za sada tablice, uskoro face id, nesto mi govori da u buducnosti bilo sta sto u imenu ima sajber ili smart je antiteza ikakvom normalnom zivotu
gradski prevoz je vec odavno pokriven kamerama, zarad nase bezbednosti, nesto se ne osecam ni malo sigurnije, sa sve `besplatim wifi-jem`
komentari `Jeste vi normalni, 2,5 mikiona evra za 20ak automobila, jedan znaci kosta preko 140 hiljada evra???` (idemoooo..., ima se moze se) (Vozilo košta 29.000 evra, a sistem za video nadzor još 4.000 evra)
`Isključena korupcija
Prednost ovog sistema jeste i ta što na ovaj način u potpunosti isključuje mogućnost eventualne korupcije jer snimak ostaje zapisan na serveru. - Novi sistem se neće primenjivati na taksi i dostavna vozila, čiji je rad već regulisan, a tokom epidemije kovida, bolnice i kovid centri će biti izuzeti - kaže on`
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
tuga Nejnika, gde god da odes docekuju te banditi sa maskama na licu koji ce cude sto im je promet opao i sto niko vise ne posecuje radnje/objekte. Ajd da vidimo dokle ce ovo ludilo potrajati. I sam idem gde samo eksplicitno moram (egzistencijalna kupovina) sa sve feredzom na glavi (bez maske naravno). Impulsivna kupoivina je mrtva. Kupovina upgrade-a/kupoivne radi mrtva takodje. Docekuju te ljudi zavijeni u crnom koji i tebi hoce da prirede istu sudbinu. Javni prevoz sam zamenio biciklom dok i tu ne uvedu neku kerefeku, da umirem necu im uci u smrdljivi autobus. Ima lepo da naslazem jedno 10-tak bajsova/motora, mogu da voze prazne autobuse nek im je sa srecom ionako od kad znam za sebe su uvek vozili stoku, a ne ljude u istim (da izvoze momci a posle burek i novine). Sokolarstvo je nekad bio plemeniti sport. Danas, postaje obican kic i sund za koji ni osnovna skola vise nije neophodna, samo poslusnost i razumem i nije mi tesko karakter licnosti :(
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Da bi se to uvelo u red treba jedan solidan okupator...
Mada sa nama nikad nisu sigurni pa tako turci tvrde da smo mitom i korupcijom uinstili Osmanlisko carstvo...
Poslednja nada da se ova raja UTORI je da se kaznjava sve dok MARVA ne shvati sta su pravila a sta prava, sta su licne slobode i dokle sezu, sta su licne slobode drugih ljudi, sta su obaveze itd...
Citat: `Молимо паметне да престану са попуштањем, ситуација је постала неподношљива!`
pa i ne znam bas koliko ce regulatorni sistem da pomogne:
`Garantujem da će Srbija biti jedna od prvih zemalja koja će dobiti vakcinu, vakcina će biti u zemlji tek kada bude potpuno bezbedna a sve protokole i dokumentaciju o fazama testiranja našI stručnjaci već danas gledaju. `
ne uzdam se monogo u nase strucnjake/papagaje, obuku o vakcinama i internacionalno priznati doktori dobijaju na kasicicu i svede se na distribuiraj i ne pravi se mnogo pametan
`when you first started out to be a doctor what kind of training did you get on vaccines honestly I don`t remember very much conversation at all we were just taught that they help prevent disease we were told on our rotations that vaccines were safe and effective here`s the schedule we are not taught also those actions we are just taught what the schedule is like safe and effective and they saved millions of lives we learned the schedule all we did not learn what was in them it was more philosophically taxing the science by I guess if you will as you know medical doctors don`t have a lot of training in vaccines if you are one of those people who knows more than doctors that`s fine no vaccinations but you`re not allowed to go to the doctor anymore why would you even want to go to a doctor who knows less than you do it`s amazing but they didn`t teach us very much very low very low and and what you got basically it was told these are the things that you need to give their patients it was just more about administration of the vaccines rather than the real effects and risks`
vec postoje nagovestaji koji deo populacije je apsolutno `imun` i lak za kontrolisati:
`- Najbliži smo odluci da đaci od prvog do petog razreda krenu u škole od 1. septembra - izjavila je premijerka.`
ko da joj je Platon bio mentor, i onda idu price o uniformisanim komunalcima koji ce sve dovesti u red, kaznjavajuci i ucenjujuci ljude primenom `state of the art` igracki koje su apsolutno proverene i neutralno nepristrasne samo usmeris i kasica prasica se sama puni, sta ces lepse, veruj nam na rec kao i do sada, mada imas pravo na svoje misljenje dokle god radis kako ti se kaze sa/bez licne saglasnosti, mislim mozes da se protivis, ali slede ti restrikcije tipa...
