Molim help,treba mi windows 7 starter x86,ako mozete pomagajte jako mi je hitno. Treba mi naravno untouched verzija za download. Pls help. Treba da je inst na Dell inspirion 1018 Usput mi treba pomoc ono instaliranja doticnog sa usb-a i naravno njegova aktivacija. Pls pomagajte ako mozete . Hvala unapre !!!
prvo-warezbb forum gde mozes skinuti.Drugo-google pa search how to install win 7 from usb flash drive!Znam da nije bas ono sto si trazio ali potrudi se malo.Znas gde da trazis i to je vise nego dovoljno.A za instalaciju ti je lakse tako nego da ti sad ovde pisu kako i sta.Ako ne znas engleski trazi ima tema i na srpskom sigurno. AMD Athlon II X4 630 3,2ghz
Druze nigde nepise,zanima me jel to untouched verzija,samo me to zanima pa da se bacim na down,pokusavam da citam u komentarima al nepise. TNX! :: :: :: Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous :: Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête. :: :: i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x2GB Kingston HyperX - 5850 Toxic - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `8 :: ::
E druze fala ti ,ako dodjes u NS idemo na pivo ! :) Za inst sa usba sam se snasa .:) Fala !!! :)
:: U komentarima nema, al u opisu im :: `This is Windows 7 Starter X86 as released on MSDN :: A i ko bi modovao to govance.. :: :: Ima na netu dosta uputstava za instalaciju sa u-es-beja, a ima i gomila aktivatora za sve verzije windowsa na piratebay-u :: :: Les certitudes rendent les hommes aveugles et fous :: Elles peuvent dévorer leur coeur et les changer en bête. :: :: i5 750 - TRUE Black - P7P55D - 2x2GB Kingston HyperX - 5850 Toxic - Silverstone ST50F-230 - JugoDrvo `8 :: :: :: Druze nigde nepise,zanima me jel to untouched verzija,samo me to zanima pa da se bacim na down,pokusavam da citam u komentarima al nepise :: :: TNX :: ::
Ne treba ti striktno starter verzija. Možeš da nabaviš npr ultimate verziju i instaliraš kao starer: 1) Extract all contents of the ISO to a folder on the deskop. I recommend using 7-Zip to open the ISO up.
2) Browse into the folder where you extracted all the files to and open up the /sources/ folder and locate ei.cfg.
3) delete ei.cfg. If you delete this file, it will give you options on which version you want to install during installation. Edit: If you edit this file, you can set which version of Windows you want it to install automatically. If you chose to EDIT the file, just open the ei.cfg file in notepad and edit:
Change the word to Ultimate or any other version you would like to install. Ultimate Professional HomePremium HomeBasic Starter
Uradi bas ovako kako je navedeno.Starter neces moci instalirati sa USB.Ne pitaj ni zasto,iz iskustva znam.
:: Ne treba ti striktno starter verzija. Možeš da nabaviš npr ultimate verziju i instaliraš kao starer :: 1) Extract all contents of the ISO to a folder on the deskop. I recommend using 7-Zip to open the ISO up :: :: 2) Browse into the folder where you extracted all the files to and open up the /sources/ folder and locate ei.cfg :: :: 3) delete ei.cfg. If you delete this file, it will give you options on which version you want to install during installation :: Edit: If you edit this file, you can set which version of Windows you want it to install automatically :: If you chose to EDIT the file, just open the ei.cfg file in notepad and edit :: :: Change the word to Ultimate or any other version you would like to install :: Ultimat :: Professiona :: HomePremiu :: HomeBasi :: Starte :: :: :: ::
Hvala za ovo uputstvo ali ja sam vec skinuo raicev predlog,nabacio na usb ,i inst sa usba starter verziju bez problema,skinuo loader sa TPB-a takodje i evo zavrsio sam sve upravo,sve sljaka super. Hvala svima na pomoci.
:: :: Uradi bas ovako kako je navedeno.Starter neces moci instalirati sa USB.Ne pitaj ni zasto,iz iskustva znam :: :: :: Ne treba ti striktno starter verzija. Možeš da nabaviš npr ultimate verziju i instaliraš kao starer :: :: 1) Extract all contents of the ISO to a folder on the deskop. I recommend using 7-Zip to open the ISO up :: :: :: :: 2) Browse into the folder where you extracted all the files to and open up the /sources/ folder and locate ei.cfg :: :: :: :: 3) delete ei.cfg. If you delete this file, it will give you options on which version you want to install during installation :: :: Edit: If you edit this file, you can set which version of Windows you want it to install automatically :: :: If you chose to EDIT the file, just open the ei.cfg file in notepad and edit :: :: :: :: Change the word to Ultimate or any other version you would like to install :: :: Ultimat :: :: Professiona :: :: HomePremiu :: :: HomeBasi :: :: Starte :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::
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