Ako je vec doslo do toga da su nekom potrebne pilule da bi imao bolju percepciju i reflekse u FPS igrama npr. COD 4 ... onda mu je moj savet da promeni hobi ...
`The alertness and mental clarity I get from FpsBrain helps me to maximize my gaming performance with every move!`
Craig W. from Toronto
`FpsBrain is phenomenal! At first I found the whole idea rather suspect but I have changed my mind. It was not so much the physical aspect but rather the concentration level that I was able to achieve.`
Steven G. from New York
Sta znaju deca?
Renaming his people blood elves, in honor of their fallen countrymen, he taught them how to tap into ambient mystical energies...
... ako je fake dobro ga je odradio ,a ako nije zali Boze ... Nije vazno sto deca piju, puse i drogiraju se ,vazno je da ne sede na `ladan beton ,da se pre`lade!...(biser iz Smedereva ranih 80-tih)...`Ajd u zdravlje!
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