da li se meni pricinjava ili je prolom voda izgubila onaj prepoznatljivi ukus? imam osecaj kao da pijem cesmovacu. pitao sam jednog kolegu i potvrdio mi je da prolom voda nije vise ista. moze li jos neko da potvrdi ili negira.
I bila mi drugačija, nema onu gorčinu specifičnu. Pijem rosu i aqua vivu ali mi je najsladja iz cesme gde je onaj duboki vodovod kako se zove to nemam pojma.
Zasto pijete prolom vodu, bolesni ste? Bubrezi? Prolom spada u jako teske vode... Predjite na pivo, kvas... Realno bolje nego voda. U suprotnom, ja pijem Saguaro kad vec kupujem u Lidlu (voda je sa izvora, okolina sela Kljuc, bar tako pise, lepa za pice, posle nje cesma mi je malo nepitka).
Crta ličnosti je uopšten i usredsređen neuropsihički sistem, svojstven za individuu, kadar da različite draži ucini funkcionalno ekvivalentnim i da započne i vodi različite vidove adaptivnog i ekspresivnog ponašanja. Gordon Allport
ja sem rose drugu vodu ne pijem i svaki dan pravim kafu i caj u ketleru i nema kamenca ali par puta mi nestalo pa sam morao sa cesme i odma pobelelo dno pa sam cistio
DODATNO ovaj video mi je bio ponudjen pa sam pogledao zbog objasnjenja inace sam ovo gledao uzivo ljudi su isli po kucama i radili ovaj test da bih ti na kraju ponudili specijalne elektricne filtere za preciscavanje cesmuse
Kod nas apsolutno nista ne valja, konzumiramo smece. Ni ta Rosa nije ispravna, ne znam vise koja voda je dobra, jer se ni jedan ozbiljan i neozbiljan proizvodjac apsolutno ne pridrzava standardnog filtriranja.
Najbolje da odes do izvora i sipas, pod uslovom da ni to nije zagadjeno...
Crta ličnosti je uopšten i usredsređen neuropsihički sistem, svojstven za individuu, kadar da različite draži ucini funkcionalno ekvivalentnim i da započne i vodi različite vidove adaptivnog i ekspresivnog ponašanja. Gordon Allport
pa naoruzajte se dok jos mozete, sprema se terevenka:
`People USED to imagine that knowledge was the highest good, truth the supreme value. ...People still went on talking about truth and beauty as though they were sovereign goods. Right up to the time of the Nine Years` War. That made them change their tune all right. What`s the point of truth or beauty or knowledge when the anthrax bombs are popping all around you? That was when science first began to be controlled - after the Nine Years` War. People were ready to have even their appetites controlled then. Anything for a quiet life. We`ve gone on controlling ever since. It hasn`t been very good for truth, of course. But it`s been very good for happiness.`
i sto rece kolega, dobro parce hardvera/grafulja pre svega .)
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Slepo verujes Amerima, a oni su najveci lazovi i manipulatori od svih.
Crta ličnosti je uopšten i usredsređen neuropsihički sistem, svojstven za individuu, kadar da različite draži ucini funkcionalno ekvivalentnim i da započne i vodi različite vidove adaptivnog i ekspresivnog ponašanja. Gordon Allport
pa dobro de, ovo je chajna vek ili kako ono kazu `great leap forward` ili koliko bese miliona nestalo dok je Mao presedavao ko zna mozda ova nova ekranizacija korporativnog komunizma bude bolja i pravednija za siroke nardne mase (iako do sada nije bilo ikakvih pozitivnih rezlutata, sem sto se srednja klasa osetno smanjila i nastavlja da smanjuje)
ono sam pazario kod Engleza, ali to ti valjda dodje isto ko i Ameri :)
za one koji volu old skul pricu:
The Knowledge How to Rebuild Our World from Scratch Lewis Dartnell
ima elemenata i o filtraciji vode i kako se primenjuje ili mozda neki vojni prirucnici u lokalnim bibliotekama/knjizarama, npr.
A rudimentary but perfectly adequate system for filtering out particles in murky lake or river water uses a tall receptacle such as a plastic bucket, a steel drum, or even a well-cleaned trash can. Punch some small holes in the bottom, and cover with a layer of charcoal, either taken from a hardware store or created yourself using the instructions here. Alternate layers of fine sand and gravel on top of the charcoal. Pour the water into your receptacle, and as it drains through, it will be effectively filtered of most particulate matter.
The first option for disinfecting this filtered water to eliminate waterborne pathogens is to use dedicated water-purification treatments, such as iodine tablets or crystals available from camping stores. If you can’t find any, there are some surprising alternatives that will also work perfectly well, such as chlorine-based bleaches formulated for household cleaning. Just a few drops of a 5 percent liquid bleach solution that has sodium hypochlorite listed as the main active ingredient will disinfect a whole liter of water in an hour. But carefully check the label to ensure that the product doesn’t also contain additives such as perfumes or colorants that may be poisonous. Several fluid ounces of bleach found under a kitchen sink can purify around 500 gallons of water—almost two years’ supply for one person.
Products used for chlorinating swimming pools, scavenged from the storeroom of a gym or wholesaler, can also be used at a weaker dilution to disinfect drinking water. A single teaspoon of this calcium hypochlorite powder is enough to disinfect 200 gallons of water (but again, be careful it doesn’t contain any antifungal agents or clarifier additives). Later on in the rebooting process, once all the readily available chlorinating agents are gone, you’ll need to create your own from scratch using seawater and chalk as raw materials, as we’ll see in Chapter 11.
using the instructions here The process is a simple one. Wood is burned with constrained airflow to limit oxygen availability so that it cannot combust completely, but is instead carbonized. The volatiles, such as water and other small, light molecules that turn to gas easily, are driven out of the wood, and then the complex compounds making up the wood are themselves broken down by the heat—the wood is pyrolyzed—to leave black lumps of almost pure carbon. Not only does this charcoal burn far hotter than its parent wood—because it’s already lost all the moisture, and only carbon fuel remains—but the loss of around half of the original weight also means that it is far more compact and transportable. The traditional method for this anaerobic transformation of wood—the specialist craft of the collier—was to build a pyre of logs with a central open shaft, and then smother the whole mound with clay or turf. The stack is ignited through a hole in the top, and then the smoldering heap is carefully monitored and tended over several days. You can achieve similar results more easily by digging a large trench and filling it with wood, starting a hearty blaze, and then covering over the trench with scavenged sheets of corrugated iron and heaping on soil to cut off the oxygen. Leave it to smolder out and cool. Charcoal will prove indispensable as a clean-burning fuel for rebooting critical industries such as the production of pottery, bricks, glass, and metal, which we’ll come to in the next chapter.
ili se kupi gotovo resenje, mada meni licno ni staromodni nacin ne bi bio mnogo naporan, ako se nema drugog izbora...
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Nije isto naravno, Englezi su mozda jedini kojima sve verujem, ozbiljni su :)
Crta ličnosti je uopšten i usredsređen neuropsihički sistem, svojstven za individuu, kadar da različite draži ucini funkcionalno ekvivalentnim i da započne i vodi različite vidove adaptivnog i ekspresivnog ponašanja. Gordon Allport
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