There isn`t an optical drive fast enough to pull the entire contents of the Blu-Ray off the disc in under 1 Second.
Well maybe they are talking about encoding it. BullSh*t!
Even the fastest dual-processor system possible, and it is obvious they are using a dual-processors system, does not have the processing horsepower to encode an entire Blu-Ray into any other format in under 1 Second.
They are probably just saying moving it from one part of the array to the other is super fast. Yep!
But moving it from one array to another, or even from one part of the array to a different part of the same array, isn`t anything close to ripping the Blu-Ray. ``
Komentar je preuzet sa doticne stanice kao komentar usera!
ATI je bas poznat po tome sto se klokuje dobro a pogotovu sto dobro skalira! Treba jedno 100 Mhz OC za svega 2 FPS-a u skoku ahahaha! Default je keva! Pa koliko dobijes to ti je! ATI je takav i to je fakat!
To su oni napomenuli i u tekstu gore ja mislim, ali jbg videti ovu brzinu nije svejdno :).
:: `` Ripping a Blu-Ray in under 1 Second? BullSh*t :: :: There isn`t an optical drive fast enough to pull the entire contents of the Blu-Ray off the disc in under 1 Second :: :: Well maybe they are talking about encoding it. BullSh*t :: :: Even the fastest dual-processor system possible, and it is obvious they are using a dual-processors system, does not have the processing horsepower to encode an entire Blu-Ray into any other format in under 1 Second :: :: They are probably just saying moving it from one part of the array to the other is super fast. Yep :: :: But moving it from one array to another, or even from one part of the array to a different part of the same array, isn`t anything close to ripping the Blu-Ray. `` :: :: Komentar je preuzet sa doticne stanice kao komentar usera :: :: :: :: :: ATI je bas poznat po tome sto se klokuje dobro a pogotovu sto dobro skalira! Treba jedno 100 Mhz OC za svega 2 FPS-a u skoku ahahaha :: Default je keva! Pa koliko dobijes to ti je! ATI je takav i to je fakat :: ::
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