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Emulatori i igre!
SkyFire Emulatori i igre! 13.06.2020. 13:35 T67600

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Ako bi neko bio ljubazan da mi kaze koji se emulatori koristi i nek napise neki tutorijal i gde mogu da `kupim` te igrice. Recimo igrao bih Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze itd. Dao sam sam samo primer. Znate vi vec o kakvim je igrama rec i koje su to. Eto bio bih zahvalan da me malo opsirnije uputite u tematiku da ne lutam po netu bez veze.


Pozdrav od bivseg predsednika. :))

Intel 8700K@5.2 Ghz/Asus Maximus X Hero/G.SKill 3866Mhz 16GB/Asus GTX 1080 Ti OC SLI/Samsung 850 PRO/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Creative Titanium HD/Apple Ipad Air 2
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filipos ... 13.06.2020. 14:19 #663654

status: user
broj poruka: 123
Skini CEMU emulator.

Zatim Wii U USB Helper sa kojim skidas igre

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obradmi Imas on line emulatore 13.06.2020. 15:48 #663655

status: user
broj poruka: 7721

Play DOS games online in your browser


Za off line dos box

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nisavici Emulator zone 13.06.2020. 16:17 #663656

status: user
broj poruka: 908

Odatle sam skidao gotovo sve emulatore i romove za snes segu itd

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micika988 ... 13.06.2020. 18:11 #663658

status: user
broj poruka: 2053
Nicola Salmoria and the MAME team




nemam ja ovo na cemu da testiram, da li radi pojma nemam

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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tortojed Ja, tu negde u arhivi, na prepunjenom ekst. HDD-u od 2TB 13.06.2020. 18:14 #663659

status: user
broj poruka: 10998
imam jedno hiljadu - hiljadu i po programa i programcica skupljanih u poslednjih 20-ak godina (a u medjuvremenu sam menjao i HDD-ove i prebacivao sve to jope, i jope i jope...). Jedan od tih programcica je i emulator za Playstation 1. Svojevremeno sam se ludo zabavljao sa ``Eagle One-Harrier Attack`` i ``Gran Turismo`` na PC-ju vrteci CD-ove koje sam sa originala iskopirao/klonirao pomocu 120-postotnog Alkohola. E sad, da li je to radilo na win 98 ili XP-u ili sedmici i da li ce raditi na desetici ... nisam siguran, godinama se time nisam igrao. A radilo je odlicno, sa jednim izuzetkom: nije mogao da se sacuva ``progress`` u misijama (no saved points), jer je u originalu za to zaduzena neka vrsta memorijske jedinice (u hardveru PS keca) koja nije mogla da bude emulirana (barem ja nisam uspeo da nadjem resenje).

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alrad 13.06.2020. 18:46 #663661

status: user
broj poruka: 4829

Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze...? Emulator? PC?

Jel se zajebavaš? Aj` da je 1. april...

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gilopile ... 13.06.2020. 19:20 #663663

status: user
broj poruka: 9459
Treba mu nintendo switch emulator za PC. Ne verujem da to moze lepo da radi. Komplikovano.

- Majstore, da li će ići ili neće ići?
- Hm, mislim da će biti čupavo.

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micika988 ... 13.06.2020. 20:32 #663667

status: user
broj poruka: 2053
bice da ima ovo:


i dalje igranje sa XCI fajlovima, ali ne rade sve grice kako treba


https://www.nsemu.com/ - tu ima jos nekoliko emulatora

treba cackati malo, a kako nisam geJmer, slaba i motivacija .)

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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SkyFire Samo da vam se javim.. 13.06.2020. 23:43 #663672

status: user
broj poruka: 18472
Hvala ljudi na trudu zaista, sutra cu da pregledam i da proucim gradivo.

Sto se tice igara, niti sam upucen niti znam sta zaista moze da se emulira i da li moze.
Gledao sam samo ono sto mi se svidja. Donkey Kong sam dao kao primer, davno sam ga igrao na Nintendo-u i bila mi je u to vreme jedna od omiljenijih igara.

