Hoću klincu da reinstaliram os i da napravim backup msn zezalica, skinuo sam besplatan program, MSN BackUp 1.3.3, koji mi traži Passport unique ID broj da bi krenuo u proces, ali ne mogu nigde da ga nadjem, bio sam na sajtu, ali nisam uspeo.
Ladno kad nisam bio lenj pa sam izbunario nesto. =) MSN ne koristim bas zbog tih zezalica koje mi idu na zivce ali ce sigurno neko da me pita ovo isto pa sa resio da saznam na vreme.
If you want to know what your unique ID/PUID is, go to http://account.live.com, sign in with your email address and password as usual. Look for the link to `registered information`. It`s right at the top of the page, in the section with your name, email address, profile photo, country/region, date of birth and registered since information. Click the link to `registered information and on the page that loads, scroll down to the very bottom, below `home`, `work` and `other` location information. Right there you should see your unique ID - a 16-character hexadecimal string. Ta Da! Now you know.
About your unique ID
The unique identifier (ID) is a 64-bit number that the Windows Live ID assigns to you at registration. The Windows Live ID stores your unique ID in a cookie on your computer.
When you sign in to a site or service that requires Windows Live ID, the Windows Live ID encrypts and sends this unique ID to the site to determine whether you are the same person from visit to visit. Sites can use your unique ID to maintain your settings and preferences every time you return.
If you close your account, the Windows Live ID does not reuse your unique ID. If you open a new account, you`ll get a new unique ID.
thx od sveg srca, pomogao si mi, moraću da probam neki drugi način ili program za backup jer mi ovaj gore navedeni izbacuje poruku `wrong unique number` uporno...
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