Ovaj još uvek radi ali nema vajde od toga, mislim da će videti ukupnu količinu rama ali će i dalje koristiti maksimum za 32bitni sistem kao i bez patch-a.
Physical Address Extension. PAE is an Intel-provided memory address extension that enables support of up to 64 GB of physical memory for applications running on most 32-bit (IA-32) Intel Pentium Pro and later platforms. Support for PAE is provided under Windows 2000 and 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. 64-bit versions of Windows do not support PAE.
PAE allows the most recent IA-32 processors to expand the number of bits that can be used to address physical memory from 32 bits to 36 bits through support in the host operating system for applications using the Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) application programming interface (API). More information about the AWE API can be found at the MSDN Library.
Da to tako funkcioniše i da sve aplikacije imaju 100% benificije, 64-bit OS ne bi imao smisla. Probaj sa PAE da uposliš Adobe After Effects, tj da alocira više od 3.25GB. Tri puta.
:: ipak mož :: :: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/hardware/gg48750 :: :: Physical Address Extension. PAE is an Intel-provided memory address extension that enables support of up to 64 GB of physical memory for applications running on most 32-bit (IA-32) Intel Pentium Pro and later platforms. Support for PAE is provided under Windows 2000 and 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. 64-bit versions of Windows do not support PAE :: :: PAE allows the most recent IA-32 processors to expand the number of bits that can be used to address physical memory from 32 bits to 36 bits through support in the host operating system for applications using the Address Windowing Extensions (AWE) application programming interface (API). More information about the AWE API can be found at the MSDN Library :: :: koji su ia-32 procesor :: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IA-3 :: :: :: Neizvodljivo. 32-bit sistem ne može teoretski a kamoli praktično da adresira više od 3Gb rama (3,nešto :: :: :: :: sve u svemu, može jer prošire adresiranje na 36 bita :) , ali neće : :: :: :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WBmVxATDSJ :: :: Moje sokoćal :: :: Sempron 14 :: :: Asus M4A89GTD PRO/USB :: :: 2*1GbGb DDR3 Kingston HiperX 160 :: :: Čifteković 0,35K :: :: WD Bleki 1T :: :: :: ::
začkoljica je u tome - ako može windows da uposli 64GB, sve i da svaki program posebno može da adresira 3,25GB možeš pokrenuti 20 takvih programa paraleno, zar ne? i svaki može da alocira maximum njegov za memoriju.
u svakom slučaju to što ti kažeš nije bilo predmet rasprave - da li pojedinačni program može da iskoristi više od 3,25GB rama ako Windows može da alocira 64GB
specifikacije iz davnih vremena: Windows 2000 Advanced Server Minimum Requirements Computer/Processor 133 MHz or higher Pentium-compatible CPU Memory 256 MB of RAM recommended minimum (128 MB minimum supported. 8 GB maximum) Hard Disk 2 GB hard disk with a minimum of 1.0 GB free space. (Additional free hard disk space is required if you are installing over a network.) CPU Support Windows 2000 Advanced Server supports up to eight CPUs on one machine
mada definitivno je bolje ako ti treba RAM preći na 64bita, ali ni to nije ono o čemu se pričalo
moguće je, mada besmisleno je
:: :: Da to tako funkcioniše i da sve aplikacije imaju 100% benificije, 64-bit OS ne bi imao smisla. Probaj sa PAE da uposliš Adobe After Effects, tj da alocira više od 3.25GB. Tri puta ::
encryption software can benefit greatly from 64-bit registers (if the software is 64-bit compiled) and effectively execute 3 to 5 times faster on 64-bit than on 32-bit.
Some 64-bit architectures, such as x86-64, allow for more general purpose registers than their 32-bit counterparts. This is a significant speed increase for tight loops since the processor doesn`t have to fetch data from the cache or main memory if the data can fit in the available registers.
Speed is not the only factor to consider in a comparison of 32-bit and 64-bit processors. Applications such as multi-tasking, stress testing, and clustering—for HPC (high-performance computing)—may be more suited to a 64-bit architecture when deployed appropriately. 64-bit clusters have been widely deployed in large organizations such as IBM, HP and Microsoft, for this reason.
Ne znam jedino da li su testirali na igricama koja je prednost ...
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