ako je nesto sveze peceno ispod sacha ne znaci i da je dobro za tvoj organizam ma koliko lepo mirisalo, narocito ako ne znas kako je zivotnja ogojena, cime je spricana, kakvu isharnu/uslove zivota je imala itd., a verovati Srbinu/coveku na rec je tragi-komicno
p.s. kredo koji se prati je:
Knowing is not enough. we must apply. Willing is not enough. we must do.” —Goethe
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
`Sledece ce nabaviti robota bez govorne mane da menja vesica u javnosti. Moze da bude bez vestacke inteligencije da bi bio sto autenticniji.` caaaaar
brine me samo da nekom slucajno ne padne na pamet da crnom izolirkom prelepi slova tablica, a kako je to sigurno/apsolutno nepogresiv sistem vrhunske vestacke inteligencije znace razliku momentalno,
e sad, pitanje je, ako se tako nesto i desi protivno volji vlasnika automobila, recimo neki zli komsija, da li komunalci imaju ovlascenja/volju da se licno uvere/provere autenticnost spornih tablica tj. rade intervenciju na licu mesta, a ako i imaju, ko ce snositi troskove popravke korigovanih tablica usled `bahate` re-instalacije istih od strane predstavnika reda i zakona
isto tako sporno pitanje bi bila i cinjenica da sistem snima sa kamerama od 360 stepeni rotacije, tako da gotovo sigurno moze da snimi i slucajne prolaznike, recimo u scenariju gde je veliki vodja proklamovao da se moraju nositi maske cak i na +40 stepeni celzijusa (ne treba pominjati cinjenicu da virusi prolaze kroz njih koristile se ili ne), koliko bi bilo komplikovano ugraditi detekciju da li osoba nosi masku ili ne, (da ne zalazimo u pricu detekije konture lica, sta ista nosi i poredjenje sa slikama nacinjenim sa/bez nosenja maske i na kraju i identifikovanje `bahate` osobe), koja svojim krajnje nepromisljenim aktom ugrozava zivote celog grada, jer dovoljno je da jedna osoba kine i ceo Beograd je trajno inficiran i dozivotno pozitivan
p.s. nadam se da su predstavnici reda i zakona vec odavno predvideli slicne scenarije i sigurno nece zloupotrebljavati nove igracke vec se trenirati samo na `bahatim` osobama tj. svim ljudima koji ne zadovoljavaju definicju bioloskog androida koji slepo prate i primenjuju edikte cipovanih robota na vlasti
btw za one koji jos mogu da misle, tip, krenuti ako vec niste u istrazivanje opcija trajnog iseljenja iz Beograda, ne toliko zbog sokolarstva, vec cemu vodi centralizacija i koncetracija moci/vlasti u rukama nekolicine i ne toliko vrednih paznje mocnika, znaci postavljanje oglasa u lokalne novine/televizije i istrazivanje trzista gde se najbolje preseliti i ziveti, mislim u okviru postojece zemlje, a ko ima fondove, sto da ne i malo dalje, knjige koje mogu posluziti u donosenju bolje odluke
Joel Skousen - The Secure Home 2006 3rd Ed Strategic Relocation North American Guide to Safe Places by Joel M. Skousen
i izvuci opste smernice primenjive na bilo koju zemlju, verovatno ima i srpskih vojnih knjiga na slicnu temu (odbrana/Продавница „Војна књига” je dobar izbor), ali da bi je kupili gotovo sigurno pri ulasku u knjizaru se moraju staviti pelene na usta, gde po izlasku iz iste se momentalno uspostavlja magicna barijera i virusi vise nisu aktivni :)
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me
by Pastor Martin Niemöller
ako se ne varam prvi na udaru su bili ljudi starosne grupe od +60 ili koja cifra bese (pre njh milioni abortirane dece, no na to smo navikli, ne racuna se), sada starosna grupa je pomerena na od 5-tog razreda na pa na gore, a ono sto je ostalo i nije vredno pomena,
iskreno se nadam da ce svi `bahati` gangsteri biti iskorenjeni sa svim tim besnim kolima zaradjenim na sumljivi nacin, mada vodeci se francuskom revolucijom, jednom kada giljotina krene da secka vrlo lako se primenjuje i na ljude koji su inicirali celu revoluciju
btw tekst vredan citanja sledi:
