Toliko sam odlepio da sam morao da otvorim temu na forumu da se izduvam malo.
Prvo da kazem da sam totalno apolitican, ni jedna stranka me ne zanima, za mene su svi apsolutno isti lopovi, koji samo vlastiti interes gledaju.
Elem sta se desilo, sinoc mi dolaze na vrata njih dvoje, i mi smo iz SNS-a, radimo anketu za koga cete glasati na predstojecim lokalnim izborima, rekoh hvala lepo, ne zanima me politika i zatvorim vrata. Kad eto drugih dvoje veceras i traze kevu. Rekoh, sta ce vam ona, a oni, mi smo iz SNS-a pa nismo je nasli juce pa da vidimo danas, da li mozemo da racunamo na njen glas.!!!!
Pa dobri ljudi moji, ne branim da se neko ko to zeli bavi politikom, ali ici od vrata do vrata i pitati ljude da li mogu da racunaju na tvoj glas je ne malo, nego mnogo bezobrazno, pa zar glasanje nije tajno, majku mu dzebem, i zar se ne glasa iza onog paravana bas da bi se obezbedila tajnost glasanja.
Gadi mi se i gde ja zivim, i gde moje dete mora da zivi, u kakvom sistemu i uredjenju. Na zalost da nije SNS, bila bi neka druga partija, isti su svi, nema ni promila razlike.
Da nemam godina koliko imam, i malo dete, sve bih prodao i odselio se sto dalje od ove najlepse zemlje na svetu sa najgorim ljudima.
Eto toliko, i ne zamerite.
PS. ako se javi neko a da je clan bilo koje partije, pa i SNS-a, i da je uvredjen, molim da ne komentarise, kao sto rekoh ne branim da se politikom bavi koga god to zanima, ali takodje zelim da i ja imam pravo na svoje misljenje i da ostanem apsolutno apolitican i van politike.
Why are Europeans having too few children? This question has been approached from a biological as well as a sociological angle in recent years, but there is one missing observation that many Europeans will recognise. A middle- or average-income couple in most European countries worries about having even just one child and how they will afford that child, including suffering the loss of one household salary for at least a period of time. Having two children entails even more concern and even more worries. Almost every European will know at least some couples who are both in good jobs and who would never feel able to afford to have a third child. In fact, only three types of people now have three children or more – the very rich, the poor and recent immigrants. Among immigrants – especially those who have come from third-world countries – any provision for their children paid for by the European welfare state will be better than anything they could have expected in their country of origin. Whereas native Europeans are concerned about competition for school places, housing shortages pushing average house prices up to between five and ten times average salary in their area, and how to afford one child, let alone three or four. It is also possible that, contra Spencer and Portes, some parents may not appreciate an endless amount of ‘diversity’ in their local schools and may want their children to be educated around people from a similar cultural background. This means, especially if those parents are in an inner-city area or suburb, that they are likely to worry about being able to afford a house in the kind of middle-class neighbourhood from which their child would be in the catchment area of a less ‘diverse’ school. If they cannot afford to bring up their children in the way in which they would like, many people will fail to have the number of children they would like.
The question of what your country is going to look like in the future also poses a huge question about the issue of producing, as well as raising, the next generation. When people are optimistic about the future they tend to be optimistic about bringing children into the world. However, if they contemplate a future filled with ethnic or religious fragmentation, they may well think again about whether this is a world they want to bring their children into. If European governments are really so worried about population decline that they would contemplate bringing in higher-reproducing populations from other parts of the world, it would be sensible for them first to work out whether there are policies that could encourage more procreation among their existing populations. In Poland, for instance, the Justice and Law Party has in recent years raised child benefit in order to try to raise the native birth rate and diminish any reliance on immigration. At the very least, governments should examine whether there are things they are currently doing that are making things worse.
