Microsoft blacklists leaked Lenovo OEM Windows 7 Key
Microsoft blacklists leaked Lenovo OEM Windows 7 Key
31.07.2009. 16:30
status: user broj poruka: 1583
Microsoft has responded to pirates by blacklisting the Lenovo OEM key that leaked earlier this week.
On Tuesday Neowin reported that pirates were able to modify their BIOS and activate copies of Windows 7 Ultimate with a Lenovo OEM master key. Microsoft have worked with Lenovo to blacklist the master key before Windows 7 starts shipping with new PCs in October.
According to Alex Kochis, Director of Genuine Windows at Microsoft: `we`ve worked with that manufacturer so that customers who purchase genuine copies of Windows 7 from this manufacturer will experience no issues validating their copy of Windows 7. At the same time we will seek to alert customers who are using the leaked key that they are running a non-genuine copy of Windows. It`s important to note that no PCs will be sold that will use this key.`
Windows 7 is due to ship on October 22 this year and it`s 99% certain that after this date more OEM keys will start leaking. According to Microsoft officials `Windows 7 already includes an improved ability to detect hacks, also known as activation exploits, and alert customers who are using a pirated copy.` It has always been a cat and mouse game between Microsoft and pirates and it seems that it`s 0-0 once again.
Meni je bitno da je Hazar odradio svoj posao odlicno, winows update je iskljucen i manuelno proveravam da li ima nekih bitnih update-ova... Sada je izgleda rizicno da se pusti bilo kakav update, a koliko vidim i ne izbacuju ih nesto... **************************************************************************************** The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.
Eto, oduvek sam slutio da M$ muti nesto sa Apachima. A nama kenj*ju o pirateriji! Sledeci Window$ bi mogao da se zove Jeronimo. Ili `Bill koji sedi` (i u SteveBolmerovo d*pe gledi).
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