medical research, to promote Big Pharma medicine and it continues to do so today as the Rockefeller University. The war against alternatives to Big Pharma was led by Rothschild Zionist Abraham Flexner who was sent out to medical schools to report on their ‘suitability’ to teach on the basis of whether they taught alternative therapies. Flexner’s Rothschild Zionist brother Simon Flexner led ‘research’ for the Rockefeller Institute from 1903 to the 1930s into the cause and prevention of disease. Abraham Flexner delivered his manipulated ‘findings’ in 1910 in The Flexner Report which demanded that American medical schools should only teach and research the protocols of mainstream science. The Rockefeller funded and orchestrated report also called for higher admission and graduation standards to sift out alternative thinkers. The Rockefeller- controlled American Medical Association even had a Propaganda Department, later known as the Investigations Department, to target, discredit and destroy alternative practitioners. One of its specialities, as it still is today, was arranging for anti-alterative articles and studies produced by ‘safe’ people to be published in major journals and reported by the national media. The media is always compliant because (a) ‘journalists’ have been through the same ‘education’ programming system and bought the pharmaceutical lie. (b) the mainstream media is owned by the same networks that own Big Pharma. and (c) a massive chunk of the media’s advertising revenue comes from Big Pharma. This, ladies and gentlemen, is where your ‘modern medicine’ came from while John D Rockefeller, the oil tycoon and head of the family behind all this, was treated by his personal homeopath to the day he died at the age of 97 – a fantastic age at the time.
The other foundation of the health hijack was to introduce a system of licencing and this is used right across society today for almost everything. It goes like this: you introduce licencing for something and pass laws (through your bought-and-paid-for politicians) to say that you cannot do or practice so-and-so without a licence. and to get a licence you have to do it the way the licencing authority dictates (ultimately the Archon bloodlines). In this case, if you want to be a doctor you must be licenced and to be licenced you must only prescribe the scalpel and the drug. Anything else that is not officially approved and you will be struck off even if it works, no, make that especially if it works, because that would endanger the Big Pharma monopoly. They are using the same technique of licencing and all-powerful governing bodies to control alternative medicine today and dictate how it is practiced. What people have to appreciate if they are going to understand what Big Pharma medicine is all about is that it was created from the start and is run to this day by Archon bloodlines to serve Archon interests – the very Archons that have a deep hatred of humanity, want a massive cull of the population and seek to enslave us like pigs in a pen. That is the goal of Big Pharma medicine – not healing and wellness. Why would this Archontic system want to heal and benefit in any way its target human population? The system is designed to generate multiple billions every year for the pharmaceutical industry and on that level alone would people of this mentality want to reduce business by making people well when they make their daily fortunes from people being sick? The opposite is the case and so drugs have effects that they say require other drugs which have effects that require other drugs and the till just keeps on ticking as they develop new drugs and then invent the diseases and psychological conditions to justify their use. But money is still a by-product more than the main thrust of the game which is to drug body and mind, zombify the population and make a prime contribution to the mass human cull which I will explain later. Licensing, propaganda and manipulation saw a 50-percent reduction in medical school graduates by 1919 and the number of medical schools sharply declined. The Rockefeller fortune funded the schools that played ball, but not of course the homeopathic schools they wanted to destroy. Even the Hahnemann School in Philadelphia, named after the creator of homeopathy, Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, switched to teaching Big Pharma ‘medicine’. Today the system is completely controlled by the Rothschild-Rockefeller networks and other Archontic sources through this recurring sequence: Would-be doctors must first go through the Archontic ‘education’ brainwashing to be thoroughly programmed with the system’s version of reality and to confirm the extent of their programming by doing well in their exams. they then go on to Big Pharma-controlled medical schools where programming about the nature of the body is downloaded and intensified along with the belief that the only way to treat illness is the scalpel, the drug and the cemetery. they then go into doctors’ surgeries and hospitals to ‘treat’ bodies they don’t understand with drugs they are told to prescribe. if anyone rebels against this medical straightjacket the door is the next thing they see (the same with teachers, academics, mainstream scientists, lawyers and most journalists etc.). Doctors answer to their Archonticcontrolled professional bodies like the medical associations and medicine as a whole is policed in each country on behalf of Big Pharma by Big Pharma-controlled ‘public protection’ (Big Pharma protection) organisations like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States. These agencies and governments in turn answer to the Rothschild-Rockefeller World Health Organization. This structure has been created entirely to serve the Archon agenda and 95 percent of those involved will have no idea that this is so or know an Archon from a colon. Mind, I can understand that because they are both full of shit.
