status: user broj poruka: 4537 | Instaliraj Social Club iz safe moda [ F8 ] Ako imas verziju Theta instaliraj Patch iz safe moda. Prvo napravi precicu na desktop pa onda udji u safe mod. Pokreces patch sa desktopa.
P.S. Evo sad nadjoh jos jedno resenje. ..........Verzija S.....W............
1: First of all put the video card drivers and directx up to date (optional) 2: mount the iso with deamon tools 3: launch the `LANLauncher.exe` virtual dvd and choose the instalation CUSTOM! 4: change c: / program .... by c: / Lanoire and finish the instalation. 5: Copy the patch to c: / Lanoire run it. (patch work) 6: Now you find the file social club in c: / Lanoire. 7: Copy the 2 dll crack on DVD2 is in c: / Lanoire. 8: Start social club `Social Club v1.0.5.0 Setup.exe` 9: LANLauncher run from c: / Lanoire and voila.
..............Verzija T...A.............