Da nVidija nikako da se okrene optimizaciji arhitekture oni se jednostavno drze Murovog zakona da na svakih 18 meseci...
Ako je prethodna generacija imala 1.6 milijarde tranzistora a ova nova preko 3.1 milijarde tranzistora a pri svemu tome ne bude bar 2X brza od prethodne to je zaista veliki poraz za nVidiju. Ovakav rad mi prosto deluje kao gomilanje istih delova pa ako radi radi a kako ce da radi? Ma koj ga shisha kad nije iz Nish radice a papani ce kupovati.
Jos ako ne bude trosio manje struje od prethodne generacije GPU onda je to za krajnju osudu.
Mislite o tome, planeta zemlja je u pitanju, ubijate amazonske sume i ozonski omotac zarad 20% brzeg igranja !?!?!
hehe Pa ubise ga odavno. Takodje treba koristiti papir od celuloze...
Demon to some. Angel to others. _______________________________
:: :: Mislite o tome, planeta zemlja je u pitanju, ubijate amazonske sume i ozonski omotac zarad 20% brzeg igranja !?!? :: :: Tomato Republic Of Serbia !!! :: ::
Multiple sources now claim that Nvidia has promised to ship Fermi in January time. We are talking about Fermi, the GPU that is expected to defeat ATIs Radeon 5000 offering. To make it more clear, January is the time when you can hope to buy a graphic card based on Fermi.
Fermi has been pushed from early November to January launch mainly due the fact that A2 chip revision was not good enough for volume production so A3 is about to ship to partners soon. With this in mind and if all goes well, Fermi should be ready to ship in graphics cards in January.
We also heard that the launch won`t take place at CES 2010, which starts on January 7th and ends of January 10th, and that Nvidia might launch it later at some point, but still in January.
Nvidia believes that ATI doesn`t ship many 5xx0 chips
Sources close to Nvidia believe that ATI is not shipping enough Radeon 5xx0 series cards to make any big difference. Nvidia`s pride is hurt as ATI is the fastest kid on the block, but Nvidia still insists that its sales are good and that it sells all it has.
It looks like Nvidia sold all old chips and since it wants to clear the inventories before Fermi comes out, it plans to keep quite until the launch date. Also keep in mind that Nvidia and ATI are ordering at TSMC and they kind of know how many wafers the other company gets.
Nvidia also faces major shortages of its 55nm GT200 based cards, but the supply and sales of 40nm Geforce GT 240 that are showing in quite a few pre Xmas details at least in European OEM sales are supposed to be fine. We also learned that Nvidia`s 40nm mobile chip sales is also doing fine.
A part of the story is that Nvidia is programed to give and answer that ATI has shortages and dominant product and Nvidia is good and great, and will come back, but judging by the already announced Fermi spec, if it can bring good quantities at right clocks Fermi might be the winning hand. Still this only happens earliest in January 2010 if Fermi doesn`t get delayed further.
Neka se oni samo tjese, ATI je vec napravio dobru stvar, i karte se vjerujem prodaju vrlo dobro, posebno 5850, a njihovih Fermi-ja nema ni na vidiku, ni testova nikakvih a kamoli karte u prodaji...
Inormacije o novom GPU Nvidia za gaming baziranom na Fermi arhikteturi
24.11.2009. 18:50
status: user broj poruka: 7720
U stvari treba da se pojavi dual video chip zvani Gemini namenjen gaming trzistu zasnovan na Fermi arhikteturi i pretpostavljam da ce to biti konkurencija 5970 .
Ne pre kraja februara ,a na trzistu mart, april ,misli se na GPU Fermi verziju za desktop to jest za gaming trziste.Za HPC moguce i ranije.
According to associate, delivery of gaming video card fermi will begin not earlier than the end of February, and the appearance of worthy quantities on sale is expected in the end of March or beginning of April.
Re: Inormacije o novom GPU Nvidia za gaming baziranom na Fermi arhikteturi
25.11.2009. 08:18
status: user broj poruka: 3992
znate li vi ljudi za 7 meseci koliko ce ATI porati karti,na tone....mislim ne znam sta cekaju,cemu se nadaju,tese se da ATI nije prodao dosta karti,a ovi ne mogu da nastancaju,bas sam postovao o tome ali su mi iz nekog razloga obrisali temu...
:: U stvari treba da se pojavi dual video chip zvani Gemini namenjen gaming trzistu zasnovan na Fermi arhikteturi i pretpostavljam da ce to biti konkurencija 5970 . :: :: :: Ne pre kraja februara ,a na trzistu mart, april ,misli se na GPU Fermi verziju za desktop to jest za gaming trziste.Za HPC moguce i ranije :: :: :: :: According to associate, delivery of gaming video card fermi will begin not earlier than the end of February, and the appearance of worthy quantities on sale is expected in the end of March or beginning of April :: :: :: :: http://xtreview.com/addcomment-id-10697-view-Fermi-can-exist-in-the-two-chip-version.htm :: ::
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