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AMD relases Catalyst 11.11c performance driver
Scyter AMD relases Catalyst 11.11c performance driver 01.12.2011. 22:29 T41739

status: user
broj poruka: 8138

AMD Catalyst 11.11c performance driver features

Elder Scrolls Skyrim

New in Catalyst 11.11c: Delivers AMD CrossfireX performance scaling for the AMD Radeon HD 5000 Series
Delivers AMD CrossfireX performance scaling for AMD Radeon HD 6000 Series
Improves performance 2-7% on single GPU configurations
Resolve corruption seen when enabling Multi-Sample Anti-Aliasing on the AMD Radeon HD 6970 Series

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations

New in Catalyst 11.11b: Delivers AMD CrossfireX performance scaling

Batman Arkham City

Improves DirectX 11 performance for single GPU configurations


Delivers AMD CrossfireX performance scaling
Resolves a number of image / stability issues seen with the title:
Fix geometry corruption, sometimes seen in Bash TV entrance
Fix issues with Low-memory conditions on 32bit systems.
Fix issue with extreme corruption with missing textures on 32bit systems.
Fix memory leaks when deleting/reusing sync objects.
Fix hitching and pausing, especially noticeable on some Quad Core systems when doing races and Stanley Express runs.
Fix some missing shadows

Battlefield 3

Resolves intermittent corruption seen when playing the game at specific camera angles

``They call me... Prophet``
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peki22 Hvala i za ovaj. 01.12.2011. 22:55 #381409

status: user
broj poruka: 2936


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