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Transkript sa AMD konferencije..
SkyFire Transkript sa AMD konferencije.. 19.02.2013. 14:34 T51898

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Evo jedan interesantan isecak iz razgovora :

[journalist C]: `…and, if I may ask another question, how do you plan to compete with NVIDIA`s GeForce Titan?`

**5 seconds` silence**

Devon: `Are you referring to the GK110?`

[journalist C]: `Yes.`

**Roy Taylor interrupts**

Roy: `Basically from what we`ve seen so far, we don`t think there`s any conc…[stops short of saying `concern`]…of course things could change, but early indications are, that this (GeForce Titan) is not something which was designed to be a graphics card.`

[journalist C]: `Yeah, but performance-wise, it seems to be that it`s going to be faster, based on the rumours that we`re hearing, than 7970 GHz Edition, so actually you`re competing with dual-GPU cards, so there`s no competitor from your side, talking about single-GPU?`

Roy: **choppy audio** `I may appear so, however the [leaks?] that we`ve seen, and certainly from an article written on `Bright Side of News,` would indicate that indeed so far, it will not be the fastest product around.`

Ceo razgovor :


Komedija :)))))

Superior Technology
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda
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SkyFire Haha..Evo jos jedan dobar.. 19.02.2013. 14:36 #477067

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
[journalist A]: `Hi guys, are you releasing a reference 7990 anytime soon? Obviously we`ve seen them from the partners, and that ARES card from ASUS, but AFAIK nothing from yourselves?`

Devon: `Yeah, we have a couple of partners that have launched HD 7990 SKUs, this includes VTX3D, it includes PowerColor, it includes ASUS, and I can`t give you any specific details about what else is coming up, but we definitely do have more 7990 goodness for you guys, coming up in the next couple of months. We definitely are not sitting still there, but we`re in a very good situation right now with the world`s fastest graphics card, partnering with ASUS on that, and we`ll continue to hammer on that drum, bringing really cool SKUs to gamers all over.`

Superior Technology
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda

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SkyFire Jos jedan.. 19.02.2013. 14:44 #477068

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Dekice se koprcaju kao riba na suvom haha ..

journalist F]: `Actually it`s not on the little speech I`m afraid, but an earlier question that was answered, which stated that the 7970 would still be your most powerful single-GPU product until the end of the year, why is it so? Are there any technical reasons for that, because at that point you would have announced that part almost two years ago? Is it a technical issue, or is it simply because you don`t feel the need to put something newer out there?`

Darren: `Definitely, I got a two-part answer for that one. We launched the 7970 in December of 2011, and then we followed up with the GHz Edition in July of 2012. So the GHz Edition has been out there for the better half of the year now, and that will continue to live on until the end of 2013. From a technical perspective, no, there`s absolutely no technical reason. from a product perspective, we have the world`s fastest GPU now, with the GHz Edition, and as Roy mentioned, the GK110 is coming, but is something NVIDIA is leveraging from a completely different space. It`s a Tesla product, it`s a workstation product, it really was never intended for the consumer market, and I think that way they`re kinda shoe-horning that product into their GeForce stack. So, we took them by surprise by having the world`s fastest GPU, and you see all these kinds of reactions from them right now, but we`re very confident that the 7970 GHz Edition is the best GPU for enthusiast gamers out there. So this is purely for marketing performance reasons, nothing technical.`

[journalist H]: `While I`m really hear you in the price-performance side of the product, what about image and marketing? I mean, even if NVIDIA only pumps out a handful of GeForce Titans, they can still run around saying they have the fastest GPU for gamers, how are you going to compete with that?`

A sa cime da se takmice?Muahahaha..

Da li covek da se smeje ili da place pitanje je sad?
Meni je svakako smesno,pretpostavljam da AMD fanovima nije

Superior Technology
Intel 3930K@4.8 Ghz/Asus Rampage IV Extreme/Corsair Dominator GT 32GB/MSI GTX680 Lightning/Samsung 830 256GB/Creative Titanium HD/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Dell 2709w/CM Stacker 832 i ostala cuda

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Milos22 ... 19.02.2013. 14:48 #477069

status: user
broj poruka: 1720
E al kako ubedjuju ljude pa to je neverovatno svaki odgovor je u fazonu dobri smo,bolji smo, sve je u redu,nikad bolji nismo bili, pitam se koliko im je trebalo vremena da smisle takve odgovore al najace 5 sekundi tisine to ipak nisu uspeli da izvezbaju govor do kraja :))

HAF 912 Plus
I5 3570k
2x4GB DDR3 Kingston Hyperx 1600mhz
Corsair H60
Seasonic 620GM
2TB WD Green
Mushkin Chronos 180GB
GTX 580
Dell U2312hm
Cm storm recon
Cm storm trigger

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gogi1 Kako li te ne smara.... 19.02.2013. 14:51 #477070

status: user
broj poruka: 2076
.... da se zamlacujes ovakvim postovima.

Intel i5 3550, Megahalem, GA Z77M D3H, 8gb Mushkin 1333@2000, SSD Mushkin Callisto Deluxe 60gb + hdd Hitachi 500gb, Lg 24`, Corsair HX520, Fractal Design Arc Mini BLACK/WHITE mod...

