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Teorije zavere i sl. materijali
micika988 Teorije zavere i sl. materijali 15.04.2018. 19:35 T65810

status: user
broj poruka: 2086
za pocetak,


da prekrstimo fige, mozda nas i zaobidje...

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
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Pisko Re: Teorije zavere i sl. materijali 15.04.2018. 20:11 #645236

status: user
broj poruka: 6666
Bez čitanja linka, nas NIKADA ništa nije zaobišlo. Osim nuklearke, jer su bačene samo dve.

Budale računaju na sreću.

:: za pocetak
:: http://tinyurl.com/ybrmhxt
:: da prekrstimo fige, mozda nas i zaobidje..
:: `The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It i
:: simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level
:: to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
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nenika2009 Re: Re: Teorije zavere i sl. materijali 15.04.2018. 20:57 #645238

status: user
broj poruka: 1083
Trecu su aktivirali 1950 god. Od tada se reklamira da se rak koze dobija od sunca, a rak pluca od pusenja. Prilikom te nuklearne probe, jedan vod vojnika je bio na 500 metara, a drugi na 1500 metara. Nije im bilo ni traga da su se tamo nalazili. A sada su ameri spremili preko 30000 giljotina.Sta vam to govori?

:: Bez čitanja linka, nas NIKADA ništa nije zaobišlo. Osim nuklearke, jer su bačene samo dve
:: Budale računaju na sreću.
:: :: za pocetak
:: ::
:: :: http://tinyurl.com/ybrmhxt
:: ::
:: :: da prekrstimo fige, mozda nas i zaobidje..
:: ::
:: :: `The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It i
:: :: simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level
:: :: to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
:: e-mail :: prijavi adminu :: citiraj :: odgovori ::
micika988 ... 16.04.2018. 06:36 #645247

status: user
broj poruka: 2086
ne znam samo kako ce 7 mil Srba stati u:


sem ako nije rezervisan za nekolicinu `privilegovanih` (350, 6 meseci)

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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nenika2009 ..... 26.04.2018. 20:27 #645569

status: user
broj poruka: 1083
Ciceron je davno primetioio da:

1 - Siromah radi,
2 - Bogat iskorištava prvoga,
3 - Vojnik brani obojicu,
4 - Porezni platiša plaća za svu trojicu,
5 - Lutalica odmara se za četvoricu,
6 - Pijanac pije za petoricu,
7 - Bankar potkrada svih šest,
8 - Odvetnik zavađa svu sedmoricu,
9 - Lečnik ubije svih osam,
10- Pogrebnik pokopa svih devet,
11- Političar živi na račun svih deset.

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nenika2009 Evo primer, kako globalisti spremaju svoje sluge za buduca vremena 04.08.2018. 21:54 #648292

status: user
broj poruka: 1083

Da dodam, da se ne nadate nicem dobrom. SVI NA VLASTI SU ODABRANI DA RADE ZA ONE

:: e-mail :: prijavi adminu :: citiraj :: odgovori ::
nenika2009 Samo vi idite kod lekara 23.11.2018. 06:49 #651190

status: user
broj poruka: 1083

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nenika2009 Vakcine 07.02.2019. 15:25 #653784

status: user
broj poruka: 1083

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nenika2009 Ko su ljudi na vlasti. Obavezno pogledati 20.03.2019. 10:49 #655127

status: user
broj poruka: 1083


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nenika2009 Zašto je biljka koja industriju može učiniti neotrovnom i biorazgradivom zabranjena? 02.06.2019. 22:02 #657001

status: user
broj poruka: 1083

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micika988 ... 09.03.2023. 12:51 #678751

status: user
broj poruka: 2086
Todd Callendar RE: Marburg Info About the Possible Release of the Zombie Apocalypse

https://rumble.com/v2av1rg - todd-callendar-re-marburg-info-about-the-possible-release-of-the-zombie-ap.html

kome trebaju igrice pored ovako necega, elem

aktiviranje lipid nano cestica preko pulisranja 18Ghz signala, Marburg, Ebola itd.

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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micika988 ... 26.09.2023. 09:28 #680201

status: user
broj poruka: 2086

ejecta ( direct energy weapon repeated strikes on the same place )

massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles and debris falling from the sky, people sick with cesium, police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and exodus of sad looking people

they are going to attack, they want to attack, there are people they need to attack, but they don`t want the public to know that there is an opened war going on ( to look like natural event )

Cheyenne mountain O-R Denver airport O-R some other site that can take Internet globally

some tool in Antarctica that Raytheon developed that create earthquakes ( Christchurch earthquake, earthquake in Turkey )

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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micika988 ... 23.01.2025. 09:24 #683065

status: user
broj poruka: 2086

I`ve always distrusted the official narrative. One thing I`ve always known is that change is consistent and everyone in the system lying to you is consistent. These are two things you can depend on.

