Pozz **************************************************************************************** The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
meni se uopste ne svidja koncepcija ovog plejera, nekako se nisam pronasao s njim nikako, koristim winamp+foobar i to mi je to.. ali fala, imam i njega instaliranog
:: Izasla je finalna verzija ovog popularnog muzickog player-a. Od kada je izasao AIMP 2 samo njega koristim... Sada cemo malo da testiramo V3 :: :: Zvanicni sajt: http://goo.gl/Wl0 :: :: Poz :: *************************************************************************************** :: The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
@imarkovic Zaista sam bio odusevljen ovim player-om od kad sam poceo da ga koristim! Testirao sam AIMP 2, WinAmp i Foobar i nekako mi za nijansu ipak bolji zvuk daje AIMP 2... Mozda je to i subjektivan dojam, ali, eto, koristim ono sto mi `deluje da kvalitetinije reprodukuje zvuk`. Posebno mi se svidja sto su mi na dohvat ruke opcije poput Speed, Tempo, Pitch i raznih efekata koje mogu da primenim u realnom vremenu jer se bavim muzikom, pa za neke sitnije stvari ne moram da ulazim u ozbiljne programe za obradu muzike. Ne moram da instaliram nikakve dodatne plug in-ove za njega. Sve u svemu jako sam zadovoljan programom!
@DmasteRNo1 Radi extra, a sto se tice beta verzija, ne znam nisam ih instalirao... **************************************************************************************** The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
AIMP v3.00 Build 934 Beta 5 (10/07/2011): + Plugins: Adapted from API + Plug-ins: Scheduler - Added a button to quickly set the current time + Player: Possibility to change the User Agent- player +: Added context menu button `Repeat Track` for quick access to options retry + Player: Added support for playlists in format *. ASX + Player: Improved equalizer + Tag editor: Ability to change the size of artwork + Audio Library: Displays the album cover in Aero Peak * Skin engine: Input field - support selection from the keypad * Skin engine: Input field - support for hot keys Copy / paste * Skin engine: Now consumes less memory * Plugins: updated design window manager plugin * Plugins: Last.fm plugin now works only with fixed Last.fm-client - Fixed: confused track titles in the capture of the Internet radio - Fixed: The player skipped a single track in some cases - Fixed track repeat function properly work with files of less than 2 seconds - Fixed: Some skins displayed incorrectly on systems with a locale other than Russian - Fixed: Does not work blocking off the display full screen visualization - Fixed: Incorrect work with relative paths - Fix: Incorrect position of dialogue add a reference to multi-monitor system - Fixed: In some cases, ID3v2-tags are parsed incorrectly - Fixed: Do not read the `disk number` of the tags in a file M4A format - Fixed: Incorrect bitrate is calculated for some file formats TTA - Fixed: Playlist is not displayed disc number, if it is recorded in the tags in the format `1 / 2` - Fixed: The `Remove non-existing files` removes references to the radio - Fixed: An error occurred after restarting the player when trying to play the files with the file layout (CUE) - Fixed: The `Find new files` in some cases added to the playlist already existing files - Fixed: Editor tag retained album covers only the first selected file - Fixed: The player did not take the metadata sent by some Internet radio stations - Fixed: When playing back a DTS shift was observed on one channel - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to lose the damaged file in MP3 - Fixed: When playing a file can hear a fragment of the previous one, if the player at the time of playback was paused - Fixed: Player hangs in some cases when trying to play the WAV file format - Fixed: plugin support for multimedia keyboards absent in the 912th assembly - Fixed: Audio Library - `Find new files` did not take the new subfolders - Fixed: Music Library - Tags in the list do not appear immediately - Fixed: Player crashes when navigating around the track, if you are using DSP-plugins - Fixed: Skin-engine - in some skins could not choose a playlist tab with the mouse - Fix: Skin-engine - In some cases, the windows do not redraws - Fix: Skin-engine - incorrectly calculated the minimum allowable size of the window when you hide / show child containers
AIMP v3.00 Build 976 (30/12/2011): + Added a translation for Basque * updated localization * Player: When playing a station name is now set automatically if it has not been set by the user * Tag editor: Track no longer stored in the ID3v1, if the value is greater than 255 - Fixed: Player - at the end of the track playing a piece of the next track if shuffle is enabled - Fixed: Player - `repetition of the segment file` sometimes randomly resets to the beginning of playback - Fixed: Tag editor - buttons do not appear in the footer, if the screen resolution is less than 600 pixels in height - Fixed tag editor - the table is not updated after the completion of the AutoComplete feature tag - Fixed: Plugins - last.fm plugin sometimes does not start skrobbling - Fixed: Minor errors and omissions
:: :: :: @DmasteRNo1 Radi extra, a sto se tice beta verzija, ne znam nisam ih instalirao.. :: *************************************************************************************** :: :: ::
Pa da probamo, probamo.... najlepše izgleda minizovan na sredini dole, i da pliva iznad svih prozora...