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maniac6n3 Hahaha SKY aka Pacenik 19.02.2013. 14:54 #477072

status: user
broj poruka: 126
Zavist je cudo!!

Ne moze njemu dan da pocne da ne otvori ovako neku idiotsku njemu svojstvenu temu.
Usput se nadju jos dva-tri imbecila koja mu se pridruze i nastane cirkus.
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drum ... 19.02.2013. 14:56 #477074

status: user
broj poruka: 1301

Ovim putem pozdravljam milunku...

toto je piča,ja tam domov...

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Dexter013 A uuuuu 19.02.2013. 15:03 #477075

status: user
broj poruka: 17093
Vama bas veselo...

Sta bilo ko ovde ima od toga da li AMD ili nvidija imaju brze neke karte za video igre?

Cpu:AMD FX 6300 @ 4Ghz
GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforce
Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MHz
MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A97
Case:CM Storm Enforcer
PSU:Chieftec 650w a85
Mis:Mx 518
Dell 22

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PhatPhuck Kao i uvek, zaboravio je da prenese 19.02.2013. 15:04 #477076

status: user
broj poruka: 1886
šta se u glavama nvidija inžinjera odvijalo svo ono vreme dok je AMD UVELIKO imao DirectX 11 akceleratore na tržištu (seriju 5xxx) - a nvidija je i dalje furala furune tipa GTX280 :)

Takođe nije preneo kako je svojevremeno nvidija `ubeđivala` ljude da `directx 10.1 nije previše bitan` - jer oni tada nisu imali ni jednu directx 10.1 grafičku - a POSLE JE I SAMA NVIDIA IZBACILA DX 10.1 akceleratore (GT210/GT240 itd)...

Boles` udarila... Ne pušta ga...

NVIDIA’s GeForce GT 240: The Card That Doesn`t Matter
by Ryan Smith on 1/6/2010 12:00 AM EST
Posted in GPUs
Late last year NVIDIA launched the 2nd of their 40nm parts, the GT 240. Based upon the GT215 core, the GT 240 is functionally a derivative of the low-end GT 220. Compared to the GT 220 it packs twice as many shader units, twice as many texture units, and support for GDDR5, making it a good deal faster than the GT 220. As a GT 220 derivative, this also means it comes with DirectX 10.1 support and the VP4 video decode engine.

`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
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DmasteRNo1 Manite se Princeze dileje 19.02.2013. 15:24 #477089

status: user
broj poruka: 6101
Vidite da je zreo za Lazu.

i5 2500K, Hyper 212+, MSI Z68A-GD65 (G3), HyperX Green 2x4GB 1600, Sapphire 6950 1GB, Dell U2412M, Samsung 830 128GB, F3 500GB, F4EG 2TB, TT Chaser MK-I, CFT-650-14CS, Xonar DX, ATP-3

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MaliAbner Re: Manite se Princeze dileje 19.02.2013. 15:31 #477094

status: user
broj poruka: 7769

Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!!

:: Vidite da je zreo za Lazu
:: i5 2500K, Hyper 212+, MSI Z68A-GD65 (G3), HyperX Green 2x4GB 1600, Sapphire 6950 1GB, Dell U2412M, Samsung 830 128GB, F3 500GB, F4EG 2TB, TT Chaser MK-I, CFT-650-14CS, Xonar DX, ATP-
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Milunka Re: ... 19.02.2013. 16:52 #477126

status: user
broj poruka: 1624
hvala puno. Ziv bio .

asus p7p55d-e & intel i5 750 @ 4ghz/Gainward gtx275 /2x4gb exeleram black s. 1600 cl9/WD blue 500gb + samsung f4 2tb.Samsung F2380. audio-Esi Prodigy 7.1 hifi.Sony cmt-cpx1 I vufer JBL sub 135.
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Dejzan El presidente people are starvinnnn 19.02.2013. 18:09 #477139

status: user
broj poruka: 3730

Lepo ja reko pre par dana sad ce Nvidia da ispali ceo svoj arsenal ipak gubi 1-0 za sad(nintendo) a preti da se digne na 3-0(sony4,Xbox720) i sad brzo izbacuj GPU da se tu barem ustolici u narednih godinu dana ipak konzole traju u proseku 6-7 godina.
Ovo ce sad da bude ajmo ljudi jos malo pa nestlo sto je dobro jer ce naterati AMD da krene e sad sta ce uraditi to je druga prica ...Nvidia je krenula njena vojska se sprema PC trziste polako ali sigurno dobija novog vladara ,mada Komunjare su poznate po gerila style jel ? Mozda ce uspeti da otkinu neki deo kolaca ? a mozda i ne ?
Inace SkyFire jel igras mozda starcraft2 ? :) Pre neki dan sam olesio jednog sa tvojim nadimkom :)

AMD 965 X4 3.8 Ghz
Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-890GPA-UD3H
2 x 2 GB DDR3 1800Mhz Silicon X Power
HD 6870 Sapphire
Cooler Master HAF 912
LC Power Arkangel 850 W
Samsung SyncMaster P2470
Altec Lansing VS3151R

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