All right. I’ve now set the stage for an excerpt from an interview, a profound interview with a late mainstream master who, in the face of fake science, suddenly was characterized as a rebel, Etienne De Harven. The interview was conducted several years ago by the brilliant reporter, Celia Farber. You can find the whole interview here. I strongly suggest you read it sixteen times. Yes, it gets technical. You’ll also notice names of elite scientists you haven’t run across. Learn the meaning of the words you’ve never seen before. Dig in. This isn’t television-type brush-off conversation. This isn’t a YouTube throwaway.
I have another reason for exposing readers to this interview—it’s what a conversation about serious scientific issues looks like…this is what trying to bridge the gap between researchers, honest reporters, and the public looks like. There should be hundreds and thousands of such print-interviews taking place, laid before readers. They can handle it. Dumbing down people is partly an illusion: they can wake up. They WILL wake up if they’re sufficiently interested.
Etienne De Harven’s background: president of the Electron Microscopy Society of America. researcher, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Cornell professor of cell biology. professor of pathology, University of Toronto. recognized pioneer in the field of electron microscopy.
The interview focuses on HIV. whether it was ever found and isolated. The implications and questions spread out to any and all viruses.
DE HARVEN: Unacceptably frustrated by the total lack of success in all attempts to demonstrate virus particles in human cancer by EM, the “impresarios” of the cancer/virus “dream” (Gallo, Fauci, and others) totally engaged in the molecular approach.
Consequently, they invented molecular markers to compensate for the missing viral particles…This would have been acceptable if the specificity of these new molecular markers would have been clearly established. Unfortunately, this was not the case. The most misleading molecular marker was probably the first one, i.e. the enzyme [called] reverse transcriptase (RT). Following Temin and Baltimore 1970 papers in “Science”, the RT enzymatic activity has been, most abusively, used as a specific retroviral marker. Both Temin and Baltimore demonstrated RT activity in samples of supposedly “purified” retrovirus.
Embarrassingly, they both omitted to verify the “purity” of their samples by EM. Some of their samples were simply purchased from a commercial company… True, the label on the vials read “pure retrovirus”… However, it was known that these commercial “pure retrovirus” were heavily contaminated by cellular debris!
And since it is also known that all cells contain RT (see Varmus), cellular debris are most likely carrying similar RT enzymes.
Temin and Baltimore did not, therefore, prove that RT is a specific molecular marker for retroviruses. It would have been so simple to check, by EM, the degree of “purity” of the samples they used. This would have, most probably, shown important cell debris contamination, and would have obliged Temin and Baltimore to be much more cautious in the interpretation of their results. In 1975, the members of the Nobel Committee, most regrettably, failed to scrutinize this “purity” problem…
In 1983, at Pasteur Institute in Paris, reliance on the RT marker was a key element in the claimed “isolation” of a new retrovirus [HIV]. Still, Montagnier himself recognized “We did not purify”… He dangerously omitted to consider the misleading interference of cell debris, just as Temin and Baltimore did in 1970.
But a paper on the discovery of a new retrovirus looks much better if it contains at least… one EM picture! So, members of Montagnier’s team spent hours at the TEM [transmission electron microscope], looking at their mixed cell cultures, and they found the virus!
