Telemetry and Data Collection are coming to Windows 7 and Windows 8 too
Telemetry and Data Collection are coming to Windows 7 and Windows 8 too
25.09.2015. 14:53
status: user broj poruka: 417
Mozda je vec kasno za ovu vest jer su mnogi vec instalirali te apdejte, ali za one koji planiraju da reinstaliraju Windows ili neki drugi operativni sistem:
If you have Windows update enabled in your Windows 7 or Windows 8, you might have noticed that a bunch of new updates are available for your operating system which add more telemetry and data collection services to your OS besides the one already present which you can opt out of. This is a notable change for all users who consider Windows versions prior to Windows 10 as relatively private and safe.
Once these updates are installed, Windows 7 and Windows 8 will start sending collected data using the HTTPS protocol to the following Microsoft servers:
Another thing that`s out of your control is that the operating system ignores any lines you may have added to the HOSTS file, so you cannot block the IP addresses of those servers in the usual way. They are hardcoded into system files and cannot be turned off easily.
The following updates bring more thorough telemetry and data collecting features to your older operating systems:
Jbg ja ne znam da koistim drugi operativni sistem tako da sam zaglavljen sa Windowsom ako mi on prikuplja privatne podatke a ja ne mogu da se odbranim od toga onda tesko meni...
Evo link sadrzine od tog novog HOSTS fajla. On vec ima ali vi mu dodajte onaj sto nedostaje, a to je
PS: sad sam procitao kod Winaera da to isto pise, samo sto je moj HOSTS prosiren.
Podignete lepo licni DNS, u njega ubacite praznu zonu i mogu da ga... Kad vam bas dodje da se update, promenite DNS na neki drugi, update pa vratite...
Zar ima jos uvek osoba koje izlaze na Internet sa windows-om ?
Mislim ok i to je za ljude, mada kratkog ce to veka biti. Ili ti uleti neki gremlin, ili te neko akuje, ili perverznjaci sapunjaju macore gledajuci tvoju telemetriju.
Eh te blagodeti virtualbox-a... Spoznace ih valjda ljudi jednog dana...
`The aim of public education is not to spread enlightement at all. It is simply to reduce as many individuals as possible to the same safe level, to breed a standard citizenry, to put down dissent and originallity.`
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