E pa ovako... imam instaliran Kodak EasyShare program... sluzi mi za prebacivanje i organizaciju slika po albumima sa digitalnog foto aparata Kodak 7630.. ovaj program ima opciju online upgrade-a... do sada sam ga tako upgrade-ovao 2 ili 3 puta bez problema... samo aktiviram opciju `Check for updates` i sve se desi automatski... medjutim, juce po prvi put a potom jos nekoliko puta... opet aktiviram ja tu opciju `Check for updates`, on download-uje novu verziju i pita me da li hocu da instaliram... kada ja odgovorim `Yes` dobijem notification: `Epson Scan cannot be started. Please use the Troubleshooting Assistant to solve the problem. Do you want to open Troubleshooting Assistant?` Ja zaista imam na svom kompjuteru instaliran Epson 2480 scanner... ali kakve on ima veze sa upgrade-om Kodak software-a???... u medjuvremenu zaista nisam nista `cackao` po kompjuteru... pa da pomislim da sam ja nesto tu pokarabasao... zaista se nesto desilo `samo od sebe`... Da li neko moze da mi pomogne da resim problem i upgrade-ujem svoj Kodak software??? i sta moze da bude uzrok ovakvog ponasanja masine/software-a???..
Na jednom forumu,tema - `Kodak Easyshare kills other USB devices?`Jedan korisnik pomenutog programa se zali da je USB flash drive netrpeljiv prema Kodak softveru (ili obrnuto) - dok je Easyshare instaliran,USB ne radi.Kontaktirao je tehnicku podrsku i dobio sledeci odgovor:
`With regard to your concern about the conflict between your USB drive and the EasyShare software, we have already been hearing some similar cases and this issue is still being researched. There seem to be some conflict with the Kodak USB drivers and the drivers of your device. As a work around, you can disable the reinstall the EasyShare software but you will disable the driver. To do this, please perform the following:
1.Reinstall EasyShare. 2.Restart the computer. 3.Click on start\run and type msconfig. 4.Go to Start up tab to see the list of enabled start up items. 5.Look for KodakCCS which is the camera drivers and remove the tick mark beside it. 6.Click on apply then OK and click yes on restarting the computer.
Upon restarting, you still will be able to use your USB drive but when you connect the camera, the pictures will not be automatically transferred as before because Kodak CCS is disabled. You must enable KodakCCD first before you connect the camera to transfer pictures. To do this, go to My Computer\C:\Program Files\Common Files\Kodak\Kodak_dr and double click on KodakCCS. After double clicking on KodakCCS, you can now connect the camera to transfer the pictures.`
Ne znam koliko je ovo blisko tvojim problemima,ali,mozda moze pomoci.
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