Karte su prakticno equal.GTX 590 je izasao kao kompletniji proizvod sa istim ili malo boljim performansama zavisno od postavke testa.U ekstremnijim rezolucijama ATI 6990 zbog kolicine rama malo vise dolazi do izrazaja :
`If my final thoughts start sounding like a broken record, it’s because once again a set of NVIDIA & AMD product launches have resulted in a pair of similarly performing products. The crux of the matter is that NVIDIA and AMD have significantly different architectures, and once again this has resulted in cards that are quite equal on average but are all over the place in individual games and applications. If we just look at the mean performance lead/loss for all games at 2560, the GTX 590 is within 1% of the 6990, however within those games there’s a great deal of variance. The GTX 590 does extremely well in Civilization V as we’d expect, along with DIRT 2, Mass Effect 2, and HAWX. Meanwhile in Crysis, BattleForge, and especially STALKER the GTX 590 easily comes up short. Thus choosing the most appropriate card is heavily reliant what games are going to be played on it, and as a result there is no one card that can be crowned king.
Of the games NVIDIA does well in, only Civ V is a game we’d classify as highly demanding. the rest are games where the GTX 590 is winning, but it’s also getting 100+ frames per second. Meanwhile on the games AMD does well at the average framerate is much less, and all of the games are what we’d consider demanding. Past performance does not perfectly predict future performance, but there’s a good chance the 6990 is going to have a similar lead on future, similarly intensive games (at least as long as extreme tessellation isn’t a factor). So if you had to choose a card based on planning for future use as opposed to current games, the 6990 is probably the better choice from a performance perspective. Otherwise if you’re choosing based off of games you’d play today, you need to look at the individual games.
With that said, the wildcard right now is noise. Dual-GPU cards are loud, but the GTX 590 ends up being the quieter of the two by quite a bit. the poor showing of the 6990 ends up making the GTX 590 look a lot more reasonable than it necessarily is. The situation is a lot like the launch of the GTX 480, where we saw the GTX 480 take the performance crown, but at the cost of noise. The 6990’s performance advantage in shader-intensive games goes hand-in-hand with a much louder fan. whether this is a suitable tradeoff is going to be up to you to decide.
Ultimately we’re still looking at niche products here, so we shouldn’t lose sight of that fact. A pair of single-GPU cards in SLI/CF is still going to be faster and a bit quieter if not a bit more power hungry, all for the same price or less. The GTX 590 corrects the 6990’s biggest disadvantage versus a pair of single-GPU cards, but it ends up being no faster on average than a pair of 0 6950s, and slower than a pair of 0 GTX 570s. At the end of the day the only thing really threatened here is the GTX 580 SLI. while it’s bar none the fastest dual-GPU setup there is, at 00 for a pair of the cards a quad-GPU setup is only another 0. For everything else, as was the case with the Radeon HD 6990, it’s a matter of deciding whether you want two video cards on 1 PCB or 2 PCBs.
Quickly, let`s also
Finally, there’s still the multi-monitor situation to look at. We’ve only touched on a single monitor at 2560. with Eyefinity and NVIDIA/3D Vision Surround things can certainly change, particularly with the 6990’s extra 512MB of RAM per GPU to better handle higher resolutions. But that is a story for another day, so for that you will have to stay tuned…`
Jel bilo upravo onako kako sam rekao..Karta ce biti u nekim igrama ista u nekim brza od ATI 6990 zavisno od setupa. Ako neko bolje pogleda single Cayman se definitivno losije snalazi sa AA i AF filterima i tu gubi .. Isti slucaj sa ATI 6990 bez obzira na dva GPU-a onboard.
Koliko vidim driveri su i dalje klimavi tako da peglanje tek treba da bude.Nista od obecanja i boost-a. Obecanje ludom radovanje
Tako kaze izvor za Asus za nasu zemlju Firma na G. Inace u nemackoj su oko 600 Eur.Ocekuje se stabilizovanje cena ali i to cemo videti. Nasi izgleda prze sa cenom,deru kozu!