Budale veruju u sreću.
:: AIMP v3.00 Build 934 Beta 5 (10/07/2011) :: + Plugins: Adapted from API :: + Plug-ins: Scheduler - Added a button to quickly set the current time :: + Player: Possibility to change the User Agent- :: player +: Added context menu button `Repeat Track` for quick access to options retry :: + Player: Added support for playlists in format *. ASX :: + Player: Improved equalizer :: + Tag editor: Ability to change the size of artwork :: + Audio Library: Displays the album cover in Aero Peak * Skin engine: Input field - support selection from the keypad * Skin engine: Input field - support for hot keys Copy / paste * Skin engine: Now consumes less memory * Plugins: updated design window manager plugin * Plugins: Last.fm plugin now works only with fixed Last.fm-client - Fixed: confused track titles in the capture of the Internet radio - Fixed: The player skipped a single track in some cases - Fixed track repeat function properly work with files of less than 2 seconds - Fixed: Some skins displayed incorrectly on systems with a locale other than Russian - Fixed: Does not work blocking off the display full screen visualization - Fixed: Incorrect work with relative paths - Fix: Incorrect position of dialogue add a reference to multi-monitor system - Fixed: In some cases, ID3v2-tags are parsed incorrectly - Fixed: Do not read the `disk number` of the tags in a file M4A format - Fixed: Incorrect bitrate is calculated for some file formats TTA - Fixed: Playlist is not displayed disc number, if it is recorded in the tags in the format `1 / 2` - Fixed: The `Remove non-existing files` removes references to the radio - Fixed: An error occurred after restarting the player when trying to play the files with the file layout (CUE) - Fixed: The `Find new files` in some cases added to the playlist already existing files - Fixed: Editor tag retained album covers only the first selected file - Fixed: The player did not take the metadata sent by some Internet radio stations - Fixed: When playing back a DTS shift was observed on one channel - Fixed: Player crashes when trying to lose the damaged file in MP3 - Fixed: When playing a file can hear a fragment of the previous one, if the player at the time of playback was paused - Fixed: Player hangs in some cases when trying to play the WAV file format - Fixed: plugin support for multimedia keyboards absent in the 912th assembly - Fixed: Audio Library - `Find new files` did not take the new subfolders - Fixed: Music Library - Tags in the list do not appear immediately - Fixed: Player crashes when navigating around the track, if you are using DSP-plugins - Fixed: Skin-engine - in some skins could not choose a playlist tab with the mouse - Fix: Skin-engine - In some cases, the windows do not redraws - Fix: Skin-engine - incorrectly calculated the minimum allowable size of the window when you hide / show child containers :: :: AIMP v3.00 Build 976 (30/12/2011) :: + Added a translation for Basque * updated localization * Player: When playing a station name is now set automatically if it has not been set by the user * Tag editor: Track no longer stored in the ID3v1, if the value is greater than 255 - Fixed: Player - at the end of the track playing a piece of the next track if shuffle is enabled - Fixed: Player - `repetition of the segment file` sometimes randomly resets to the beginning of playback - Fixed: Tag editor - buttons do not appear in the footer, if the screen resolution is less than 600 pixels in height - Fixed tag editor - the table is not updated after the completion of the AutoComplete feature tag - Fixed: Plugins - last.fm plugin sometimes does not start skrobbling - Fixed: Minor errors and omissions :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: @DmasteRNo1 Radi extra, a sto se tice beta verzija, ne znam nisam ih instalirao.. :: :: *************************************************************************************** :: :: :: :: :: ::
Polako ali primetih skoro 100% sam presao na ovaj program... A nekad mi je QCD bio keva za muziku... Ovaj mi je i dalje komplikovaniji od QCD ne toliko ali ja volim jednostavne stvari par klikova i cao... QCD ima lepse skinove od ovoga, ali ovaj ima bolje odradjene playliste...
