Imam original fifu 15, imam veliki problem sto stalno zakucava po par sekundi, zakoci slika a zvuk ko pokvarena ploca ponavlja istu recenicu kako u meniju a jos vise u igri. Moja konfiguracija je Intel g2020 , graficka Saphire 7750 1gb ddr5 i 8 gb ddr3. Sta bi bilo pozeljnije da menjam graficku ili procesor? Molim za pomoc dao sam velike pare za igru a nemogu je igrati.
Taj cpu je i vise nego dobar za fifu. Gpu, moze da istera 30+ fps u bf3 na high tako da bi i za fifu trebala biti dovoljna.
Meni deluje kao da imas neke viruse ili malver. Predkeniraj malo komp. Mozda ti neki program jede resurse u pozadini. Otvori task manager uz igru i pogledaj sta jede procesor. Imam neki osecaj da ga nesto koristi vise nego sto bi trebalo.
Isto mi je bilo na win7 sad imam novu instalaciju win 8.1 sve je isto nema virusa. Origin sam skida sve update sto izlaze. Igrao sam gta V nije bilo problema. Probao sam da iskljucim net opet isto.
Nije hard probao sam sa drugim hardom nova instalacija sve isto. Kupio sam pre pola sata ati 7850 , sad vise ne zakucava , ali jos uvek malkice koci . Sve je stavljeno na minimum podesavanje. Jedino preostaje da menjam ovaj krs procesor nema druge. Kako si mislio free fifu svi igraju original jer se igra online , nemozes sa crackovanom fifom 15 to.?
I’ll cover AMD first, since I actually have one of their cards and I’m able to confirm the solution first hand.
Download and install the third-party software RadeonPro. If you’re an AMD user, you may well already have it. I had no luck at all using Catalyst Control Center’s Vsync options, so you really will need RadeonPro.
Open it up and add a new profile by selecting the “add new profile” button (it’s the page icon with a green cross.) Find your FIFA15.exe in the relevant folder, most likely at C:/Program Files (x86)/Origin Games/FIFA 15 or similar. radeonpro-fifa15
Here are my RadeonPro settings as of 18 Nov 2014. Click for a larger version.
select the ‘Tweaks’ tab over on the right hand side and change the “Vsync control” drop-down to “Always On.” Change the “Display Refresh Rate” value to 60hz. Check the “Triple Buffering” box too. Then check the “Dynamic Framerate” box and put 60 in as the value. Press return to make sure it sticks (you can check with the values at the bottom.)
If that doesn’t work, try unchecking the Dynamic Framerate box and selecting “Lock frame rate up to monitor’s refresh rate” instead. I’ve found success with both options.
update 18/11/14: After a lot of messing around with this post-patch, I’ve found that also enabling “Force High Process Priority” under ‘Tweaks’ and “Force Triple-Buffering (Open GL)” under the ‘Advanced’ tab give the best results. You’ll still get somewhat jerky free kicks and goal kicks, but it smooths out the main gameplay pretty well. The rest of the original article follows …
In FIFA 15‘s launcher options make sure “no limit on FPS” is selected. RadeonPro will be taking care of that now. You can check the “disable Windows Aero Theme” box too if you like, but I’m not sure if that makes much difference. I have it checked.
You should now be able to play pretty much micro-stutter free at a solid 60fps. There may still be very rare dips into the 57-59 range that’ll register as a stutter, but it’ll be a great deal better than before. Certain replay cut-scenes will still dip back to 30fps, but that should be a fairly minor annoyance. I’m not sure if it’s possible to prevent the engine doing that. fifa15 2014-09-25 20-47-08-26
Oh my god, a corner at 60fps. Again, 58 due to me taking a screenshot.
Once you have nice, stable gameplay you might want to experiment with some of RadeonPro’s anti-aliasing options to remove some of FIFA 15’s jagged edges. Any time you want to play FIFA 15, open up RadeonPro first and make sure the FIFA 15 profile you created is selected.
If at any time RadeonPro isn’t opening, type “services” into your start menu search bar (assuming you’re on Windows 7,) open up the top entry and then find “RadeonPro Support Services” in the list. Right click it and select ‘Start.’ This is a weird start-up bug which crops up every now and then.
Momak, ne znam šta da ti kažem. Drago mi je što ti igra leti, ali ako radi na jebenom Celeronu G1610 i 7850 na 1920x1080 sa 30 do 65 fps, onda radi i na G2020, koji je mnogo jači procesor. Nikakvih zakucavanja inače nema i pm, ali drago mi je da si riješio svoj problem. Očigledno, onaj ko ti je instalirao sistem nema blage veze sa životom. Ili ti je net bio loš tih dana za online. Ako je neko nedovoljno stručan, ne bi trebalo da prodaje hw, nego pljeskavice.
:: Momak, ne znam šta da ti kažem :: Drago mi je što ti igra leti, ali ako radi na jebenom Celeronu G1610 i 7850 na 1920x1080 sa 30 do 65 fps, onda radi i na G2020, koji je mnogo jači procesor :: Nikakvih zakucavanja inače nema i pm, ali drago mi je da si riješio svoj problem :: Očigledno, onaj ko ti je instalirao sistem nema blage veze sa životom :: Ili ti je net bio loš tih dana za online :: Ako je neko nedovoljno stručan, ne bi trebalo da prodaje hw, nego pljeskavice.
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