Then there is the issue of a greying population. It is true that people in Europe live longer today than at any previous period in their history. Barring any major war or pestilence, medical advances should allow the next generation to live even longer still. And of course, although living longer is often painted as a terrible burden, indeed a scourge on a society, it should perhaps be remembered that for most individuals it is rather a good thing. It can also present a whole set of benefits for the rest of society, not least by balancing a cultural obsession with youth against the experience of age. The ‘scourge’ of a ‘greying population’ is only a scourge when it is depicted as such. In any case, even if you agreed that longevity is a curse for a society, there are many things you might do before deciding to import the next generation from another continent.
itd. i tako blize, bices zamenjen `intelektualcima` sa Bliskog istoka (2-3 generacije max), tako da opusteno, to sto te neki sns smara je najmanje bitno, mislim ti jos i otvaras vrata i pricas sa njima, kod mene mogu dobiti samo zatvorena i ako sa suprotne strane ne vicu/lupaju `milicija otvaraj ili razvaljujemo` ista ce i ostati zatvorena
nemaju oni realno sta da me pouce/nauce i jos manje ucine, neka sisaju manje snalazljive ovcice ( a nesto mi govori da ce ih biti sve manje i manje )
p.s. The Strange Death of Europe Immigration, Identity, Islam 1472942248.epub 780.3 KiB
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
resavska skola malo editovana ...stara fora ali dobra
25.01.2018. 03:13
status: user broj poruka: 997
Probudio sam se jutros u 6:00 Sanjao sam, da sam gladan, da sam ušao u neki market, ukrao hleb i jaja. Uhvatese me u kradji i odvedose na sud. Kad tamo, sudija je lično Vučic. Prepozna me, `oće da mi sudi i zbog pljuvanja po Fejsu i tw. I,sta se desilo na kraju... osudi me na 3 meseci zatvora zbog fejsa i tw ,a za jaja me pomiluje...
They say I act like I don`t give a fuck...I tell them I`m not acting...It`s just who I am...
LAZNO predstavili... Dobar dan, ja sam muzicar..Aaaa, ti si muzicar? Ko, ja? ..neee,.. Znaci, NSI muzicar?, jesam, kazem...ovaj, samo da skoknem do Moskve, da Mami i Sinu dam koferche...
Torto, ne verujem da su se lazno predstavljali, danas ti je ono odredjenim strukturama drustva, ponos i dika reci da su iz te i te partije, vise niko ne ganja karijeru u nauci ili poslu (jer realno i ne moze), nego se svi uclane u neku stranku pa onda cekaju da im sve dodje na tanjiru bez da se pomuce.
Imam isto primer kolege iz bivse firme koji je uzeo otpremninu iz drzavne frime i onda se ponovo zaposlio u drugoj drzavnoj firmi, ljudi moji covek je otvoreno spavao na poslu bez da se krije, i kad sam ga pitao kako si dobio posao, jel preko stranke, on kaze da, ali sad ide slag na tortu, ali ja sam stranci dao 5 godina zivota!!!! Misleci pri tom na lepljenje plakata, mahanje zastavama na mitnizima i svemu ostalom. Znaci po njemu je to sasvim normalno i moralo je tako da bude jer je stranci dao 5 godina zivota.
Ma svi su nam dzebali kevu, od socijalista, samo se setimo afere koferce i necemo dalje, od zutih, koji nisu znali kad je dosta, pa do ovih vazduplohova i bratije.
Tuzno je sta je ispalo i sta je ostalo od ove Srbije.
@nenika 2009 a tek to, posto radim u firmi, u cijoj se zgradi odrzavaju izbori kada su izbori, tek da vidis te clanove izborne komisije, tu omladinu od 18-20 godina koji su vatrene pristalice svojih partija, koja je to ogranicenost u razmisljanju itd. Pa meni u tim godinama je bilo samo vazno kako cu navatati neku klinku da je zveknem, a ovo danas je plac majke Bozje.
Izbori i referendumi su najveca politicka prevara. SVI IZBORI I REFERENDUMI SU UNAPRED ODLUCENI. Sve ostalo oko izbora i referenduma je zamajavanje naroda.
pusti to, vidis da covek jos veruje u demokratiju ( da da narod odlucuje, yes siiir )
to je mozda tacno za grupice do par 100, sve preko toga ne zna se ko pije i jos manje ko placa
promene se moraju desiti iznutra, a ne cekati na poravnanje nebeskih tela
ko u zanjih 40 godina nije uhvatio semu po kojoj rade, nece ni u narednih 40...
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
Broj postavljenih tema: 60366. Broj poslatih odgovora: 647102. Trenutno niste prijavljeni na PC Berzu i zbog toga imate status 'gosta'. Kao gost ne možete da šaljete poruke na Forum. Ako ste registrovani kao član PC Berze, prijavite se. Ako ste novi korisnik, molimo registrujte se da bi dobili mogućnost aktivnog učešća u radu Foruma.