I`ve just discovered how to fix it all you need to do is to download the Windows XP driver file for HP laserJet 1000 from HP website...it`s the one named `HP LaserJet 1000 Host Based Driver`
1) Right click and unzip the exe file you`ve just downloaded 2) Goto Printers (Control Panel\Hardware and Sound\Printers) 3) Right Click in the window and select Add a printer. The popup window should now apear 4) Click Add a local printer 5) Click Next 6) Click Have Disk 7) Browse to the location of unzipped folder you (See step 1) 8) My printer was with USB so I choose zUSB.inf (not sure about serial, u might have to choose HPLJ1000 for serial) 9) Click Open and then OK
Computer will install the printer named hp LaserJet 1000, but it wont work
Now Connect your printer to the computer... Vista will look for the printer driver and install the printer named hp LaserJet 1000 (Copy) which will work You can now delete the printer named `hp LaserJet 1000` and make `hp LaserJet 1000 (Copy)` the default printer You might wanna rename it too
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