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NV PhysX Tweaker 1.0
SkyFire NV PhysX Tweaker 1.0 04.07.2008. 01:58 T10789

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
A small tweak utility to en/disable GeForce PhysX and switch to CPU PhysX.

Matuus, our in-house Guru3D NVHardpage programmer stumbled into the same issue I had as well. The NVIDIA PhysX driver once install will activate itself on the GPU, and can not be disabled.

Required: Windows Vista 32-bit, GeForce G80/G92/GT200 and NV PhysX drivers

This little NV PhysX Tweaker tool will allow you to actually choose to enable or disable the PhysX driver over the GPU and if preferred, the CPU. Very simple, yet very handy.
If you have UAC enabled, you must run this software as Administrator.



Intel KICK-ASS,nVidia Is The Law - (May the force be with you) - GeForce is The Power!

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lllo 04.07.2008. 03:52 #61462

status: user
broj poruka: 319

Efekat PhysX-a je stvaran i obecavajuci,ali u ovom trenutku njegova upotrebna vrijednost je diskutabilna - implementiran je u tek nekoliko igara,i samo djelimicno.

Evo kakve rezultate je dobio M. Tomas (gpureview),testirajuci karticu na tri UT3 PhysX mape.


`...allowed me to play the map with a FPS that was 86% faster than when I turned off the physics computing.`
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