Prior to the actual launch of the GTX 580, we were concerned about what the availability would be like. With NVIDIA engaging in such a quick development cycle for GF110 and being unwilling to discuss launch quantities, we didn’t think they could do it. We’re glad to report that we were wrong, and the GTX 580 has been in steady supply since the launch yesterday morning. Kudos to NVIDIA for proving us wrong here and hitting a hard launch – it’s the kind of action that helps to make up for the drawn out launch of the GTX 480 and GTX 470.
Nesto zanimljivo :
Our reference GTX 580 shipped with a load voltage of 1.037v, notably higher than the sub-1v load voltages of the GTX 480 and a solid example of how NVIDIA has been able to reduce leakage on their GPUs. By luck our Asus GTX 580 comes with a different voltage, 1.000v, giving us some idea of what the VID range is going to be for the GTX 580 and what a card with a “good” GPU might be like. Not surprisingly, with a lower load voltage our Asus card consumes less power in all of our tests. We’ll just jump right in to the charts here and dissect things.
Ova Asusova 580 troši 20w manje od referntne u full load-u, mada je malko toplija i bučnija. Ovo ostalo je očekivano, 580sli daje najbolje performanse, osim u u Metrou na 2560 i CivV.
Crosshair IV Formula/X6 1055T + ProlimaTech Super Mega/XFX GTX 260/2x2GB DDR3 Geil Ultra Plus/Barracuda 1TB 32MB/CFT-600-14CS/Chieftec DX-BD-U/Asus VW225N/Altec Lansing ATP3
Ja cekam optimizaciju chipa kroz drivere.Kada se max izvuce iz chipa to je posao..Procice jos par serija drivera dok to ne legne sve na svoje..A tad..Mmmmm..Ima da bubne jedan test sa slascu :) @Dejan Odgovorio sam ti..Procitacu kad se vratim pa cemo videti..
@sky odg sam ti pa kad vidis javi se ako imas msn isto je ko mail samo,tamo sadm. poz Fatality cSports public :
Po ovim testovima dva gtx 460 daju ekstra rezultate, uporedive sa jednim GTX 580, a kostaju zajedno 325 eura. Buduci GTX 570 ima da bude mama u donjem delu vise klase za priblizno te pare. Zanimljivo je kako ce se GTX 560 pozicionirati sa cenom od oko 250 eura.
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