See Fig. 2 in their “historic” 1983 “Science” paper! It is, by the way, a good quality EM picture. It shows unquestionable retroviral particles, budding at the surface of a cell. But the legend of this Fig. 2 states that this cell is a cord blood lymphocyte. Indeed, cord blood lymphocytes were admixed to these complex cell cultures (why?)
Montagnier and his co-workers should have known that human embryonic tissues, and the placenta in particular, are very rich in endogenous retroviruses (HERVs), and that cord blood lymphocytes should therefore be expected to carry the same endogenous retroviruses (under the TEM, endogenous and exogenous viruses, looking identical, cannot be distinguished.)
The budding of these particles has perhaps been stimulated by some of the growth factors also present in these cell cultures. An essential control would have been to repeat the experiment using lymphocytes from the peripheral blood instead of from cord blood. This control is unfortunately missing.
In short, I would frankly state that the Pasteur 1983 paper (whose 30th anniversary has just been celebrated in a “grand messe” of official HIV retro-virology!) contributed very little in AIDS research because its conclusion (i.e. “the isolation of a new retrovirus”) is based on 1) the use of a non specific RT molecular marker, and 2) is falsely supported by EM pictures of, most probably, endogenous human retroviruses.
More details and appropriate references on this analysis can be found in my 2010 paper published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons [— “Human Endogenous Retroviruses and AIDS Research: Confusion, Consensus, or Science?”] (
CELIA FARBER: When antibody and VL [viral load] tests became widespread as diagnostic tools for “HIV infection” over the ensuing decades, what happened with EM inside of HIV science and literature? It is my understanding that nobody has ever found HIV in human blood, on EM. Is this an accurate way to say it?
DE HARVEN: In my views, Western Blot [antibody] tests lost all credibility after the publication of Eleni Papadopulos’s et al. (1993) paper, and antibody tests (“Elisa”) [lost credibility] after Christine Johnson’s report (1996). The notion of a “Viral load” (VL), however, brought a new parameter in AIDS diagnosis (Ho,1996). It called attention to the actual number of HIV particles supposedly present in the blood plasma of AIDS patients, PCR technologies [tests] being presumed to offer a way to quantify that number.
If such a viremia (i.e. presence of virus particles in the blood) is indeed present in AIDS patients, it reminisces the retroviral viremia well known in leukemic mice. In such case, retroviral particles should be readily demonstrable, by TEM, of appropriately prepared patient plasma samples. Unfortunately, it has never been possible to demonstrate by TEM one single retroviral particle in the blood plasma of any AIDS patient, even if one selects patients presenting with a so-called “high viral load.”
I was apparently the first researcher to make that statement, during the opening session of President T. Mbeki’s major AIDS conference, in Pretoria, SA, in May 2000. My statement to that effect has never been refuted.
DE HARVEN: That question must be answered because “something” is measured by PCR technologies in the blood of many AIDS patients. Actually, what is being measured is definitely not the number of retroviral particles (phantom-like, i.e. EM invisible!). In fact, what is being PCR identified, amplified, and supposedly quantified is the number of genomic nucleotide sequences that are extremely similar to sequences known to be part of the retroviral genome. Most regrettably, these sequences were misinterpreted as an indication as a certain number of … HIV particles! This did a lot to consolidate the quasi-religious dogma of HIV as the cause of AIDS, a dogma that has been sharply criticized, a few years ago, by David Rasnick who wrote, authoritatively, about “The AIDS Blunder”…
This interpretation would have been acceptable only if retroviral particles would have been readily demonstrated, by EM, in the blood plasma of these patients. but, since this is not the case, another explanation for the presence of these nucleotide sequences has to be founded.
I presented at the RA conference in Oakland, CA, in 2009, and further developed in my 2010 JAPS paper such a much needed explanation for the presence of these retroviral-like nucleotide sequences. My explanation is based on the well known, variable amounts of circulating DNA in the blood of severely ill patients, and on the fact that we all carry [irrelevant] retroviral-like sequences in our DNA, as endogenous, defective retroviruses, i.e. HERVs (HERVs, for “Human endogenous retroviruses”) (See “Virus in all of us”, R. Lower at al., 1996 PNAS paper).
