Treci memorijski kanal blokiran,blok za ubrzanje RAID i funkcije sistemskih asocijacija u klusteru PCI express bus je iskljucen. U sustini i kad bi se odblokirao treci memorijski kanal, trebao bi treci dimm slot.
Nesto mi mirise da je trebalo da bude Nehalem.Eto i posle se zale na AMD. Mada moje licno misljenje kao i u slucaju AMD-a ,fercerace to bez greske cim se daje garancija 3 godine.
Let us begin from the QPI controller , whose position on the crystal is shown by a yellow framework. In lynnfield and Clarksfield processors this crystal part is not simply printed at the crystal level - QPI controller is not simply necessary. The third memory channel is also blocked , the block for accelerating RAID and the function of systems association in the cluster on PCI express bus is disabled.
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