Skinuo sam neki .bin file, ali ne znam shta snjim da radim. Trebalo bi da je sadrzhaj u obliku tabele sa cenovnikom, ali je jedna od kolona sa slikama. Kako da dodjem do tabele? Probao sam da raspakujem file pomocu 7zip-a, ali je dao neke file-ove bez ekstenzije.
If wants and needs divide me Then I might as well be gone...
koji to softver pakuje tabele u .BIN format i otezava ti pregled...
Koliko se ja secam, prvi put sam se sa .bin fajlom sreo jos 90-ih kada su se biosi maticnih ploca azurirali na svakih mesec dana... Posle toga .bin (binarne kopije celih CD-ova, ili DVD-ova) sam mogao da otvaram uz pomoc, recimo, Power ISO programa...
Zašto grafitnom olovkom ne mogu ponovo da otključavam množioce procesora ??
U tom slučaju, otvori fajl u nekom Hex editoru i pogledaj zaglavlje (prvih nekoliko bajtova). Potrazi na internetu o kom se tipu fajla radi i koja aplikacija otvara isti.
moze tako a ako nije cd/dvd image onda mora da znas kojim programom je napravljen da bi mogao da iskoristis isti da ga otvoris.Evo sta je bin ekstenzija:
`What is a BIN file? The .bin file extension is most commonly associated with compressed binary files. These files are used by many different computer applications and for a variety of purposes. The .bin extension is commonly used with CD and DVD backup image files and certain anti-virus programs. The BIN files contain binary code that is used by the different applications on your computer.
In some cases, the BIN files are saved in basic binary format and can be opened with a text editor. However, there are some BIN files that are created by certain computer applications, such as Roxio Creator, that must be opened with the software that it was created with or with a compatible software application. :
Znam shta je .bin, ali sad znam i da ovo nije zapravo bio .bin file.
If wants and needs divide me Then I might as well be gone...
:: :: :: :: :: moze tako a ako nije cd/dvd image onda mora da znas kojim programom je napravljen da bi mogao da iskoristis isti da ga otvoris.Evo sta je bin ekstenzija :: :: `What is a BIN file :: The .bin file extension is most commonly associated with compressed binary files. These files are used by many different computer applications and for a variety of purposes. The .bin extension is commonly used with CD and DVD backup image files and certain anti-virus programs. The BIN files contain binary code that is used by the different applications on your computer :: :: In some cases, the BIN files are saved in basic binary format and can be opened with a text editor. However, there are some BIN files that are created by certain computer applications, such as Roxio Creator, that must be opened with the software that it was created with or with a compatible software application. ::
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