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Microsoft se predomislio: moći ćete sa svojim igrama da radite šta hoćete
PhatPhuck Microsoft se predomislio: moći ćete sa svojim igrama da radite šta hoćete 19.06.2013. 23:21 T53553

status: user
broj poruka: 1886

``You can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360.` That is now the official word from Microsoft.

Microsoft says it `imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games,` but that it also realized that `the ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you.`

No Internet connection will be required to play offline Xbox One games. the Internet will only be required for a one-time initial system setup. There will be no limitations on sharing or selling game discs. Downloaded games will be playable offline, and there will be no regional restrictions on those games.

On the downside, there will be no digital `family` sharing as was previously announced, and disc-based games will require the disc to be in the tray to be played.`
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djokosrb Videli da su jeli govna i pokusavaju da isprave svoju megalomanost 19.06.2013. 23:28 #499983

status: user
broj poruka: 6876
Ali i dalj Sony all the way :)

Partizan se voli,za druge se navija,rece jednom Dusko Radovic

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Dejzan Re: Microsoft se predomislio: moći ćete sa svojim igrama da radite šta hoćete 19.06.2013. 23:33 #499984

status: user
broj poruka: 3730

Sad su me jos vise razocarali... Odusevili su me potezom (samoubistvo) i sad nece...I jos da kazu ono za 21 zemlju i da lansiram nuklearku :)
Sala na stranu kasno... Sad da imam 45 000 dindzi pravac computer land i kaparisanje PS4 ...

AMD 965 X4 3.8 Ghz , Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-890GPA-UD3H, 2 x 2 GB DDR3 1800Mhz Silicon X Power, HD 6870 Sapphire, LC Power Arkangel 850 W ,Cooler Master HAF 912+, Samsung SyncMaster P2470, Altec Lansing VS3151R, LOGITECH G400,

:: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/06/rumor-microsoft-set-to-reverse-controversial-game-licensing-policies
:: ``You can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360.` That is now the official word from Microsoft.
:: Microsoft says it `imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games,` but that it also realized that `the ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you.
:: No Internet connection will be required to play offline Xbox One games. the Internet will only be required for a one-time initial system setup. There will be no limitations on sharing or selling game discs. Downloaded games will be playable offline, and there will be no regional restrictions on those games.
:: On the downside, there will be no digital `family` sharing as was previously announced, and disc-based games will require the disc to be in the tray to be played.`
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solaja777 @Dejzan 20.06.2013. 00:05 #499990

status: user
broj poruka: 3277

da li se odmah placa celokupan iznos od 45999din za PS4 ili ?

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Dejzan Re: @Dejzan 20.06.2013. 00:07 #499992

status: user
broj poruka: 3730

Pazi U holandiji ide ceo iznos..Engelska i Spanija isto .Sigurno i de kod nas ...

AMD 965 X4 3.8 Ghz , Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-890GPA-UD3H, 2 x 2 GB DDR3 1800Mhz Silicon X Power, HD 6870 Sapphire, LC Power Arkangel 850 W ,Cooler Master HAF 912+, Samsung SyncMaster P2470, Altec Lansing VS3151R, LOGITECH G400,

:: da li se odmah placa celokupan iznos od 45999din za PS4 ili
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djokosrb U Engleskoj,Spaniji i Holandiji tako 20.06.2013. 00:10 #499994

status: user
broj poruka: 6876
A kod nas prvo tih 45 999,pa posle kad izadje usled promene kursa i nekog novo Dinkicevog maestralnog finansijskog poteza jos jedno 20 000 :)

Partizan se voli,za druge se navija,rece jednom Dusko Radovic

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Dejzan Re: U Engleskoj,Spaniji i Holandiji tako 20.06.2013. 00:29 #499996

status: user
broj poruka: 3730
Zato ja cekam izlazak konzole i pomogucstvu pravac madjarska :D
Mada treba se raspitati u computerlandu mislim da nece traziti veci iznos

AMD 965 X4 3.8 Ghz , Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd. GA-890GPA-UD3H, 2 x 2 GB DDR3 1800Mhz Silicon X Power, HD 6870 Sapphire, LC Power Arkangel 850 W ,Cooler Master HAF 912+, Samsung SyncMaster P2470, Altec Lansing VS3151R, LOGITECH G400,

:: A kod nas prvo tih 45 999,pa posle kad izadje usled promene kursa i nekog novo Dinkicevog maestralnog finansijskog poteza jos jedno 20 000 :
:: Partizan se voli,za druge se navija,rece jednom Dusko Radovic
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Dexter013 E jbg... 20.06.2013. 09:40 #500040

status: user
broj poruka: 17093
Ma dzaba im sad, mogu da se slikaju,
pojeli su govno i sad kao ne ne nismo,
a stoje komplet umazani i ruke i faca,
dzaba da se operes, svi znaju da si jeo govna...

Cpu:AMD FX 6300 @ 4Ghz
GPU:GTX 670 Gigabyte Windforce
Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperX@1600MHz
MBO:Asus M5A97
Case:CM Storm Enforcer
PSU:Chieftec 650w a85
Mouse:Mx 518
Screen: Dell

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