Obzirom da se Kepler generacija GK104 GeForce kartica dobro prodaju nVidia je odlucila da se posveti prvo HPC trzistu ..
nVidia je izbacila svoj najsnazniji chip i definitivno najkompleksniji chip u svrsi profesionalnih namena. Radi se o Tesla seriji grafickih karti. Lansirana su dva modela . nVidia Tesla K10 i nVidia Tesla K20 .
NVIDIA released the real the GK110 chip of the new structure, then in accordance with the previously leaked data, which has six groups of GPC unit, 24-SMX unit, SMX unit design and the GK104 obviously different, each group of 128 CUDA cores. a total of 3072 CUDA cores, twice the total number is also GK104, the core area of a further increase to around 550mm2, the memory interface is also upgraded to 384bit, to maintain the standard of GTX 580.
GTC eve of the opening, NVIDIA has also released a new version of the the Nsight development tool, it is a debug and performance analysis tools based on GPU acceleration There are two versions for different platforms.
Version of Visual Studio for the Windows platform, the release of the version number is 2.2, and finally support DX9 architecture graphics (the previous version limit can only be used in DX10/11 graphics), which also supports the latest Kepler architecture to optimize the kernel for the SASS (Source and Assembly) and of PTX (Parallel Thread eXecution, parallel thread execution), the single card is responsible for the display output can also use the CUDA-enabled the Debug.
Nsight the Eclipse Edition supports Linux and Mac OS platform, the Eclipse name happens to be IBM ten years for the same platform release debug software in the name of the same Eclipse version Nsight support for CUDA to accelerate software development.
To create a good atmosphere to the 2012 General Assembly of the GTC, NVIDIA GPU computing, frequent moves, a few days ago has just announced the LLVM compiler will support the CUDA architecture, the LLVM is an open source modular compiler support C / C + +, Objective-C, Fortran, , Ada, Haskell, Java bytecode, Python, Ruby, ActionScript, the GLSL and Rust languages, the CUDA architecture, is currently limited to C and C + + and Fortran.
It’s brand new Tesla K20 GPU, which is coming in fourth quarter of 2012 – as announced today by NVIDIA during GTC 2012.New chip is built with 7.1 billion transistors.
NVIDIA is preparing two Tesla GPUs, one is Tesla K10, based on dual-GK104 chips, which is to be devoted to high efficient computing in oil and gas exploration and defense industry. Card is based on dual-GK104 GPUs and has a memory bandwidth of 320 GB/s.
Next is Tesla K20, the GK110 GPU which is coming in Q4 of this year. It will deliver three times more double precision performance compared to Fermi architecture-based Tesla cards.
First GK110 GPUs will be incorporated into Titan Supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee and the Blue Waters system at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications a the University of Illinois.
New Kepler GK110 feature new technologies:
SMX Delivers more processing performance and efficiency through this new, innovative streaming multiprocessor design that allows a greater percentage of space to be applied to processing cores versus control logic
Dynamic Parallelism Simplifies GPU programming by allowing programmers to easily accelerate all parallel nested loops – resulting in a GPU dynamically spawning new threads on its own without going back to the CPU
Hyper-Q Slashes CPU idle time by allowing multiple CPU cores to simultaneously utilize a single Kepler GPU, dramatically advancing programmability and efficiency
“Fermi was a major step forward in computing,” said Bill Dally, chief scientist and senior vice president of research at NVIDIA. “It established GPU-accelerated computing in the top tier of high performance computing and attracted hundreds of thousands of developers to the GPU computing platform. Kepler will be equally disruptive, establishing GPUs broadly into technical computing, due to their ease of use, broad applicability and efficiency.”
NVIDIA Tesla K10
we’re announcing two products today, two kepler: Tesla K10 dedicated to seismic analysis where most valuable resource is bandwidth. it has 3x single precision of today’s fermi tesla and 1.8x the memory bandwidth
NVIDIA Tesla K20
second tesla, k20 is focused on double precision: 3x double precision of fermi, includes hyper q, dynamics parallelism, for stuff like physics, quantum chemistry, computational finance .
