Ako moze neko da mi pomogne,treba mi program da narezem igru od 7.6 gb na dva DVD-a (umesto BR DVD) ,kojim programom se to radi i dali je to izvodljivo? Inace je u pitanju igra `Company of heroes Opposing Fronts` Hvala.
Ili da odes na https://www.cd-2-dvd.com, registrujes se i procitas uputstvo kako se to radi.Ako ti je to problem, evo pomoci:
1) Create two Temp folders on your hardrive. Name one folder: COH. This will be the name (Label) of DVD1. Name the other folder: COH2. NOTE: When burning DVD2 our label will still be: COH
2) Copy all the contents from the original DVD9 disc to the COH folder.
3) Download the edited COH data files rar from HERE* and extract the contents to the COH\Data directory, choosing Yes to overwrite any files when prompted. The downloaded rar file overwrites the original install.lua file and creates a new file called winmsg.exe.
4) Create a folder in the COH2 folder named: Data
5) Copy the following files from the COH\Data directory to the newly created Data folder in COH2.
Mislim da si pomesao BR (BlueRay) i DL (Dual Layer) Imas da kupis i DVD-R DL diskove, npr u prolazu kod Doma omladine, a mozda cak i u hipermarketima (doduse nisam siguran) Skuplji su, ali ces se manje iscimati...
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