Intel 8700K@5.2 Ghz/Asus Maximus X Hero/G.SKill 3866Mhz 16GB/Asus GTX 1080 Ti OC SLI/Samsung 850 PRO/Enermax Revolution 1050w/Creative Titanium HD/Apple Ipad Air 2

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alrad 14.06.2020. 00:54 #663673

status: user
broj poruka: 4829

Jedno je Donkey iz 1981, a drugo pra pra pra unuk iz 2014.
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gilopile ... 14.06.2020. 01:06 #663674

status: user
broj poruka: 9459
Keve emulator je mama.

- Majstore, da li će ići ili neće ići?
- Hm, mislim da će biti čupavo.

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peterpan Za Android 14.06.2020. 23:24 #663681

status: user
broj poruka: 786

Ljudi, znate li da li ima nekih aplikacija za android Tv Box koje imaju istu namenu?
Konkretno mi trebaju igre sa sege, nitenda i PS one.
Moze sa stora, a moze i apk
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BockyG Re: Za Android 15.06.2020. 01:18 #663682

status: user
broj poruka: 55

Probaj RetroArch

:: Ljudi, znate li da li ima nekih aplikacija za android Tv Box koje imaju istu namenu
:: Konkretno mi trebaju igre sa sege, nitenda i PS one
:: Moze sa stora, a moze i apk
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micika988 @rebels against reality & predsednik 15.06.2020. 08:50 #663683

status: user
broj poruka: 2053
za slucaj da se ne snadjes ili manjkas u hardveru (igrice bez granica):

prica ide o obrnutoj hipnozi i pristupanju Akashic Records
`trying to catch lightning in a bottle`

odslusati kad se nadje vremena:


radi bez glicheva cak i na Technics SC-HD310 CD player-u :)

za one koji vise vole da citaju sami:


isecak sledi:

Question: Talk a little more about filters.

Answer: Okay, you’ve got a person who is involved, in his job, with technology. He’s an engineer. He sees things in terms of problems and solutions. Everywhere he looks, there is a problem to solve, and the way to solve it is through rational exercise. Take a step forward. Formulate a way to make something work a little better. There is nothing wrong with that. Fine.

But as his life goes on, he’s in that basic position. He’s a solver. He sizes up situations as problems, and he works to solve them. It doesn’t make him as happy as it once did. That’s the main thing. He doesn’t get the same kick out of it. Most people would say that’s a function of aging, but it really isn’t. It’s a function of the filter. His filter.

His way of approaching reality. You’ve heard of this word entropy? It’s a goofy theory that all over the universe, available energy is running down. It’s dissipating. It doesn’t disappear, but it’s stored in, what could you call it, places of quiet, where nothing is happening. Like a warehouse. Well, what really runs down is a filter. It begins to deteriorate, because the person it belongs to is finding it less and less interesting and exciting. It’s like a book he’s read a thousand times. How much more can he squeeze out of it?

This is what mind control comes down to. Your filter. And the general tendency is for it to deteriorate, which doesn’t mean it goes away. It just means it’s less useful and interesting, but nothing takes its place. That’s the problem. It’s a replacement problem. But you see, because this engineer has spent his whole life using that filter, he doesn’t see an alternative. He doesn’t know what else he can do.

He’s like a one-trick pony. The trick is wearing out. He looks around for an answer. He looks here and there. He reads a few books. Nothing really clicks. He tries to formulate his own state of mind into a problem he can solve, but he can’t really define the problem.

Well, how could he? He’s looking through the problem. The filter.

Question: And as I’ve suggested to you many times, the answer is imagination.

Answer: Yes, and in my work and in your work, the issue is, how do you get a person to make that leap? How do you get him to recognize, first of all, that he has this thing called imagination? How do you get him to use it? How do you open up that whole territory? It takes ingenuity. It isn’t just a problem that needs solving. It’s a lot different.

Question: People use filters that can’t process the fact that you can invent something that wasn’t there before.

Answer: This is true. So that needs to be overcome. You can trick a person into it, but that way has brief results only. You need to go deeper. Higher.

`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is
simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level,
to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`

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