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AMD Q2 2013 povecanje profita 7 % u odnosu na prosli kvartal
obradmi AMD Q2 2013 povecanje profita 7 % u odnosu na prosli kvartal 18.07.2013. 22:35 T53925

status: user
broj poruka: 7720
ali 18 % manji u odnosu na proslu godinu.U pitanju je redak fenomen ,jer
obicno kada Intel ima pad profita ima i AMD ,ovde se desilo da Intel ima
pad profita ,a AMD povecanje profita u odnosu na prosli kvartal.
Izgleda je ovome doprinelo HPC,notebook i desktop trziste gde AMD ima povecanje profita.
na GPU je nesto manji u odnosu na prosli kvartal.(The sequential increase was due to significantly higher notebook unit shipments and higher server and desktop unit shipments)
Da li se to PC trziste okrece AMD-u? t.j APU.

`Nas fokus na restruktuiranju i transfomisanju AMD-a rezultovo je u popravljenimm
finansijskim rezultatima,ocekujemo povratak profitabilnosti u 3 kvartalu(konzole)` Rory Read, AMD president and CEO

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PhatPhuck Intel patents `dead-end-socket` (tm) technology 18.07.2013. 22:56 #505384

status: user
broj poruka: 1886
`Intel patentirao `ćorsokak-socket` tehnologiju`

Izvor: http://goo.gl/fUVkl
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obradmi hehehe 18.07.2013. 23:03 #505385

status: user
broj poruka: 7720
Kazu za ovog lika da je najveci AMD-ovac ikad Daniel Andersson (Svedjanin)

AMD`s biggest fanboy ever (as mr. Phil Hughes has stated). AMD is my life and I love this company more than anything else.

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SkyFire Vi niste normalni :) 18.07.2013. 23:03 #505386

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Ja mogu da se zezam sto cesto radim posto ste paljevine i voljni ste da se svadjate zbog ljubljenog vam AMD-a ali me interesuje jel ste vi ozbiljni sa ovim temama ili se zezate?

Ipak ne mogu da zamislim da se neko opterecuje ovim stvarima..Ajde ako se sprdate reci te da i ja nadjem jos jednu pa da bude 4 teme..Kad je bal nek je maskenbal :)))

Superior Technology
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda

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obradmi Re: Vi niste normalni :) 18.07.2013. 23:04 #505387

status: user
broj poruka: 7720
Ok malo zezanje ,sta fali .....

:: Ja mogu da se zezam sto cesto radim posto ste paljevine i voljni ste da se svadjate zbog ljubljenog vam AMD-a ali me interesuje jel ste vi ozbiljni sa ovim temama ili se zezate
:: Ipak ne mogu da zamislim da se neko opterecuje ovim stvarima..Ajde ako se sprdate reci te da i ja nadjem jos jednu pa da bude 4 teme..Kad je bal nek je maskenbal :))
:: Superior Technology
:: Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
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PhatPhuck @SkyFart 18.07.2013. 23:05 #505388

status: user
broj poruka: 1886
:: Ja mogu da se zezam sto cesto radim posto ste paljevin

1. Denial
2. Anger
3. Acceptance
4. Treatment/therapy

Dial #2 to continue...
You already pressed #1...
Dial #2 to continue...
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SkyFire Eh sad.. 18.07.2013. 23:10 #505391

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Ocekivao sam nesto bolje da me zainteresujes..Nisi zablistao debeli..Slabo je to..
Ajde dajem ti jos jednu sansu da se pokazes..Ako omanes odoh da gledam neki film da ne trosim dzabe vreme ovde sa vama przenicama ..Ajd sad..1..2..3.. Za AMD skocimo svi...Hahahaha opet se rimuje.. :))))

Superior Technology
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda

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obradmi Recently highlights 18.07.2013. 23:26 #505397

status: user
broj poruka: 7720
-Apple announced its newest Mac Pro will feature dual AMD FirePro graphics cards. The unique solution offers improved visual and general computing performance of the high-end system, providing the power needed by the most demanding digital content creators.

-AMD technology is inside all three of the next generation gaming consoles: Nintendo Wii U, Sony PS4, and Xbox One.

-AMD announced the new AMD Embedded G-Series SoC. The single-chip APU solution delivers more than double the CPU performance while running multiple industry-standard compute-intensive benchmarks compared to the Intel Atom.

-The AMD Elite Mobility A-Series APU for tablets, hybrids and small form factor notebooks won the 2013 `Best Choice of Computex Taipei` award.

-AMD provided additional details on its 2014 products for the fast-growing data center and cloud computing markets. including introducing best-in-class APUs, two- and four-socket x86 CPUs, and its first 64-bit ARM server processor.

-For enthusiasts who want to take their PC gaming to the next level, AMD introduced the fastest desktop and notebook graphics solutions in the world.

-AMD unveiled the AMD FX-9590 desktop processor, the world`s first commercially available 5 GHz x86 processor capable of delivering new levels of gaming and multimedia performance.

AMD launched its 2013 Elite A-Series APU for the desktop channel, delivering leading performance, discrete-level graphics and an easy upgrade infrastructure.

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