Sta ce bre da kosta?Jesi ti citao uopste tekst?Nije ovo GeForce.A i ako se pojavi GTX685 a to cu ja prvi znati moraces da se isprsis dobro..Nije to za smrtnike ,cene su i onako ludacke..
kojih 75k, nece srbija to ni videti, ja prognozirah tu cenu ali nvidija uvali qrcinu... sky sto se tice tebe verujem veliko razocarenje, nista od punokrvnog keplera, onaj `derivat` od 294mm2 ipak top ponude.
@nemanja21 Kakvo razocarenje,u kom ti svetu zivis? Nista se ti ne brini,ako dodje vreme pojavice se GTX685..Sve zavisi od marketinskog tima,procene a i od sledeceg poteza AMD-a. Za sad nema potrebe za tom kartom. A ako bas hoces da znas,karta postoji ..
E moj Nemanja,sto se tice informacija ja sam korak ispred svih vas (ovo nije hvala nit neko preseravanje,cinjenicno stanje) .. Dok vi nagadjate ja mogu samo da se zadovoljno smeskam :)
Protumaci kako zelis..
P.S.Zar vi niste do skoro tvrdili da GK110 ne postoji,crveni celnici su se za to borili da predstave `istinu` kako nVidia kasni i kako je takav chip virtuelna patka..Hehe..
Kad sam pre par godina video da je udarna vest u medijima da je Opstina Rakovica kupila jedno bure sa nVidia Tesla GPU uz objasnjenje da ce to znacajno unaprediti virtuelilzaciju i digitalizaciju opstine umro sam od smeha...
A najcrnje od svega verovatno je taj ubogi nTesla zavrsio u PC-u sekretara opstine...
E a sad malo o kartici... Deluje mocno a tek sto ce da unapredi poslovni segment `for stuff like physics` ima da im server farme rade u MAGLI posto imaju nove mogucnosti `stuff like physics`...
Dok ovo postane dostupno proci ce jos godinu dana... jer SEDAM milijardi tranzistora na jednom chipu i da YEILD ispravnih primeraka bude adekvatan sa ovim shabanima kod kojih ga prave tesko... Mozda ako odu kod velikog IBM-a li to im se ne isplati posto moraju da im daju sve nacrte + 50% ispravnih primeraka... sto ce reci jos teze... Ili da odu kod Intela... sto s obzirom da su iako saradjuju jedni drugima velika konkurencija moze da se desi samo ako zavrse pricu u stilu AMD-ATI... tj da ih kupi Intel koji ima svoje proizvodne pogone da tako nesto ucini...
I najvaznije svi mi koji nagadjamo moracemo da se izvinimo jedinom koji ima informacije iz prve ruke... a vi se posle pitajte zasto toliko `harmonise` o nVidiji...
Jebes mu klesta, nekada su pojedinci vikali `konja, konja, dajem kraljevstvo za konja`, a sad bi neki mogli da kazu `kompas, kompas, dajem sve za kompas` posto su ga ocigledno izgubili, a pogotovu pojedinci iz rastocene nacije poput srBske...
Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!!
:: kojih 75k, nece srbija to ni videti, ja prognozirah tu cenu ali nvidija uvali qrcinu... sky sto se tice tebe verujem veliko razocarenje, nista od punokrvnog keplera, onaj `derivat` od 294mm2 ipak top ponude :: ::
Vezano je za temu a Abner me sa pricom podsetio na pranje para kroz IT opremu.. Likovi su za vladu lagano `placali` cepali od drzavne kese po 5000 Eur za konfiguracije koje su preko neophodne za office svrhe :) Bruka,sta se radi..Elem..Kakvu spravu zaista mozes da spakujes za tih 5000 eur pa zamislite puta koliko komada!I posle se zale nema drzava para,pa nema kad lese sa svih strana.. Izvinjavam se sto sam otisao u off i skrenuh malo u politiku ali Abner me nagnuo na tu pricu a opet je vezana za It!
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