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Operativni sistemi i sistemski programi
Dual boot promjena slova
acosuper Dual boot promjena slova 03.03.2016. 16:04 T63025

status: user
broj poruka: 1207
Kako da zamjenim slova dve particije. Ova sto je D hocu da bude C a sto je C da bude D, a da me programi ne zezaju poslije zbog slova? Na C je win7 a na D XP.

AMD FX 8350 Eight Core 4.5GHz Cooler Master V8 / Gigabyte HD 5870 SOC Arctic Cooling Accelero Xtreme PLUS / KINGSTON 12GB (2X4GB 2x2GB) 1866 DDR3 / ASUS Sabertooth 990FX R2.0 / Samsung 840 EVO 120GB / Samsung F3 Spinpoint 500GB / Toshiba 1TB / Cooler Mast
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IceCream ccc 03.03.2016. 16:47 #615060

status: user
broj poruka: 791
ja bi reko da je C particija uvek ona od koje je sistem aktivan

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VMARC 03.03.2016. 16:56 #615061

status: user
broj poruka: 9430

Ne mozes nikako.

El Capitan

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Marcito Copy - Paste... 03.03.2016. 17:17 #615063

status: user
broj poruka: 69
..pa probaj:

Change the System/Boot Drive Letter
Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, click the following article number to view the article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
322756 How to back up and restore the registry in Windows

Make a full system backup of the computer and system state.
Log on as an Administrator.
Start Regedt32.exe.
Go to the following registry key:
Click MountedDevices.
On the Security menu, click Permissions.
Verify that Administrators have full control. Change this back when you are finished with these steps.
Quit Regedt32.exe, and then start Regedit.exe.
Locate the following registry key:
Find the drive letter you want to change to (new). Look for `\DosDevices\C:`.
Right-click \DosDevices\C:, and then click Rename.

Note You must use Regedit instead of Regedt32 to rename this registry key.
Rename it to an unused drive letter `\DosDevices\Z:`.

This frees up drive letter C.
Find the drive letter you want changed. Look for `\DosDevices\D:`.
Right-click \DosDevices\D:, and then click Rename.
Rename it to the appropriate (new) drive letter `\DosDevices\C:`.
Click the value for \DosDevices\Z:, click Rename, and then name it back to `\DosDevices\D:`.
Quit Regedit, and then start Regedt32.
Change the permissions back to the previous setting for Administrators (this should probably be Read Only).
Restart the computer.

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ICEsd re: 03.03.2016. 17:22 #615064

status: user
broj poruka: 2158

malo je nejasno pitanje.

Ako hoces da promenis boot listu onda ovako:




nesto slicno kao gornji odgovor samo jednostavnije.

Ako promenis slova particiji svi programi koji su instalirani a prate putanju particije nece raditi.
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