# NEW - Silent, background updates - Support for SPDY networking protocol v3 - WebGL enhancements, including compressed textures for better performance - Localization in Maithili (see all available locales) # CHANGED - Optimized memory usage for add-ons # DEVELOPER - JavaScript debugger integrated into developer tools - New layout view added to Inspector - High precision event timer implemented - The CSS word-break property has been implemented. - New responsive design tool allows web developers to switch between desktop and mobile views of sites # HTML5 - Native support for the Opus audio codec added - The and elements now support the played attribute - The element now supports the media attribute # FIXED - Focus rings keep growing when repeatedly tabbing through elements
`Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
BLAMFOX. Vise ne stizem ni da ga pokrenem izmedju dva `velika` updatea... U stvari, to je response na zadnji adobi fles update i na prekjucerasnji java update, a mozda je i nesto od navedenih dzidza-midza stvarno cacnuto... Sveukupno se grcevito bore, ali, protiv vetrenjaca i postaju blamfox, pa sada, umesto da se hvale non-stop ispravkama, jednostavno ih kriju. Budale računaju na sreću.
:: Klik na `Download latest version`: :: http://www.filehippo.com/download_firefox :: :: Šta je novo :: :: # NE :: - Silent, background update :: - Support for SPDY networking protocol v :: - WebGL enhancements, including compressed textures for better performance :: - Localization in Maithili (see all available locales :: # CHANGE :: - Optimized memory usage for add-ons :: # DEVELOPE :: - JavaScript debugger integrated into developer tool :: - New layout view added to Inspecto :: - High precision event timer implemente :: - The CSS word-break property has been implemented :: - New responsive design tool allows web developers to switch between desktop and mobile views of site :: # HTML :: - Native support for the Opus audio codec adde :: - The and elements now support the played attribut :: - The element now supports the media attribut :: # FIXE :: - Focus rings keep growing when repeatedly tabbing through elements :: :: `Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
:: Klik na `Download latest version`: :: http://www.filehippo.com/download_firefox :: :: Šta je novo :: :: # NE :: - Silent, background update :: - Support for SPDY networking protocol v :: - WebGL enhancements, including compressed textures for better performance :: - Localization in Maithili (see all available locales :: # CHANGE :: - Optimized memory usage for add-ons :: # DEVELOPE :: - JavaScript debugger integrated into developer tool :: - New layout view added to Inspecto :: - High precision event timer implemente :: - The CSS word-break property has been implemented :: - New responsive design tool allows web developers to switch between desktop and mobile views of site :: # HTML :: - Native support for the Opus audio codec adde :: - The and elements now support the played attribut :: - The element now supports the media attribut :: # FIXE :: - Focus rings keep growing when repeatedly tabbing through elements :: :: `Those who want respect - give respect.` - Anthony J. Soprano
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