This is an extremely stressful program that will put even the most powerful X86/X64 CPU in the world at its knees. Load temp under Linpack will be up to 22*C higher than the competing software Prime95.
IntelBurnTest v1.6 by AgentGOD
Description: Linpack by Intel(R) is an extremely stressful program that will put even the most powerful X86/X64 CPU in the world at its knees. Load temp under Linpack will be up to 22*C higher than the competing software Prime95. This program will make usage of Linpack easier and more practical.
Keep in mind, use this program at your own risk. By using this program, you agree that neither I nor Intel shall be responsible for including, but not limited to: burned up CPU, fried motherboard, spontaneous room temperature increase, hair loss, or mental stress.
Benefits of using Linpack: 1. More accurate than Prime95 Small FFTs/Blend. 2. Takes less time to tell if your CPU/RAM is unstable than Prime95 (usually something like 8 minutes Linpack vs 40 hours under Prime95). 3. Use the same stress-testing engine that Intel uses to test their products before they are packed and put on shelves for sale.
Benefits of using IntelBurnTest: 1. Simplifies usage of Linpack. 2. Direct output of results to the screen. 3. Simplifies the process of selecting a test size to use. 4. Better appearance.
How to test CPU and RAM stability (summarized): 1. It is best to use a 64-bit OS with the 64-bit mode for the most accurate test result. 2. Use the most available RAM possible (IntelBurnTest can now do this on its own automatically). The more memory it uses, the more accurate. 3. select the run # (should use at least 5). 4. Start running. Output should look something like this (unless if error detection is on*):
NOTE: Depending on the memory size selected, the testing size will be different, so the Residual(norm) values will not be the same if you ran this test each time with different amounts of memory selected. 5. Above indicates that the test ran fine so far without instability, but below indicates instability (the Residual(norm) values aren`t the same throughout running the test):
NOTE: Instability doesn`t necessarily have to happen at the beginning, it can happen in the middle, or at the end. It could be just ONE of them that is inconsistent, but that DOES indicate instability. It is highly recommended to use the most free memory possible for the most accurate, and quick test. BSOD or freezing are signs of instability as well.
* If error detection is on, the program will only output the results at the end of the run, and give a conclusion about whether or not your PC is stable. If it is off, you will see similar output as above during the testing. __________________________________________________________________
Prvi put cujem za ovaj program i iz gore opisanog i obzirom kakvu torturu racunaru radi plasim se da ga pustim kod mene. Nemoguce da procesor razvije oko 20 stepeni vecu temperaturu sa ovim programom nego sa prime95 !?
I sami autori su napisali da je koriscenje ovog programa na odgovornost krajnjeg korisnika ako nesto izdimi od pregrevanja ili bilo sta da se desi lose.
u pitanju su operacije nad retkom matricom (transponovanje, mnozenje...) sa 15914 elemenata i prosecnim bandwith-om od 250. A lici i na kombinovani Gromacs core
Interesantno, ako imas neki stariji Celeron ili komp, pokusaj sa 64-bitnim XP-om, steta ti nece biti velika oko 50-100 evra u odnosu na 200-400 evra, ako zelis da riskiras izvoli, ili ako hoces ubaci vodeno hladjene u komp ili azot, pa ti ta 22 stepena nece predstavljati neku razliku, kad ce ti racunar na +40 napolju raditi na 27 stepeni, tuga covece!!!
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