1:20 PM - September 3, 2008 by Tuan Nguyen Source: Tom`s Hardware – Category : Graphics Cards
In late August of this year, a major class action Class_action lawsuit was filed in the state of California against ATI/AMD amd and Nvidia, alleging that the two primary graphics cards graphics cards companies conspired to price fixing of GPU gpu processors and graphics cards.
The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Nothern District of California and the courts have ruled that the filing may proceed. The plaintiffs are Jordan Walker and Michael Bensingor, who have filed the suite on behalf of themselves and anyone else who has been an ATI or Nvidia nvidia customer.
According to the class action filing:
`The Named Plaintiffs allege that, in violation of the federal antitrust laws, Nvidia and ATI conspired to fix, raise, maintain and stabilize prices of graphics processing chips and cards. The Named Plaintiffs also contend that Defendants unlawfully colluded to coordinate new product introductions.`
ZoomJust two years ago, both AMD and Nvidia were reported to have conspired to similar antitrust behavior. According to reports from 2006, AMD and Nvidia allegedly exchanged emails between top executives in an effort to stabilize and maintain minimum pricing for both chips and cards.
Now those half truths seem to be true. Tom’s Hardware was able to obtain the legal documents for the filing as well as exhibits, showing detailed email exchanges between top ATI executives and managers and those from Nvidia. In one such email, Paul Ayscough of ATI exchanged long emails with Kevin Shuh of Nvidia, talking about working more closely together:
`We launch the GPU initiative at some industry show together. Perhaps something like Meltdown or IDF. We could even share a GPU initiative booth together to get tons of PR from the press.`
Another email exchange between Ayscough and Shuh even had Ayscough saying that Intel would never make a discrete GPU part, and asserted to taking advantage of this situation to bolster each other’s position in the market. As we all know today however, Intel has stepped into the graphics playground in a very big way with it’s Larrabee architecture.
In another email between Dan Vivoli of Nvidia and Dave Orton of ATI, Dan wrote:
`I really think we should work harder together on the marketing front. As you and I have talked about, even though we are competitors, we have the common goal of making our category a well positioned, respected playing field. and stocks are the result of no respect.`
In the same email, Dan wrote:
`Both of us have spent the last three years trying to bring the perceived value of our products up to the level of Intel. The `GPU` category is clean and has served us well that way. We both have increased the price of our high end product several fold over the last 4 years while Intel’s high end prices have more than halved. Creating another category serves to work contradictory to that. How does one cleanly position it versus a GPU and a CPU?? It will tear down what we have both built.
The class action also seeks to cover triple damages, attorney fees and other costs associated with federal antitrust laws. The suite is being represented by Boies, Schiller, and Flexner LLP. The overall case will be looked over by District Judge William Alsup. The law firm indicated that those who do not wish to be represented by this suite can send in a letter to the firm by October 12, 2008 to the following address:
Request for Exclusion Form to: In re: GPU Antitrust Litigation, 1999 Harrison Street, Suite 900, Oakland, CA 94612
I posle neka neko kaze da treba imati favorita!!!.
:: za to su bili optuzeni jos pre nekoliko godina...ne znam zasto je to sada opet postalo aktuelno.. Tada niko nije `presreo` meil koji to potvrdjuje,nego je sve bilo zasnovano na teoriji da rade u dogovoru...A ovo je sad vec dokaz,da su zajedno cedili kupce.
...pa to su svi negde podsvesno i pretpostavljali da se radi. cudi me samo da se saznalo. Mora EI NIS da pocne da pravi gpu i da im se svima na**** keve :)
::pa to su svi negde podsvesno i pretpostavljali da se radi. cudi me samo da se saznalo. Mora EI NIS da pocne da pravi gpu i da im se svima na**** keve : I to u saradnji sa Gorenjem:))))
.....zaboravili ste naravno na vrhunske brendove u Srbiji sa kojima će EI i Gorenje svakako sarađivati. WEG, Vivax, Fuego, SQMY, Panasoanic, Poanasonic i Crown. !!! Naglašavam: Panasoanic nije jednako Poanasonic i SQMY nema nikakve veze sa SONY. Kakva ekipa čoveče !!!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ On je naučen u špijunsko-terorističkim centrima da sve pamti...
...u svetu korporativnog biznisa. Tako se odveka radi sa cenama nafte, mleka, malina, itd. Šta misliš kad bi, na primer, ESSO počeo da uvozi u ameriku naftu iz Rusije po ceni od 50$ po barelu, a SHELL uvozi iz, recimo, Saudijske Arabije po ceni od 55$. Naravno da bi posle svega ESSO benzin bio jeftiniji, ali pošto SHELL plaća kampanje političarima, onda dođe do `dogovora` kako ne bi SHELL propao, umešaju se `antimonopolski` zakoni i tako ESSO plaća državi onih 5$ viška da ih ne bi `uništili` i sve bude `onako kako treba`. Uostalom, to se i kod nas naveliko radi. Ima mnogo firmi koje bi se bavili maloprodajom, dilovali robu jeftino kao na zapadu, ali bi time duboko zašli u Miškovićev profit, pa se onda država sa nametima stavlja na stranu Delte, onemogućuje anti-monopol i onda se zna ko nahebava. Takav je slučaj i ovde sa AMD-Nvidia. AMD je TAJVANSKA firma koja ima u vlasništvu KANADSKU firmu (ATI) i svojim poslovanjem na AMERIČKOM tržištu je veoma ugrozila AMERIČKU firmu i u to se umešala država da zaštiti svoju kompaniju. Naravno da neće da dozvole da Nvidia propadne (iako je na ivici toga), te primoravaju AMD da radi i ono što, inače, ne bi hteo, jeri američko tržište je primarno za njih. Ali, glavni uzrok tome je panika Američkih vlasti, jer tržišta Rusije, Kine i Indije postaju sve veća i sve ozbiljnija, gubi se primat i zato se rade pomalo suludi potezi...ali ne zadugo. Iako nema veze sa ovim, ovo sa Gruzijom je dokaz za to.
ATI cards are like buses... They`re huge, red and have bad drivers. But nVidia is like Rolls Royce, you can have a perfect drive but the car is too damn expensive. American Grafitti revisited
Jeste da su Kinezi, ali oni nude ono sto svi hoce, za male pare TV, koristis ga 2-3 godine i kupis novi, nije vise vreme osamdesetih i Grundiga da TV traje 30 godina, a Kinezi kakvu su Olimpijadu napravili ono ce tek za 8-12 godina tek neko moci da nadmasi u onom smislu!!!
Re: Zar nije Advanced Micro devices je Americka kompanija
05.09.2008. 10:18
status: user broj poruka: 729
:: On May 1, 1969, Jerry Sanders and seven friends founded Advanced Micro Devices in the living room of one of the co-founders
To nisam znao. Negde sam, pre nekoliko godina, čitajući od prvim 64-bitnim procesorima, pročitao da TAJVANSKI AMD svojim Athlon 64 procesorima zadaje bolan udarac AMERIČKOM belom džinu (Intel). A evo, baš pogledah ono ABOUT na sajtu AMD i vidim da zaista jesu američka firma. Moja greška, nemam običaj da proveravam takve relativno nebitne stvari. Ali činjenica je da država uvek staje na stranu moćnih kompanija na štetu građana/kupaca.
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