DFX enhancer može da se koristi i na AIMP-u ako oćeš, ima emulator za winamp pluginove. Evo plugin http://www.mediafire.com/?b5cqgb3rr3ivn72 Na kompu mora da postoji bilo koja verzija winampa da bi mogao da se instalira plugin, može i matori winamp da se montira časkom, to je najbezbolnije. Onda treba da se iz winampovog plugin foldera prebaci dsp_dfx.dll u aimpov plugins folder. Onda se startuje aimp i iz menija u kategoriji `playing` pod `dsp manager` izabere DFX i to je to, onda može i da se uninstalira winamp.
I ja sam ostao na AIMP-u, sad se pitam kako sam živeo bez tabovanih playlista. Ranije sam kao i maliabner koristio QCD ali mi je bagovao s nekim čet programom i nije hteo da pušta neke streamove s neta. Držim ga i dalje za sređivanje tagova i konvertovanje na brzaka, za to je ekstremno zgodan.
:: Winamp sa DFX enhancer-om nema bolje.Probajte winamp sa i bez DFX-a videcete razliku ,kakav aimp :: fisk :: ::
Kada se u AIMP3 upali Asio drajver onda se stvari osetno menjaju na bolje. Ovo se odnosi na zvučne kartice koje podržavaju pravi Asio drajver. Čak i sa mojom Asus Xonar DS ima razlike u zvuku kada se uključi Asus Asio drajver jer mnogo bolje zvuči. Fora je u tome da se u ovakvom režimu rada AIMP3 ne koriste nikakvi plugin-ovi kao DFX i slično, niti bilo kakav ekvalajzer. U suštini nema i potrebe jer je zvuk stvarno ekstra.
AIMP3 meni služi za mp3 i flac stereo a Foobar2000 (sa nameštenim Asus Asio) za pravu 5.1 surround muziku bilo kao WAV, flac ili DVD Audio.
Winamp za sada nikako ne može da se poredi po kvalitetu zvuka sa AIMP3 i Foobar2000. Postoji jedan plugin koji bi trebalo da daje Asio podršku za Winamp ali je šteta što ne radi u Windows 7.
Možda nije nestabilan, al je bloatware. Plejer koji je nakada bio odličan a onda je postao AIO šit. Istina, kod mene on daje najbolji zvuk out of the box i uglavnom njega koristim.
:: ish , sta ima winamp da bude nestabilan :: :: Sta ti radis na njemu :: :: Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.2Gh :: Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperXgenesis@1600MH :: GPU:470gtxGigabyte+ProLima Mk-1 :: MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A9 :: Case:CoolerMasterElite43 :: PSU:Chieftec 650w a8 :: CpuCooler:TitanVanes :: Mis: Mx51 :: Philips 22 :: ::
onda sam saznao za aimp i od tad samo njega koristim..... nekako mi se vise svidja, najvise zbog playlist-i.... ma ko da je bitno program ko program sve stvar navike....
