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Potrebna pomoć sa Kega Fusion Emulatorom!
Usher Potrebna pomoć sa Kega Fusion Emulatorom! 26.12.2010. 03:59 T32121

status: user
broj poruka: 85
Sve šljaka savršeno kada su u pitanju Sega Mega (Genesis) romovi. Pokušao sam sa nekoliko ISOa za Sega CD i pratio uputstvo za debile sa http://www.fantasyanime.com/emuhelp/emuhelp_kfusion.htm

Ili sam pglu ili ovo ne radi - svaki put kada učitam ISO dobijem CD plejer sa dugmićima za play,stop itd... Jel treba nešto da se `stisne` da bi učitao samu igricu ili šta?
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raic re 26.12.2010. 10:12 #276576

status: user
broj poruka: 9006
Jesi li odradio sve ovako

*** You need to download the Sega CD BIOS first

1. Once downloaded, extract the bios from its zip file and place it in the same folder that Kega Fusion is in.
2. Click on the Options menu then Set Config.
3. Click on the Sega CD tab.
3. You will arrive here. See where the red arrow is? Click on the Browse button.
4. In the window that pops up, click on `us_scd1_9210` then click on the Save button. Do the same if you downloaded the Europe or Japanese BIOS`s.
5. Click on OK.

1. I`m assuming you downloaded an ISO/MP3 archive or a BIN/CUE archive. Most emulation websites distribute their ISOs and BINs in RAR files. RAR is like ZIP but compresses better. To extract the contents of the RAR archive, you must install WinRAR or any other program that supports the RAR format.
2. Extract the ISO and its MP3 files from the RAR file. You can place them in your ROMs folder or make a new folder for it. Just make sure that you keep the ISO and its MP3s in the same folder.
3. To play the ISO, go to the File menu then Load SegaCD Image.
4. You will arrive to the screen you see toward the right. Just press start as it says and the game will play.

Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous.
Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête.

i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x2GB Kingston HyperX - 5850 Toxic - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `89

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Usher Apsolutno 26.12.2010. 13:36 #276621

status: user
broj poruka: 85
Da, sve sam to uradio prvo po svom nahođenju, a onda i po baš tom uputstvu. skontao sam da fusion.exe ima problema sa stazama za te CDbiose, ne razume adrese tipa .\ i ..\ , pa sam mu lepo dao apsolutnu stazu za sve (D:\Fusion\eu_mcd1_9210.bin). Ako imaš dobar uplaod, daj keve ti pošali mi Bios i neki ISO koji tebi radi na webdesign@sbb.rs
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raic re 26.12.2010. 17:25 #276731

status: user
broj poruka: 9006
Ideš tačno po njihovom uputstvu sa sajta i Earthworm Jim Special Edition sa ovog torenta radi bez problema.

Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous.
Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête.

i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x2GB Kingston HyperX - 5850 Toxic - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `89

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