What could go wrong?
In 1985 pigs were engineered with a human gene that produces human growth hormone. The scientists` goal was to produce a faster-growing pig. What they got was a freak show. `With their bristly hair and wide muzzles, these animals looked nothing like the pigs on the farm owned by my grandfather,`` wrote Bill Lambrecht, reporter for the St. Louzs Post Dispatch. In one of the first litters born with the growth hormone genes, a female piglet had no anus or genitals. Some of the pigs were too lethargic to stand. Others had arthritis, ulcers, enlarged hearts, dermatitis, vision problems, or renal disease.
This was an early example in a long line of experiments with unpredicted results. In fact, the single most common outcome of genetic engineering has been surprise.
Scientists engineered tobacco to produce a particular acid. That`s all they wanted: the acid and nothing else. But the plant also created a toxic compound not normally found in tobacco.
Monsanto engineered two types of cotton: one to withstand applications of their Roundup herbicide. the other to produce its own pesticide called Bt. The plants were not supposed to have any other novel attributes. The first year that the GM cotton was planted, however, tens of thousands of acres malfunctioned. In Missouri, plants dropped their cotton bolls. others died on contact with the herbicide they were supposedly engineered to tolerate. In Texas, up to 50 percent of the Bt cotton failed to provide the predicted level of insecticide and `numerous farmers had problems with germination, uneven growth, lower yield and other problems.`
Scientists who genetically modified yeast to increase its fermentation were shocked to discover that it also increased levels of a naturally occurring toxin by 40 to 200 times. In their paper, which was published in the International Journal of Food Science and Technology, the authors admitted that their results `may raise some questions regarding the safety and accept- ability of genetically engineered food, and give some credence to the many consumers who are not yet prepared to accept food produced using gene engineering technique. They also pointed out that their yeast had not been inserted with foreign genes. Rather, their unexpected result occurred after they inserted multiple copies of the yeast`s own gene.
Oxford University scientists who were attempting to suppress an enzyme in a potato accidentally boosted its starch content. Professor Chris Leaver, department head for Plant Sciences said, `We were as surprised as anyone.` Leaver noted, `Nothing in our current understanding of the metabolic pathways of plants would have suggested that our enzyme would have such a profound influence on starch production.`
Why is it that scientists who engineer organisms to create one effect more often than not end up with something altogether different? One reason is that there is a lot going on with gene expression that we don`t understand. Another reason is that many of the main scientific principles that formed the basis for genetic engineering have since been proven false.
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
“The Jason scientists are hardly relevant anymore,” Goldblatt said. During his time at DARPA, and as of 2014, the “scientific advisory group with the most influence on DARPA,” he said, “is the DSB,” the Defense Science Board. The DSB has offices inside the Pentagon. And where the DSB finds problems, it is DARPA’s job to find solutions, Goldblatt explained. The DSB had recently studied man-machine systems, and it saw an entirely different set of problems related to human-robot interactions.
In 2012, in between the two Pentagon roadmaps on drone warfare, “Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY 2011–2036” and “Unmanned Systems Integrated Roadmap FY 2013–2038,” the DSB delivered to the secretary of defense a 125-page report titled “The Role of Autonomy in DoD Systems.” The report unambiguously calls for the Pentagon to rapidly accelerate its development of artificially intelligent weapons systems. “The Task Force has concluded that, while currently fielded unmanned systems are making positive contributions across DoD operations, autonomy technology is being underutilized as a result of material obstacles within the Department that are inhibiting the broad acceptance of autonomy,” wrote DSB chairman Paul Kaminski in a letter accompanying the report.
