Sta se desava sa Rapidshare-om danas? Ne mogu da pristupim sajtu uopste! Imam premiuim account i skidam vec mesecima,a nije se ovo desavalo? Da li se i drugima sto koriste rapidshare desava ovo?
Ne brze od zivota, al moze 250km/h sa BMW 325Ci !!!
Mozda rade na prosirenju svojih servera ili tako nesto? Bas nikad nisam imao preoblema za vise od godinu dana. Dal postoji mogucnost da download limit sa 25gb povecaju na vise ?
Ne brze od zivota, al moze 250km/h sa BMW 325Ci !!!
Rapidshare technician Steven Gircham has commented on this issues: `There are rumors concerning attacks made on the servers. There are also rumors that Rapidshare has been shut down by a court order. These rumors are false. We would like to apologize to our users and inform them that no data has been lost. There have been some hardware issues as a result of high bandwidth and server overload. We are doing our very best to resolve the hardware issues, and users should expect uptime by midnight tonight (GMT)`
Unfortunately, starting at 5 pm CET, one of our carriers experienced a severe technical problem with their hardware, causing a loss of 50 gigabit of bandwidth. Therefore RapidShare was unavailable for several hours. We already have taken steps to avoid this particular problem in the future.
Ne brze od zivota, al moze 250km/h sa BMW 325Ci !!!
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