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Operativni sistemi i sistemski programi
Pitanje oko win 7...
matz Pitanje oko win 7... 02.11.2009. 06:13 T21478

status: user
broj poruka: 801

Kupio bih home 64bit verziju pa me zanima da li za obicnog korisnika kao sto sam ja gubim nesto u odnosu na Pro,Ultimate ?

Druga stvar koja me zanima je ta da u slucaju gubitka diska ili ostecenja sta radim ?

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nenika Snimi ga sa ALKOHOLOM U ISO formatu a original cuvaj u fioci 02.11.2009. 07:35 #154301

status: user
broj poruka: 1133
Windows 7 N Starter
The least-featured edition of Windows 7. the Windows Aero theme is not included, and it won`t be available in a 64-bit variant. This edition will be available pre-installed on computers through system integrators or computer manufacturers.[6][11]

Windows 7 Home Basic
Windows 7 Home Basic will be available in emerging markets such as Bangladesh, Brazil, People`s Republic of China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Thailand.[12] It will not be available in countries such as Australia, Canada, France, Germany, The Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, New Zealand, the United States, and the United Kingdom.[12] Some Aero options are excluded along with several new features.[12]

Windows 7 Home Premium
This edition contains features aimed at the home market segment, such as Windows Media Center, Windows Aero and touch-screen controls.[13]

Windows 7 Professional
This edition is targeted towards enthusiasts and small business users.[14] It includes all the features of Windows 7 Home Premium, and adds the ability to participate in a Windows Server domain.[14] Additional features include operating as a Remote Desktop server, location aware printing, Encrypting File System, Presentation Mode and Windows XP Mode.[14]

Windows 7 Enterprise
This edition targets the enterprise segment of the market and will be sold through volume licensing to companies which have Software Assurance contract with Microsoft.[15] Additional features include support for Multilingual User Interface (MUI) packages, BitLocker Drive Encryption, and UNIX application support.[15] Not available through retail or OEM channels, this edition will be distributed through Microsoft Software Assurance (SA).[15] As a result it includes several SA-only benefits, including a license allowing the running of multiple virtual machines, and activation via VLK.[16]

Windows 7 Ultimate
Windows 7 Ultimate contains the same features as Windows 7 Enterprise, but unlike that edition it will be available to home users on an individual license basis.[17] Windows 7 Home Premium and Windows 7 Professional users will be able to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate for a fee using Windows Anytime Upgrade if they wish to do so.[8] Unlike Windows Vista Ultimate, the Windows 7 Ultimate edition will not include the Windows Ultimate Extras feature or any exclusive features.[17]
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