No surprise, therefore, that these nucleotide sequences are recognized by PCR [tests] in the blood of many AIDS patients, who are indeed severely ill. As already demonstrated in 2008 in Robin Weiss laboratory, HERVs can interfere as confounding factors in the search for novel retrovirus in chronic human diseases…
CELIA FARBER: …Paint a picture for us. The story of the [HIV] virus, the “new deadly virus,” what happens first: What steps did they [—] Montagnier, on one hand, Gallo on the other [—] take to “find” the new entity? Then once they ‘found’ it, what shape was it in? It was not an entity, a thing, with a body, right? It was not coherent. Can we say that? So it lived where? It was seen only through the technologies developed to find it, Elisa, WB [both are antibody tests]? Later PCR/VL [tests]? But what happened back THEN when they tried to see it on EM? Why didn’t everybody look for it on EM? Too expensive?
DE HARVEN: No, EM is not cheap but not that expensive! And its cost has certainly nothing to do with the fact that it has barely been used for the past 30 years in AIDS research! It has not been used because “They” knew it was not going to show anything of retroviral significance in samples coming directly from AIDS patients. And since AIDS had become big business, the stocks of involved giant pharmaceutical companies could not be jeopardized! It had to be saved at all cost, even at the cost of trusting non specific molecular markers… Fear is good business, and viruses generate fear most efficiently… So, the HIV flag has to be maximally agitated. In worldwide medias, with thousands of computer-generated, colorful caricatures of an idealistic retrovirus… By contrast, the medias have been dominated by the most rigorous censorship when it comes to inform the public about views of rethinking dissidents. This total censorship put a safety lock on any information that could jeopardize the colossal, entirely HIV derived profits of the major pharmaceutical companies.
But I am glad we have Internet!
Daring to say that HIV does not exist amounts to some sort of a capitalistic crime…
Yes, the HIV dogma is probably the darkest page in the history of modern medicine.
CELIA FARBER: Etienne, if you could sum up: Does HIV exist? If so, where and how and as what?
If you could examine 1,000 HIV positive people’s blood under EM, what would you expect to find? If you don’t find HIV on EM in human blood, can any argument be made that the virus is “hiding” and so forth, or that the drugs suppressed the virus to undetectable levels? This is what the defenders of the orthodoxy seem to be saying about the results seen in the Nushawn Williams case.
DE HARVEN: This is the main question! Questioning the very existence of HIV is not something that should be debated only between specialized retro-virologists. It is an essential question that concerns all of us.
DE HARVEN: Simply because 100% of AIDS research funding is based on the dogmatically postulated existence of HIV. If HIV does not exist, it would follow that AIDS research is the most appalling case of total misappropriation of public research funds! And it would also follow that the monumental amounts of money, so far exclusively devoted to HIV research, would be much better used in other directions. Could you imagine what world we would live in, today, if the total amount of money wasted over the past 30 years on HIV research had been, instead, used for feeding starving Africans, for clean water supply equipment, for public hygiene infrastructures, and for public health education? This would happen only if HIV research is totally stopped! And for this, the scientific and public health organizations have to face the fact that, indeed, HIV does not exist!
…we all have to, courageously, face the fact that the very existence of an exogenous HIV has never been scientifically verified.
—end of interview excerpt—
Again, you can read the whole interview here.
De Harven unmasks HIV research. How many other unproven viruses have likewise been prematurely massaged into existence and prominence? How many times have researchers pulled “special markers” like rabbits out of hats—spuriously claiming these markers establish the existence of otherwise never-observed viruses?
And therefore, when these researchers state they have published the genetic sequences of these viruses—what are they really sequencing? Harmless and passive endogenous viruses that wouldn’t hurt a fly and prefer to lie around in the body for the whole course of a lifetime watching television?
