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Kako da uklonim drugu stranu!
bata89 Kako da uklonim drugu stranu! 13.05.2008. 16:17 T9793

status: user
broj poruka: 163
Pisem u officu 07 neke dokumnte ali u cemu je problem algine sam sve stavio na krajeve.
Taj dokument sto pisem staje na jednu stranu ali ispod te ispisane stoji prazna stranica!
Pa me interesuje kako da je uklonim tu cistinu da mi ne uvlaci dva papira za dabe!

Molim vas pomagajte ???
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Equinoxe Re: 13.05.2008. 16:28 #54289

status: user
broj poruka: 12057

delete a page
You can delete a blank page in a Word document by deleting the page break (page break: The point at which one page ends and another begins. Microsoft Word inserts an `automatic` (or soft) page break for you, or you can force a page break at a specific location by inserting a `manual` (or hard) page break.) at the end of the page. You can also combine two pages by deleting the page break between them.

Make sure you`re in normal view (normal view: A view that shows text formatting and a simplified page layout. Normal view is convenient for most editing and formatting tasks.) (on the View menu, click Normal). If nonprinting characters, such as paragraph markers (¶), are not visible, click Show/Hide on the Standard toolbar, and then do one of the following:

To delete a page manually, select the page break at the end of the page, and then press delete.
To delete a blank page at the end of the document, select the page break or any paragraph markers (¶) at the end of the document, and then press delete.
To delete a page break placed before a specific paragraph, click the paragraph, and then on the Format menu, click Paragraph, click the Line and Page Breaks tab, and then clear the Page break before check box.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On je naučen u špijunsko-terorističkim centrima da sve pamti...

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MACHINE Re: Re: 13.05.2008. 17:44 #54302

status: user
broj poruka: 5710
A i ti bre bax :) pa vi`s da bata (ili seka) ne zna nis` a verovatno ni engleski. Bez uvrede. Ne kaze se algine vec margine. Kliknes na tu stranice i udaras backspace i/ili del dok ne nestane...

- A N G E L -

:: delete a pag
:: You can delete a blank page in a Word document by deleting the page break (page break: The point at which one page ends and another begins. Microsoft Word inserts an `automatic` (or soft) page break for you, or you can force a page break at a specific location by inserting a `manual` (or hard) page break.) at the end of the page. You can also combine two pages by deleting the page break between them
:: Make sure you`re in normal view (normal view: A view that shows text formatting and a simplified page layout. Normal view is convenient for most editing and formatting tasks.) (on the View menu, click Normal). If nonprinting characters, such as paragraph markers (¶), are not visible, click Show/Hide on the Standard toolbar, and then do one of the following
:: To delete a page manually, select the page break at the end of the page, and then press delete
:: To delete a blank page at the end of the document, select the page break or any paragraph markers (¶) at the end of the document, and then press delete
:: To delete a page break placed before a specific paragraph, click the paragraph, and then on the Format menu, click Paragraph, click the Line and Page Breaks tab, and then clear the Page break before check box.
:: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
:: On je naučen u špijunsko-terorističkim centrima da sve pamti...
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jovancic Naša lepo srpska jezika 13.05.2008. 18:27 #54307

status: user
broj poruka: 226
Kliknes na tu stranice i .....

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Equinoxe Re: 13.05.2008. 20:12 #54314

status: user
broj poruka: 12057

Ma zna, samo se pravi.....
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
On je naučen u špijunsko-terorističkim centrima da sve pamti...

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Pisko A? 13.05.2008. 21:25 #54330

status: user
broj poruka: 6664
Ako je na prethodnoj stranici zguzio neku tabelu sve do dna strane - margine, word forsira ubačenu sledeću blanko stranu iako na njoj nema stvarnog paragrafa (enter-ovanja) koje onda nije moguće ukinuti sa backspace ili del. Tu pomaže, podešavanje margina stranice (proširenje), smanjenje tabele.... nagledao sam se office pacova kako se muče sa time.
Ko je gledao Homera Simpsona kako isprobava koje su dve prave telefonske žice od 3 postojeće na banderi, znaće o čemu pričam....

Next - Next - Next - Accept - Ok ...? Eh? Jbt!!!

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MaliAbner Ukljuci obrnuto `P` (pi, paragraf ili kako ga ko zove) 14.05.2008. 09:50 #54380

status: user
broj poruka: 7769
Ukljuci onaj mali znak obrnuto `P` ostalo ce ti se samo javiti...

Laku noc Srbijo ma gde i ma kolika bila !!!

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