Hteo bih da sherujem Program files da bi drug sa drugog racunara mogao da koristi programe koji su instalirani na mom racunaru. Disk C je vec sherovan, ali on i dalje nema pristup Program files-u i ako hocu da sherujem recimo samo taj folder opcija za to je zasivljena. U cemu je problem....???
:: :: Hteo bih da sherujem Program files da bi drug sa drugog racunara mogao da koristi programe koji su instalirani na mom racunaru. Disk C je vec sherovan, ali on i dalje nema pristup Program files-u i ako hocu da sherujem recimo samo taj folder opcija za to je zasivljena. U cemu je problem....??
Mrzelo me da prevodim:
I`m going to guess that you are using XP Pro rather than home (otherwise it`s a tad more difficult) and that you have `Use Simple File Sharing` enabled (it`s the last item under Explore - Tools - Folder Options - View)
Turn off the simple file sharing and you now have the full `permissions` model for security settings. To share the programs folder (or the windows folder, etc.) set the permissions so that the `everyone` group (which will be used in a bit for the `no hassle` peer to peer guest logon authentication mode) has at least read (and maybe write, etc.) permissions to that folder and all child folders (overriding the original permissions and inheritance). When you`re done reenable simple file sharing.
Assuming the root drive is shared (C: say) then you will now be able to get at the programs on the remote computer.
However, that **doesn`t** mean you will be able to run them - at least not cleanly.
The minimum you should do is make accessible shortcuts (on either your computer or the remote one) which identify the program and the initial directory by UNC rather than drive (e.g., \computername\driveletterwithnocolon\directorypat h rather than, say, C:\program files\someprogramdirectory\programfile)
However, be warned that if the program has not been designed to be run over a network(and with the possibility of multiple simultaneous instances on multiple computers) then any number of `strange` side effects are possible or the program may just balk (e.g., if it cannot find a dll, registry entries, etc.).
Backup of both machines before messing about would be a prudent precaution ... at least until you get the feel of doing this sort of thing.
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