The primary obstacle, said the DSB, was trust—much as the Jason scientists had predicted in their report. Many individuals in the military mistrusted the idea that coupling man and machine in an effort to create autonomous weapons systems was a good idea. The DSB found that resistance came from all echelons of the command structure, from field commanders to drone operators. “For commanders and operators in particular, these challenges can collectively be characterized as a lack of trust that the autonomous functions of a given system will operate as intended in all situations,” wrote the DSB. The overall problem was getting “commanders to trust that autonomous systems will not behave in a manner other than what is intended on the battlefield.”
Maybe the commanders had watched too many X-Files episodes or seen any of the Terminator films one too many times. Or maybe they read Department of Defense Directive 3000.09, which discusses “the probability and consequences of failure in autonomous and semi-automatic weapons systems that could lead to unintended engagements.” Or maybe commanders and operators want to remain men (and women), not become cyborg man-machines. But unlike the Jason scientists, the Defense Science Board advised the Pentagon to accelerate its efforts to change this attitude—to persuade commanders, operators, and warfighters to accept, and to trust, human-robot interaction.
“An area of HRI [human-robot interaction] that has received significant attention is robot ethics,” wrote the DSB. This effort, which involved internal debates on robot ethics, was supposed to foster trust between military personnel and robotic systems, the DSB noted. Instead it backfired. “While theoretically interesting, this debate on functional morality has had unfortunate consequences. It increased distrust in unmanned systems because it implies that robots will not act with bounded rationality.” The DSB advised that this attitude of distrust needed to change.
Perhaps it’s no surprise that DARPA has a program on how to manipulate trust. During the war on terror, the agency began working with the CIA’s own DARPA-like division, the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Agency, or IARPA, on what it calls Narrative Networks (N2), to “develop techniques to quantify the effect of narrative on human cognition.” One scientist leading this effort, Dr. Paul Zak, insists that what DARPA and the CIA are doing with trust is a good thing. “We would all benefit if the government focused more on trusting people,” Zak told me in the fall of 2014, when I visited his laboratory at Claremont Graduate University in California. When I asked Zak if the DARPA research he was involved in was more likely being used to manipulate trust, Zak said he had no reason to believe that was correct.
Paul Zak is a leader in the field of neuroeconomics and morality, a field that studies the neurochemical roots of making economic decisions based on trust. Zak has a Ph.D. in economics and postdoctoral training, in neuroimaging, from Harvard. In 2004 he made what he describes as a groundbreaking and life-changing discovery. “I discovered the brain’s moral molecule,” Zak says, “the chemical in the brain, called oxytocin, that allows man to make moral decisions [and that] morality is tied to trust.” In no time, says Zak, “all kinds of people from DARPA were asking me, ‘How do we get some of this?’” Zak also fielded interest from the CIA. For DARPA’s Narrative Networks program, Zak has been developing a method to measure how people’s brains and bodies respond when oxytocin, i.e., “The brain’s moral molecule,” is released naturally.
Researchers at the University of Bonn, not affiliated with DARPA, have taken a different approach with their studies of oxytocin. In December 2014, these researchers published a study on how the chemical can be used to “erase fear.” Lead researcher Monika Eckstein told Scientific American that her goal in the study was to administer oxytocin into the noses of sixty-two men, in hopes that their fear would dissipate. “And for the most part it did,” she said. A time might not be too far off when we live in a world in which fear can be erased.
There is a perilous distinction to call attention to: when the hydrogen bomb was being engineered, the military-industrial complex—led by defense contractors, academics, and industrialists—was just beginning to exert considerable control over the Pentagon. Today that control is omnipotent. Another difference between the creation of the hydrogen bomb in the early 1950s and the accelerating development of hunter-killer robots today is that the decision to engineer the hydrogen bomb was made in secret and the decision to accelerate hunter-killer robots, while not widely known, is not secret. In that sense, destiny is being decided right now.