And when someone steps forward, and claims a new and never-before-seen virus is actually a manmade weapon, and he knows this from studying its genetic sequence—is he right, or is he looking at the sequence of an irrelevant microbe that has been rudely coaxed from its long languishing snooze in the warmth of the human body?
by Jon Rappoport
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
ne secam se da sam nekom dao ovlascenje/saglasnost da me snima protiv moje volje, kada korisitm javni prevoz, kada se setam ulicom, kada koristim mobilni telefon, kada gledam televizor itd. primeri su brojni, pametni grad za 10-tku,
e sad zamisli da nekom padne na pamet da u COVID bolnici upali 4G live video streaming, u roku od 5min. te okolni policajci koji rade monitoring identifikuju i sledi ti opomena da prekines neovlasceno snimanje premisa objekta licno, bas se pitam sta imaju da kriju kad je ceo sistem nazovi transparentan i covekoljuban
sto se ljudi budu vise izbacivali iz procesa donosenja odluka, to ce sve manje biti potrebe za njihovim trenutnim brojcanim stanjem u zemlji/svetu, bas se pitam sta ce onaj visak ljudi koji se nije snasao da radi u bliskoj buducnosti sa sve sokolovim okom i redom i harmonijom u saobracaju...
p.s. a ko su stvarni `bahati` gengsteri, vidi se u gore navedenim postovima .)
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Pa niko te i ne pita za ovlaščenje kada si u javnosti, nije to kao da su ti došli u kuću da te slikaju. Čim si u javnosti i napolju znači da si odlučio da budeš viđen a time i prepoznat, slikan ili nacrtan, svejedno., Ako odlučiš da prekršiš neki zakon, prava ti se još više smanjuju, da neće možda policija da te pita za odobrenje da te slikaju ako te uhapse ? Kako da ne. Jedini problem sa ovakvim načinom kažnjavanja prekršaja bi bio ako ti stigne kazna bez sudske presude i mogućnosti da se braniš na sudu. Probali su baš to kod mene u Ontariju u Kanadi pa je palo na sudu u roku od mesec dana i svima su morali da ukinu kazne i vrate pare. Pa, pa, paranoja mila moja, sakriješ se u podrum na nepoznatom ostrvu pa si relativno bezbedan.
:: ne secam se da sam nekom dao ovlascenje/saglasnost da me snima protiv moje volje, kada korisitm javni prevoz, kada se setam ulicom, kada koristim mobilni telefon, kada gledam televizor itd. primeri su brojni, pametni grad za 10-tku :: :: e sad zamisli da nekom padne na pamet da u COVID bolnici upali 4G live video streaming, u roku od 5min. te okolni policajci koji rade monitoring identifikuju i sledi ti opomena da prekines neovlasceno snimanje premisa objekta licno, bas se pitam sta imaju da kriju kad je ceo sistem nazovi transparentan i covekoljuba :: :: sto se ljudi budu vise izbacivali iz procesa donosenja odluka, to ce sve manje biti potrebe za njihovim trenutnim brojcanim stanjem u zemlji/svetu, bas se pitam sta ce onaj visak ljudi koji se nije snasao da radi u bliskoj buducnosti sa sve sokolovim okom i redom i harmonijom u saobracaju.. :: :: p.s :: a ko su stvarni `bahati` gengsteri, vidi se u gore navedenim postovima . :: :: `The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It i :: simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level :: to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.` :: ::
vidis tako nesto ce i biti, `hacijenda` je u procesu nabavke i bice na lepom i izolovanom mestu sto dalje od `ne paranoicnih` trendi osoba, pa kom opanci, kom obojci i bice dobro zasticena i jos bolje ususkana vama u Kanadi nije problem, Greenland je blizu, pa malo plivas, malo ronis i tu si .)
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Divota, samo sad još po neka ovčica da imaš šta da kresneš i postaviš na fejs.
:: vidis tako nesto ce i biti, `hacijenda` je u procesu nabavke i bice na lepom i izolovanom mestu sto dalje od `ne paranoicnih` trendi osoba, pa kom opanci, kom obojci i bice dobro zasticena i jos bolje ususkan :: vama u Kanadi nije problem, Greenland je blizu, pa malo plivas, malo ronis i tu si . :: :: bt :: :: :: `The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It i :: simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level :: to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.` :: ::
mozda je u Kanadi tako nesto deo svakodnevnice, tako da prepustam iskusnijim od mene da o tome posvedoce na istoj mrezi, ja bih se pre bacio na ovako nesto:
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
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