:: Ako bude tako skupa to je stvarno previse, na guru3d pise da je cena 540e za evropu sto bi bilo tu negde sa 6990 :: :: :: Jaka cena GTX 590.Kod nas se ocekuje za 73k sto je u odnosu na 6990 ipak velika razlika :: :: :: :: Štangliranje :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
Cena kod nas je 700EU kod nemaca najjeftinija cena 650EU, to je očekivana razlika. Carina, troškovi i danak koje uzima država itd... Dok ne uđemo u EU, cene su takve kave su...
Ostale cene..630 - -650 eur .Jedino je eVGA daleko skuplja,oko 700 Eur!
U cemu je razlika sa uvozom i carinom za ATI karte?Cene su kod nas u odnosu na Nemacko trziste izjednacene.
:: Cena kod nas je 700EU kod nemaca najjeftinija cena 650EU, to je očekivana razlika :: Carina, troškovi i danak koje uzima država itd... Dok ne uđemo u EU, cene su takve kave su.. :: :: https://www.hwgurus.com/foru :: ::
O cemu ti bre zemljace pricas kakva bre carina kad je ona oko 1-5% porez je 8% sto je manje nego u DE. PRS(t) na celo pa se zapitaj zasto nasi trgovci rade po principu prodam jedan a zaradim ko GRINGO koji proda deset komada.
Sa takvom logikom nam nema napredka.
Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!!
:: Cena kod nas je 700EU kod nemaca najjeftinija cena 650EU, to je očekivana razlika :: Carina, troškovi i danak koje uzima država itd... Dok ne uđemo u EU, cene su takve kave su.. :: :: https://www.hwgurus.com/foru :: ::
Cena ce biti presudna za entuzijaste i za one sa punijim dzepom. Svakako ima ljudi koji ce da idu na ove varijante. Stanje je takvo da je ATI 6990 definitivno isplativija varijanta jer razlika od 20k ne opravdava ni u ludilu pa da su je od zlata pravili (GTX590) Dok se cene kod nas ne normalizuju za nV ovde se prica o best buy ponudi zavrsava. Na zapadu je razlika u proseku od 80-100 eur skupplja GTX590 sto je daleko manja razlika nego ovde ali i dalje razlika.nVidia mora da ide priblizno istom cenom da bi bila dobro pozicionirana u tom segmentu.
nije skupo,kao sto rece,ali za nas ovde... Ali to je Nv... Mora da bude malo skuplja od (aj da malo nerviram neke) deke :) . Ipak za mene dileme nema- Necu imati ovakvu kartu barem jedno 3-4 god. dok ove ne budu kao sad sto su 4850, 4870...
I AMD 6990 i GTX590 imaju neke svoje kupce, FPS koji izbacuju je strasan. nVidia je hladnija i tisa, a negde i malo sporija, ocekivao sam da ce biti bolja, uvek su izbacivali brze high-end kartice od AMD-a.
Demon to some. Angel to others. _______________________________
Pa dobro, ljudi uvek daju vise novca nego sto je objektivno potrebno na stvari koje ih interesuju ili koje vole, bilo da su komponente, automobili, oprema za akvarijum, ili cak i izlaske.
Ako cemo da budemo apsolutni precizni, gtx 460 i 6850 jesu dovoljne, ali ne mogu da garantuju minimum 60FPS na 1080p kada se u pricu ukljuce visi nivoi AA/AF, i DX11 features-i npr.
Takodje, tu su sve prisutnije vise rezolucije tipa 2560 x 1440, 2560 x 1600, multi monitor rezolucije npr 5670 x 1080, pa i 120Hz monitori gde ti je u interesu da odrzavas tih 120 FPS-a.
Uostalom, kada pogledas kolicinu novca koji nasi ljudi daju na razlicite druge gluposti, 500EUR za graficku kartu i nije neka svemirska kolicina novca.
:: i kojima je i jedan monitor malo.Slozio bih se sa Scyter i ja licno mislim da je GTX 460 1 GB/HD 6850 dovoljna za svaku igru da potera na max :: :: :: Test sa gulftow :: :: http://www.hexus.net/content/item.php?item=29724&page=5
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