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Do pre dvadesetak godina u široj svetskoj javnosti pojavljivala su se samo nagađanja o postojanju nekog nadnacionalnog organa upravljanja koji je nadređen čak i zapadnim vladama. Priče te vrste po pravilu su bile zaogrnute okultnim i tajnovitim, pa stoga najčešće, u javno publikovanim stručnim analizama i studijama, nisu ni tretirane ozbiljno. Tek povremeno, prilikom obelodanjivanja neke špijunske afere ili u retkim knjigama koje su objavljivali odmetnuti pripadnici tajnih službi, nailazimo na konkretnije podatke o neformalnim privilegovanim tajnim grupacijama političkih moćnika koji iz duboke senke upravljaju našim sudbinama. Danas se uglavnom zna i ko su ti ljudi, i gde su se i kada sastajali, a dobrim delom i o čemu su se dogovarali, kao što je to slučaj sa članovima zatvorenih globalističkih oligarhija: Trilaterale, koja deluje pod dominantnim uticajem Amerikanaca, Bilderberg grupe, pod dominantnim uticajem Evropske Unije ili Komiteta 300, koji funkcioniše pod uticajem Velike Britanije. Članstvo ovih organizacija je isprepletano, a čine ga, okvirno, od 200 do 800 imena, programi su im komplementarni, a ciljevi isti - uspostavljanje „Jedinstvene svetske Vlade“. Vodeće političke ličnosti Zapada, pripadnici evropskih kraljevskih porodica, najmoćniji industrijalci, bankari, vlasnici korporacija i medijski magnati, po pravilu su članovi bar jednog, ako ne i sva tri spomenuta globalistička centra moći. Njihovi uzajamni dogovori, mada su po karakteru i dalje tajni i neformalni, imaju veću težinu i značaj od proklamacija koje pojedinačno donose vlade njihovih zemalja. Objektivni uticaj koji imaju nad svetskim tokovima u prvom redu je zasnovan na činjenici da samo oni imaju sposobnost procenjivanja i blagovremenog efikasnog razrešavanja problema koji se mogu pretvoriti u potencijalne sukobe interesa unutar zapadnog sveta, dok je šira vizija budućnosti čovečanstva u ostvarenju uspostavljanja „globalne diktature“, za koju su inače dugoročno zainteresovani, još uvek u drugom planu.
Mada američki politički stratezi već otvoreno tvrde da je došlo vreme za oficijelno uspostavljanje „Jedinstvene svetske Vlade“ činjenica je da Novi svetski poredak još nije došao do faze kada bi to bilo lako ostvarivo. Prvu objektivnu prepreku predstavljaju aktuelni međusobni odnosi zapadnih saveznika koji još uvek obiluju ,,nesporazumima“, najčešće zbog američkog insistiranja na neprikosnovenom liderstvu, što se direktno odražava na tendenciju polarizacije u vodećim krugovima globalista. Drugi problem je jednako ozbiljan, a tiče se nekoliko zemalja čija vojna moć nije za potcenjivanje, pre svih Rusije i Kine, kojima, prema globalističkim planovima, u „Svetskoj Vladi“ neće biti mesta, pa se postavlja pitanje kako ih prisiliti na povinovanje takvim zahtevima. Do daljeg, javna proklamacija „Jedinstvene svetske Vlade“ ostaće najverovatnije na nivou dugoročnih planova, pa će njenu funkciju, kao i do sada, obavljati spomenuti neformalni centri moći.
Neformalni karakter oligarhije koja pretenduje da preraste u „Svetsku Vladu“ i njen prikriveni oblik političkog delovanja, odražavaju se na karakterističan način i na niže hijerarhijske nivoe globalističke dominacije. Kako primećuje bivši američki obaveštajac Džon Koulman, koji je inače među prvima javnosti izložio konkretne podatke o tajnim globalističkim planovima: „Mnogo toga dešava se u skladu sa Protokolom sionskih mudraca. Na primer, na značajne društvene položaje, prema stavovima iz protokola, postavljaju se dve vrste ljudi - nepošteni a pametni, i pošteni a priglupi. Prvi uvek upravljaju drugima. Prvima vladaju upravljači iz ‘senke’ i menjaju ih kada im se prohte, jer mogu da ih ucenjuju.“
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
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