I`m a stranger in a strange land, trying to figure out what the hell`s going on, where I am and who this thing is that I`m walking around it. That`s basically the story my life and what I`ve learned throughout years is, oh that`s a lie. Okay that`s a lie. Oh that`s a lie too. Throughout this it`s very rare that you`re like, oh, oh, that`s a lie and that`s the truth. You know what I mean.

I have a reputation for being considered a weirdo my whole life. I`ve reputation for being considered like a nut, crazy person, a wild man. I am aware of this reputation I have. So who am I to say that that it`s all theater and it`s all bullshit, it`s just a human farming herding technique. I don`t know but that`s what I think and that`s what I thought for many years.

I personally think that the ultimate show of love would be for the people of earth to put aside our differences and to realize that we don`t be slaves and we want to learn to take care of ourselves and take care of each other. That to me would be the most absolutely revolutionary thing that humans can ever possibly do.

The powers that are herding humanity and I don`t know who they are. There are a lot of people who are very confident that they know exactly who they are and I kind of envy them that be nice. That`s one of the biggest things about this whole thing is, historically, is the is the hide and seek game, the masks, the master of death disguises. That`s who we`re dealing with. We`re dealing with the master of death and disguises. And the reason that it`s so powerful the disguises because if you can`t say who it is, there`s no clear answer to that then you sound like a cookie crazy person. Why ? I don`t know. It`s just part of human psychology, but that`s kind of the way they herd us.

But who ever they are, they use our weaknesses against us to hurt us. They use the fact that we are obsessed with preferences. That our mind is just constantly like a monkey nonstop. I like this. I don`t like that. Oh, I like that I like that I don`t like that. Oh, that one is way better than that one. That one sucks. That one is cool. That`s basically what our minds do. Most of us don`t ever really managed to put that under control. Which one do you like, do you like this one, O-R do you like this one.


The vaccines is darker and you have to be prepared for it. But the reason why they put Trump in it for the first round was clearly for operation warp speed. Looking back on a hindsight`s 2020 did I know this shit back then? Hell no. I was lost in the sauce. This is why am humbled by the powers that be by the masters of death and disguises is because they know they are clever and hindsight is 20/20 and once their plans are executed I can then often see what they were doing but usually not before. And so Trump getting the vaccines out there, operation warp speed, owning them, bragging, this has created a lot of cognitive dissonance. So much cognitive dissonance that his heart supporters have given them a pass. They won`t say that becuse you know it`s cognitive dissonance. I`ve herd some say that it was good because it only killed the other side. What ever the hell that means. But the people have forgiven him of this in some ways. A lot of people say he saved us from death camps. We would all be in death camps right now if he didn`t kill us with the vaxx.

But that`s coming back. That`s why Bill Gates met with him. Things are being put in the place, things are being setup. You can see it. The reason you can see it they want you to see it. That`s part of the herding. Thet are letting you know we are going to move you here. And I think the farmers are okay with culling certain amount of us to get us there. In fact, I think, they factor that in. In some ways it`s more economical for whatever the hell they`re doing in this place.

My point being is they are going to do it again. They are letting you know. They are right now gently saying you are going to get more vaccines, vaccines coming. They are letting you know. And why is it coming? Here is why.

The biblical prophecy people. The people that believe in the biblical prophecy. They know this. They will be nodding their heads and shaking their finger at me for taking so long. But that`s basically in sort. That`s what`s happening. Personally there`s a lot of reasons why I don`t think it`s happening like as if it was foretold by the word of God. Mainly just because the Bible was written by man and it was translated several times and the prophecies are actually quite loose and open for interpretation. But what is is not is the modern-day interpretation. The modern-day accepted interpretation of the end of end times story that has been made clear by man over the past several generations, centuries, maybe even. That story is, is clearly being played out like a script.


This nouveau riche the`re not gonna ever say anything bad about the system. The system will always be financial freedom for them because they will never have to work another day in their life and they`ll be able to live like Rockefeller. At least that`s the way the system is starting to pan out. And why would they let that happen? The answer is obvious. I think that`s probably why they let it happen with the fiat currency is to create a societal system like David Icke says they don`t need to police us we police each other. And so that`s what they are doing they are setting it up so that we police each other in so that the wealthy class love the system and will support the system.


Why is it being done in such a hurry? Why is so important? And I think there is a something coming. I think there`s some type of cataclysm event coming in and the Masters of death and disguises they understand it and they are liquidating certain areas. Certain regions of the world appeared to be liquidating other regions of the world appeared to be expanding. What is that mean? I think that there is a climate change shift coming and I think it is being kept a secret because it will give away too much of the secrets. So that`s basically my, I think, my one and only prediction.

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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