Da li je moguce poslati poruku korisniku preko mac adrese koji je nakacen na isit wifi ruter na koji i ja, i ako jeste kako? Ako je moguce iz cmd-a, bez dodatnih programa.
I sama poruka da mu iskoči? nema šanse, taj protokol ne postoji u windowsu, morao bi da imaš poseban program za tako nešto. Najlakše ti je da mu udješ u kompjuter i na desktopu ostaviš NE ULAZI.txt fajl, i videće poruku u najkraćem roku
Metasploit Unleashed at Reverse Space Week 1-6 Training
Metasploit Unleashed Class at Reverse Space Week 1 One day I got it in my head that since graduating from my Masters program I`ve come to miss teaching. Still on the fence about getting myself committed to a PhD program, I decided to teach some hacking classes at Reverse Space the hackerspace where a hold a cool title (Director of Cyberwarface). The first class I am teaching is Metasploit Unleashed. This past week was our first session. We covered the module Metasploit Fundamentals.
The class meets each week until we finish in April with a capture the flag game. There are two available class times Thursday 8pm and Saturday 3pm. I teach the same thing each time, so you need only attend one each week. If you are local and would like to join send me an email. If you can`t make it in to Reverse Space, we do a GoToMeeting for people to call in and see my screen.
In the meantime here are the materials from the first class. The screencast is from Thursday`s class and the video is from Saturday`s class, so the class is slightly different as these things are.
Metasploit Unleashed at Reverse Space Week 2 Another week of Metasploit Unleashed classes at Reverse Space. This week we covered Information Gathering and Vulnerability Scanning.
Metasploit Unleashed at Reverse Space Week 4 This week for Week 4 we covered exploit development. There is plenty in the course module that was not covered. This lecture is suitable for beginning exploit development. We exploited the 3com TFTP service we fuzzed last week. Porting the exploit to Metasploit was left for an exercise. In Week 5 in addition to client side exploitation we will go over porting the 3com TFTP exploit into Metasploit as well as some additional Metasploit exploit development features
Metasploit Unleashed at Reverse Space Week 5 One of the Metasploit Unleashed students, Nicholas B. volunteered to teach the client sides lecture this past week. I`ll be back in the spotlight this Thursday and Saturday with Metasploit post exploitation.
The guest speaker this week was Rob Fuller (mubix). He presented Metasploit Magic and even showed us a little something new.
Metasploit Unleashed at Reverse Space Week 6 This week we covered some post exploitation and meterpreter scripting. See you all next week for the final class.
ima po netu, linkova, wugl je dobar izbor, a ostalo dobra volja :)...
Postoji odlicna komanda `net send`, ali ukinuli su je izlaskom W7. Otkucas komandu, user i tekst i posalje popup jednostavno.. ali nisam siguran da radi van lokalne mreze. Plus, morao bi da saznas ip adresu na osnovu MAC-a, to radis komandom `arp -a`, gde su ti izlistane asocirane adrese sa mac adresama, ali opet, pitanje da li bi radilo.. pretpostavljam da ako si na istoj mrezi(u istom opsegu), tj. ako se npr. zakacis ti i jos neko na isti wireless, dobijate adrese iz istog opsega, ali nisam proveravao da li komanda arp -a izlistava kod tebe njegovu adresu, ako izlistava, mozes verovatno i poruku da posaljes, s tim da bi u ovom slucaju (net send) morao i ti i on da imate XP. W7 sa XP-om ne radi. Na linuxu garantovano postoji neko resenje.
:: Da li je moguce poslati poruku korisniku preko mac adrese koji je nakacen na isit wifi ruter na koji i ja, i ako jeste kako? Ako je moguce iz cmd-a, bez dodatnih programa.
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