`SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - In the midst of the bitter national debate on gun violence, gun manufacturers and videogame makers are delicately navigating one of the more peculiar relationships in American business.
Violent `first-person shooter` games such as `Call of Duty` are the bread and butter of leading video game publishers, and authenticity all but requires that they feature brand-name weapons.
Electronic Arts licensed weapons from companies like McMillan Group International as part of a marketing collaboration for `Medal of Honor: Warfighter.` Activision Blizzard gives `special thanks` to Colt, Barrett and Remington in the credits for its `Call of Duty` titles.
Rifles by Bushmaster, which made the gun used in the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting last December, have appeared in the hugely popular `Call of Duty.`
Yet, in the wake of the Newtown shooting, the biggest advocate for gun ownership, the National Rifle Association, took aim at videogames to explain gun violence. One week after 20 schoolchildren and six adults were killed in the shooting, NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre called the videogame industry `a callous, corrupt and corrupting shadow industry that sells, and sows, violence against its own people.`
Now at least one game maker, the second largest by revenue in the United States, is publicly distancing itself from the gun industry, even as it finds ways to keep the branded guns in the games. Electronic Arts says it is severing its licensing ties to gun manufacturers - and simultaneously asserting that it has the right, and the intention, to continue to feature branded guns without a license.`
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
Stvarno treba već jednom da stave tačku na onaj slučaj. Desilo se zato što je jedan mentalno nestabilni mladić imao oružije u svom posedu. Čim je to obožavao sigurno neće da igra Age Of Empires nego Call of Duty. Jedan dan mu nešto kvrcnulo u glavi i to je to.
Inače to da su FPS igre vodeća grana je samo trend koji će za koju godinu da prestane jer će doći do prezasićenja tržišta sa tim žanrom, ako se iko seća još od pre kada je bila ona poplava pucačina iz Drugog svetskog rata, kada su ljudima dosadile onda su samo prešli na nešto drugo.
U zemlji u kojoj je USTAVOM građanima garantovano pravo na posedovanje čak i jurišnih puški (`dugih cevi` - M16, M4A, AK47, itd) - uprkos tome što 75 MILIONA Amera ima neko oružje, nasilje oružjem opalo za 50% u zadnjih 20 godina.
`If you think gun violence has surged in recent years, then you’re firmly in the majority of Americans who share that opinion. However, according to a new statistical survey, YOU`RE ALSO WRONG. A new study published on Tuesday by the Pew Research Center says that gun homicides have declined by a full 49 percent since its peak in 1993. There has been an even steeper decline, 75 percent, in non-lethal crime victimization (without or without a crime) in the period between 1993 and 2010. Centers for Disease Control Prevention statistics show that there were 11,078 gun homicide deaths in the U.S., compared with 18,253 deaths in 1993.`
A kod nas, gde država jedva čeka da razoruža ljude kako ne bi mogli SAMI da se odbrane od reketaša, manijaka, raznoraznih nasilnih ludaka, silovatelja, poremećenih - i gde država samo lupa li lupa nove takse na držanje oružja - i gde ti država ODUZME oružje ako ga upotrebiš za ono čemu je namenjeno - samoodbrani - ubistava sve više i više.
Kao što Ameri kažu: `Ako se oružje stavi van zakona (zabrani) - samo oni van zakona (kriminalci i ludaci) će imati oružje.` (`If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.`)
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
U Kanadi dakle na granici recimo 5 km dalje od USA, svi isti zakoni svi takodje imaju oruzije i svi igraju te iste igre, ali se takve stvari kao u usa ne desavaju nikada, dakle mentalitet im je u penisu, nikad nece da lece uzrok nego samo posledice, i tako do besvesti u krug...
A to sto u USA mozes da kupis oruzije na svakom cosku k`o kod nas zvake na trafici, to nema veze, nije kriv zakon koji je to omogucio, krive su IGRICE, vazi... br>http://tinyurl.com/ch3mu7j
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