Case: CM 690 (Cooler master) Motherboard: GA-790XT-USB3 (gigabyte) Proc: Phenom II x2 550 Graphic card: gigabyte 6870 RAM: 2 x 2GB DDR3 @ 1600MHz (patriot) HDD: WD 500 GB + external hard drive 1TB Psu: axp 630w
:: Kada se u AIMP3 upali Asio drajver onda se stvari osetno menjaju na bolje. Ovo se odnosi na zvučne kartice koje podržavaju pravi Asio drajver. Čak i sa mojom Asus Xonar DS ima razlike u zvuku kada se uključi Asus Asio drajver jer mnogo bolje zvuči. Fora je u tome da se u ovakvom režimu rada AIMP3 ne koriste nikakvi plugin-ovi kao DFX i slično, niti bilo kakav ekvalajzer. U suštini nema i potrebe jer je zvuk stvarno ekstra :: :: AIMP3 meni služi za mp3 i flac stereo a Foobar2000 (sa nameštenim Asus Asio) za pravu 5.1 surround muziku bilo kao WAV, flac ili DVD Audio :: :: Winamp za sada nikako ne može da se poredi po kvalitetu zvuka sa AIMP3 i Foobar2000. Postoji jedan plugin koji bi trebalo da daje Asio podršku za Winamp ali je šteta što ne radi u Windows 7 :: :: ___________________________________ :: :: Phenom II X4 955BE @3.6 Ghz, GA-MA790XT-UD4P, Sapphire 6850 1GB DDR5, Kingston KHX 2x2GB DDR3 1800 CL8 + KHX 2x2gb DDR3 1600 CL9, CM Hyper 212, Samsung F3 1TB + WD640AAKS, Corsair TX750W, Chieftec CH-05B- :: ::
pa instaliraj samo verziju koja ti odgovara ili poiskljucujes nepotrebna sranja tokom instalacije. ASIO ima za winamp ali nestabilna verzija, u smislu radi najbolje samo na XP-u i navodno samo sa USB sound kartama, sa ostalim se javljaju smetnje. Elem, vezano za DFX-fanove, to je cista glupost fyi, instaliras to sranje koje se zove `enhancer` samo skracujes vek svojim zvucnicima.. zasto je problem pojacati zvucnike malo jace kad hoces `enhance` zvuk...?
:: Možda nije nestabilan, al je bloatware. Plejer koji je nakada bio odličan a onda je postao AIO šit :: Istina, kod mene on daje najbolji zvuk out of the box i uglavnom njega koristim :: :: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :: CARPE DIEM :: :: :: ish , sta ima winamp da bude nestabilan :: :: :: :: Sta ti radis na njemu :: :: :: :: Cpu:AMD Phenom II x6 1055 T @3.2Gh :: :: Ram:10 Gb KingstonHyperXgenesis@1600MH :: :: GPU:470gtxGigabyte+ProLima Mk-1 :: :: MBO:AM3+ Asus M5A9 :: :: Case:CoolerMasterElite43 :: :: PSU:Chieftec 650w a8 :: :: CpuCooler:TitanVanes :: :: Mis: Mx51 :: :: Philips 22 :: :: :: ::
da ne bi otvarao novu temu,a tice se isto nekog playera za pc za slusanje muzike koji sam pre mozda dve god video kod jednog prijatelja,izgledalo mi je jako zanimljivo taj player se nekako otvara-transformise bem li ga kako to da opisem,da li moda neko zna o kom playeru je rec?!Nadam se da se autor ove teme nece ljutiti. :)
To sto si video 99% je obican winamp sa nekom ludackom maskom(skin), imas ih po netu na kilo, samo kucaj `skins for winamp` u google images i videces i sam.
hvala na pomoci,nisam znao odakle tacno da pocnem! :)
:: :: :: :: To sto si video 99% je obican winamp sa nekom ludackom maskom(skin), imas ih po netu na kilo, samo kucaj `skins for winamp` u google images i videces i sam :: :: Ziv bio i nasao transformers winamp :)) :: :: :: Lala 4ever! :: http://fwd4.me/zC :: :: `Samo su dve stvari beskonacne - svemir i ljudska glupost. Doduše, za prvu nisam siguran` :: :: :: ::
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