Da li neko zna zasto ne mogu da je pokrenem ako sam je instalirao ,patchovao ,skinuo sam i image koji treba za pokretanje preko Deamon tools-a ,i ona mi opet prijavljuje da ubacim originalni disk.A taj image inace i sluzi za pokretanje igre bez crack-a . Moze li neko da mi kaze o cemu se radi???
Treba ti Daemon Tools 4.10 Pro ili novija verzija,nadjes opciju da napravis IDE VIRTUAL DISC i na njega Mountujes Witcherov Image jer imas Image koji je Ripovan sa IDE DVD citaca, a SCSI Virtual iskljucis i to je to. xD
Inače igra može da se snimi na 2 dvd-a na ovaj način i provereno radi
The Witcher (DVD9 to 2 DVD5’s)
1) Create 2 Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: Witcher_DVD1. Name the other folder: Witcher_DVD2. Note: These folder names are only used to make this readme easier to follow! When burning both DVD’s you will use the Label: The Witcher
NOTE: Both DVD’s will use the same name (Label)!
DVD1 2) Copy all the contents from the The Witcher DVD9 to the Witcher_DVD1 folder.
3) Open Witcher_DVD1 folder and ‘Move’ the following files to the Witcher_DVD2 folder:
Data6.cab Data7.cab Data8.cab
Burn the contents of the Witcher_DVD1 folder to a DVD with the Label: The Witcher
DVD2 You should already have the following files in the Witcher_DVD2 folder: Data6.cab Data7.cab Data8.cab
From the Witcher_DVD1 folder copy the following folders to the Witcher_DVD2 folder:
Directx DocsENG DocsFRA DocsGER DocsITA DocsSPA
Also from the Witcher_DVD1 folder, copy the following files to the Witcher_DVD2 folder:
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